A roar.

The orangutan dodged behind the boy and raised his fist as big as a millstone.

Go to the back of his head.

The boy in the blue clothes seemed to be in a bad mood.

Take a sharp turn.

The big rubber fist stretched and contracted suddenly, hitting the orangutan's plush face first.

"Boom one

The strong wind pressure exploded out of thin air.

The orangutan's face was sunken, and he staggered two steps.

A boy with a white scarf tied around his eyes.

Naturally, he did not let go of this opportunity, and took advantage of the gap of its retreat.

His fist hit the orangutan like a storm.

for a moment.

He swung dozens of punches!

at last.

The orangutan finally couldn't hold on, and fell down on the green grass with a thud.


"Finally solve this big man."

Luffy let out a foul breath and wiped his sweat.

Immediately afterwards.

My stomach was also rumbling.

"very hungry!"

"Hey... Uncle Rayleigh, let's have dinner!!!"

Luffy unwrapped the white scarf wrapped around his eyes.

Yelled and yelled.

But this time.

But there was no immediate response from Rayleigh.


Luffy had to take the initiative to look for it.

So hard.

He soon found it on the shore.

Old Rayleigh.

Standing alone on a branch of a tree, staring at the sky.

"Uncle Rayleigh, what are you looking at?"

Luffy throws a right hand.

After grabbing the tree trunk where Rayleigh was, Li pulled his body and flew over.

Then he was on the same level as Rayleigh.

"Luffy. See?"

Rayleigh looked serious.

Luffy followed his gaze, also looking north.


Doubt just came out.

his sight.

Locked on a spaceship the size of a sesame seed!

This is the first glance.

After Luffy reacted.


It has grown from a sesame seed to the size of a watermelon.


Obviously a lot closer.

"That's...a flying ship!"

Luffy's eyes lit up.

This is the expression he only makes when he sees something new and interesting, or something he likes.

"Luffy... I was talking to you about that man named Rodin before.

Rayleigh took a deep breath.


Luffy frowned thoughtfully.

Rayleigh said: "The discharge captain with a crew of strange women!"

listen to this.

Luffy reacted immediately, and his eyes were rarely gloomy.

The tone was a little indifferent.

"It's him?"

own grandfather.

It was killed by that guy!

Luffy clenched his fists tightly, as if a flame was burning violently in his chest.

for a while.

The creaking sound continued.

But Luffy is not as impulsive as before.


he understands.

The gap between oneself and the other party is already a world away.

0…ask for flowers………

not calm.

You also have to force yourself to calm down.

Rayleigh glanced at him with a sigh in his heart.

"I hope it's just passing by."

He adjusted his glasses.

As much as possible.

Suppressing the breath that emanates from itself.


Then there's no way.

He didn't want Luffy to run away or anything.

In this situation.

Any rash action will only accelerate the risk of exposing yourself.



What Rayleigh didn't know was.

Rodin's heart web.

They have already been investigated clearly!


After the flying boat approached the island, its speed slowed down.

at last.

Hovered directly above.

What Rayleigh didn't want to see finally came.


The airship began to make an emergency landing.


It landed on the shore of the beach!

100 meters away.


Luffy grabbed the bark with his left hand hard.

A piece of skin was scratched.


At this moment, his heart was not at peace.

"Uncle Rayleigh...is he, a good man?"

That's what I said.

Luffy feels like he's retarded.

"Come on Luffy, some things have to be faced.

Rayleigh shook his head.

other side.

It's obviously aimed at them, there's no need for Heng to hide his head and show his tail. .

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