Mihoke held the white sword day and lightly danced a sword flower.

The staggered flying snow blades met the messy ball of light.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

The sky shone blindingly.

I saw bursts of smoke spreading out, and the attacks of the two offset each other.

Kizaru's 'Bachiqiong Gouyu' ended in failure.

at this time.

Mihoke's body has already rushed to the sky, and the white knife covered with patterns swung down on his head.

"A character at the Admiral level, I have wanted to fight for a long time."

"The old man is also very curious about you."

In the blink of an eye, Kizaru pulled his hands together, and a large laser sword charged forward.

"Amazon Cloud Sword!"


The center points of the two weapons exploded, followed by sparks from violent friction.

Several short hairs were cut off by the excess sword energy.

"Yo... Is it no less than the sword of the Supreme Great Sharp Knife Twelve Crafts?... It is just as the rumors say, it is terrifyingly sharp."

Kizaru narrowed his eyes slightly: "You are a woman, and you are also terrifyingly strong."

"Without further ado."

Mihoko's eyes turned cold.

The snowflake blade slipped and flipped and struck Kizaru's abdomen.

Just as the two continued to fight.

Centered on the Proverbs of the Ark, hundreds of meters away in the mist.

There were scarlet rays of light, which were pairs of eyes.


It can be seen that it is a row of tall shadows.


Exactly the same as Shichibukai's 'Tyrant Bear'!

They opened their mouths.

Immediately afterwards.

More than a dozen dazzling lasers shot towards the ark!

"A pacifist?"

Rodin smiled slightly.

Just at this critical moment.

The same amount of steel wires, as thick as a bucket and dyed black, poured out from above the ark.

The laser hit the line.

The ending should have been obvious, but it went beyond Marine's expectations.


A burst of excitement dissipated.

The laser dissipates.

The thick lines that haunt Haki are still there!

Dover's figure grasped with both hands, controlling the armed line that was half worn away.


and its subtlety.

Wound more than a dozen pacifists and flew them into the distance.

Just when Dover still wanted to make a move.

Bartholemew Kuma flashed in front of her, and quickly slapped: "Your opponent...is me."

Dover folded his fair hands in front of him.

The thin transparent lines on both sides circled up and blocked the bear's paw in time.


The thin wires are scattered.

The corners of Dover's pink lips curled up, and his agile figure was flying in the air.

Accompanied by a large number of dense lines gushing out.

Faced with the Tyrant Bear.

at this time.

The lowered Zhan Taowan held a big ax in his right hand and walked up little by little.

"The situation is not good."

But it didn't take long for him to go up.

A sandstorm rolled down, blocking his upward steps.

It was Crocodile.

on the ark.

Beside Rodin, there are now only two women left.

"Our main goal is to kill Shichibukai Moria, everything else is secondary."

Rodin glanced slightly sideways.

There are four days left in the cooldown, but Moria can save him two days!

"Don't worry, leave it to me as the captain!"

Baji's rosy nose stood out, and he looked a little cute.


She split her ankle.

The upper body quickly floated out.

blink of an eye.

He came to the castle hundreds of meters away without hindrance.

the feet of the boat,

Then Bang Bang jumped to Rodin's side, looking cute.

If it was a male Buggy seeing this scene, his eyes would widen.

Because it was him.

After splitting, it can only control within a radius of 200 meters.

but she.

But it is far beyond this range!

"Don't worry about me."

Rodin glanced at her feet, then looked away.

He was in no hurry to do it himself.

One is that people are gone.

In this level of melee, the hull is easily damaged.

Two words.

It is not necessary for the time being, he is waiting for the right opportunity.

And the reason is so leisurely.

Because of being under the umbrella of Birdcage.

It can block the contact between the phone bug and the outside world.



"Mr. Rodin, there is an army of zombies below!"

Tashigi leaned over the railing and looked down.

After Mihoko's special training.

Not only has her swordsmanship improved, but her clothes have also become bolder.


While training.

Still serving as a handyman for washing and cooking on the ship.

Like a...maid?

"Tashigi...were you not a Marine before?"

Rodin smiled slightly: "No...if you want to run, you can run now."

Tashigi lowered his head when he heard this.

She really feels it.

Marine has forgotten herself.

But she doesn't want to be a pirate, and she has conflicts in her heart.

"Mr. Rodin, I... go to fight too!"

Tashigi holds 'Xue Zou' with firm eyes: "Shichibukai...is indeed a target that should be eradicated!"

Let's not talk about others.

She agrees with Rodin very much, the system of Shichibukai must disappear!

It gave some pirates the opportunity to plunder wantonly.

The secret transactions and activities have harmed countless civilians.

It's different from everyone else.

Rodin's approach is relatively straightforward.

Kill them one by one.


Didn't do anything bad.


Rodin's eyes flashed, under the interweaving of the heart network.

This three-masted sailing ship.

Everyone's every move cannot escape his monitoring.


Tashigi said and jumped down.


"Ahhh, so high!"

After a few seconds of falling, it was found that it did not touch the ground.

Tashigi panicked.

She perceives the wrong altitude!


the other side.

Bucky broke into the devil's castle and resisted the zombies all the way.

They were all split in half by her swing of the sword.


Following her knowledge, she came to an extremely spacious hall.

"Negative Ghost!"

The moment Perona appeared, she released multiple spirit bodies from her body.

"I don't have time to play with you."

Baki clapped his palm together.

The ghost doll turned into pieces and disappeared into the air.

"How can it be!"

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