Sanji saw this scene.

The loving eyes shot out instantly: "Madam, don't thank me like that!"

That's what it says.

But his body couldn't help but lean forward, obviously wanting to embrace the beauty in his arms.


development of things.

Obviously not as good as he imagined.

There was only a sound of wind and sand.

in a blink.

Sanji was sucked dry and fell to the deck with a 'bang'.

"Don't kill this guy."


"From now on, shut up."

Rodin glanced at her.

When Crocodile heard the words, he did so in an instant.

in the eyes.

There is a panic that cannot be concealed.

her life.

Are you about to be manipulated at will?

Rodin threw the emaciated Sanji overboard.

Three years of getting along.

There is still a little emotion, so it won't be put to death.

Rodin looked up slightly.

Even though Crocodile became a woman, she was over two meters tall.

taller than him.


This does not affect her shapely figure.

"You know Haki, right?"

Rodin asked the question he had been curious about all along.

It stands to reason that it is definitely possible to break into the New World.

But in the original book.

Lao Sha's performance in Alabasta.

It really made him dare not compliment.

Crocodile frowned and nodded stiffly.

In his heart, he looked at the man in front of him who looked down on him.

Scolded all over.

"very good."

Rodin said.

Removed grid black stockings from the system inventory.

"Put it on."

People with Logia's fruit ability like Lao Sha.

Early fruits are eaten too early.

Often because of the expanded strength and convenient elementalization, they do not pay attention to the body and Haki's practice.

And the grid socks rewarded by the system can upgrade Haki to a higher level!

The increase is expected to be large.

"This is an artifact that can become stronger. Be quick, it's not good to be misunderstood."

When Crocodile heard this, his eyes widened suddenly.

Become stronger?

Ghost letter!

in addition.

in the world she belongs to.

Whether it's high heels or socks.

These are all worn by men, and women don't wear such things at all.

without it,

Grandpa fired!


She couldn't control her body.


The black trousers fell off, and she changed into mesh socks.

This made her blushing, her pretty face even more attractive.

Think yourself dignified Shichibukai.

She was forced to dress like this.

Simply shameless.

Rodin looked slightly appreciative, and slowly retracted it.

the other side.

The entrance of the restaurant.

Suddenly ran into a hurried Marine.

"Captain, it's not good Captain!"

His left cheek was covered with blood, and he looked extremely panicked: "We let the pirate Krieg's men escape!"


Hope, who fell to the ground, was also in a panic.

Nosebleeds and fresh blood continued to flow from the head.

I don't know who hit it.

"K, the Krieg gang?"

"Isn't that the strongest pirate group in East Blue?"

All the diners exclaimed.

Few people in East Blue don't know the infamous Krieg pirates.


Gunshots rang out.

I saw A Jin, the ghost man coming from behind, and he shot and killed the Marine with a gun in one hand.



The diners screamed.

They all hid in the corner, for fear that if they were not careful, they would harm Yang Chi

Only a few chefs remained calm.

"Could it be another guy who wants to mess around in my shop?"

Zapp was in a bad mood.

He glanced at the straw hat youth beside him.

This guy just smashed his roof with a shell.

The account is not yet settled.

Here comes another trouble! ?

And Ah Jin.

Then he went straight into the restaurant, and when he passed by Captain Hope, he didn't bother him.

walk step by step.

There is an indescribable momentum.

Just didn't take a few steps.

He felt a strong force coming from his body, and he was pushed to the dining table beside him like a little daughter-in-law.

Instantly lost momentum.

Zhe Pu, who had a beard tied in two braids, could not help cursing when he saw who was coming: "You bastard, why don't you get out of here!"

Hope also whispered, "This waiter is going to be killed."

"Damn it!"

Ajin leaned on the table with his left hand, raised his flintlock with his right hand, and aimed at the man.

But glimpse behind the man.

Behind the tall, shadowed figure at the door.

The pupils suddenly contracted.


Not just him.

Chef Zapp and Captain Hopperty were all taken aback.

This one is dressed up.

"Are you kidding me?"

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