Just sit on a chair.

Then he cut out a Mihawk flying and slashing.

I was a little surprised in my heart.

His eyes that were as sharp as an eagle's were also rippled.

See Crocodile coming at a gallop.

He didn't think about it any more, got up and jumped into the sky, and slashed at him with a knife.

"call out...!"

The two people are intertwined.

Mihawk landed on a splintered plank.

Crocodile, on the other hand, froze in mid-air.

The waist is split.

But in the blink of an eye, the wind and sand swept past and healed back.

She became excited: "What a fast knife!"

"Logia Sand-Sand Fruit?"

Mihawk turned and looked directly at the sky, his voice was flat: "Woman, what's your name?"

It stands to reason.

It is absolutely impossible for two identical fruits to appear in the world.

Only the previous one died.

In order to randomly respawn in a certain place.

be inherited by others.

Could it be...

Sand crocodiles have been...

But this inheritance is too thorough, right?

Even the style of clothes is the same?

"My mother is Crocodile!"

Crocodile moved and launched an offensive again.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

There was a wild rustle.

She descends at breakneck speed.

A turntable-shaped solidified gravel ruthlessly tore toward Hawkeye's body.

"Desert Great Sword!"


Hawkeye raised the knife slightly.

She easily cut through her fierce blow.

But mind.

But did not put it on the battle.

If this one is called Crocodile.

The one from Alabasta.

What is it called again?

"You are really strong."

Crocodile showed a bloody smile.

As a man.

They can actually cultivate to such an extent.

in her world.

But very few.

"Accept it!"

Crocodile's attack fell like a violent storm.


Then he took it unhurriedly.

Within hundreds of meters around.

Under the attack of the two.

Immediately, towering walls of water rolled up.

"You have too many flaws."

Mihawk shook his head: "Haki...isn't very skillful either."

"However, you are a girl. With such speed and strength, even if you look at the entire Grand Line, it is rare."

He seemed to be giving compliments.

"Old lady, do I need your pity from a man?"

Crocodile gritted his teeth: "Desert... Vajra Saber!"

Hawkeye closed his eyes.

next second.

The sharp sword energy scattered in all directions.


Hawkeye's black sword Yoruichi swipes.

A splash of blood spattered out.

Crocodile's pupils froze and floated onto a deck.

Get down on one knee.

The left hand is covering the abdomen, and the right hand is supporting the deck.

His face was full of disbelief.

Her strongest blow.


the whole process.

Don't look at the simple actions of the two of them.

But in fact it is dangerous.

Crocodile dared to say that even a blow to the abdomen could be exchanged for a piece of steel.

It will still be easily scratched like tofu.


directly into two halves!

"Impossible, I won't lose!"

Crocodile made a gesture.

But just move.

A sharp long knife was pressed against her body.

"I'm not very interested in killing a woman."

Hawkeye lowered his eyebrows slightly.


He put away the 'Black Knife Night'.


Crocodile looked a little ashamed and angry.

She actually.

Belittled by a man?

What a disgrace!


"Okay, old Sha."

Rodin's voice sounded.

At this time the warship.

He also came to the two of them.

"This is my subordinate, if there is any offense, please bear with me."

Rodin smiled.

Then he jumped down.

Crocodile tightened his coat.

an elementalization.

flew back to his side.

"You said...he is your subordinate?"

Hawkeye was rather puzzled.

Rodin's first reaction to him.

It's bland.

But to have such a strong and young subordinate.

It will certainly not be easy.

Hawkeye shook his head: "Actually, I'm not very interested in people other than swordsmen."

This time he shot, it was just out of interest.

I looked from afar before.

Obviously a woman.

But it gave him a feeling of invincibility.

He would love to.

See what kind of person it is.

Never thought about it.

For a while, it's a bit unbelievable!

Whether it's style or clothing.

Or the Devil Fruit ability.

Both are so similar to Crocodile.


It can be said to be a replica!

He suddenly thought of a person.

shemale king,


But it shouldn't either.

This Crocodile doesn't act like the Alabasta one.

Hawkeye couldn't hold back his curiosity: "What's the relationship between her and Crocodile?"

"He is my old lady!"

Crocodile covered his stomach and spoke first.

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