Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

278、Crisis Contact! I Will Definitely Be Back! !


The flames soared into the sky!

Under the concerted effort, large stones were hit and shattered one after another.

In contrast to the above.

With the joint efforts of Bai Huniang and others, this enlarged super-giant island~ finally fell apart.

Disintegrated into gravel fast.

"Puff puff!"

Red Lane together with Holy Land.

It was smashed out of the pitted hole, and dense ripples appeared on the sea surface!

Although in the end, a large amount of gravel still fell under the high-speed dive.

Some casualties were caused.

But this is much better than dropping the whole piece!

"The's over!"

"Great, alive, Laozi is still alive!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo s on yum kudos to Sengoku Admiral and Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Pirates, catch these pirates!"

"Marine... don't bring such things, we just helped you with shells!"


Marine and the pirates hugged each other and wept for the rest of their lives.

Everyone is happy.


no way.

The super coercion just now was really terrifying, I almost thought it was a holy place... oh no.

This Red Line is going to be destroyed.

Who would have thought.

Will it be redeemed in this case?

The same is true.

Without Rodin's chop, it would have greatly slowed down the momentum of the island.


Split the two sides and fly to the sides of the pilgrimage site.

The island fell directly.

Without the cushion that Rodin brings.

Sengoku Garp alone is absolutely unstoppable!


At an altitude of seven thousand meters close to the White Sea.

Golden Lion nearly popped his eyeballs out.

what's the situation?

For an island of this size, there is absolutely nothing in the world except the Red Line.

Largest land area!

How can it be.

How could it just be gone?!

this moment.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

But no way.

The Golden Lion watched the huge island below being worn away bit by bit.

seen it myself.

You can't fake it.

"Even this failed!?"

Golden Lion held two knives.

Suppressing the raging waves in his heart, he turned around and flew in one direction.

Keep it up.

It is no longer necessary.

The collapse is over.

Absolutely irreparable.

Also, he is not human at both ends.

Marine aspect.

Never die.

In terms of my own people... after knowing what I do.

Any room for maneuver?


“I will definitely be back!”

Golden Lion left a ruthless sentence in the air, and the speed continued to climb!

"No, it can end now.

in mind.

A cold word.

The complexion of the flying Golden Lion changed, and it stopped directly at the cloud master.

0…ask for flowers……………


A figure bathed in purple-blue lightning appeared.

There was a high-pitched crackling sound.

Very harsh!

Golden Lion was startled: "Who are you?!"

Can this catch up?

People from the World government? The background is so strong!

"You don't need to know that much...just understand that you will be buried here today.

"The sky is your burial place, so it fits well with your fruit ability, doesn't it?"


Purple blue figure.

That is to say, Rodin, who maintained the super Thor state, erupted with incomparably dazzling brilliance.

next second.

Before Golden Lion reacted.

It flashed over his head.

The giant thunder spear that had already been lifted up was thrown at it fiercely!

"Zi Boom—"

Golden Lion's twin sabers rushed forward, cutting open the lightning spear.

Apex big pirate.

As expected of the apex.

Almost as soon as Rodin disappeared, he made a quick prediction and reaction.



All the fastest!

Another person might not be able to imitate it at all, and was directly penetrated by Rodin's Thunder Spear.

"You have a lot of consumption, don't you?"

After the Golden Lion cut it open, he grinned at the corner of his mouth: "How dare you block the confidence I gave you in this state?!"

Say it.

He turned his swords.

Draw two gleaming slashes!

"Slash Wave!".

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