Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

93. Arouse The Attention Of The World! Brother Ming From Kaido For Help!

Time flies.

Two full days have passed since the Five Elders incident.

Marine also started World Conscription.

Cooperate with the government.

Now in almost every corner of the country, you can see the posters posted.

【Light can always dispel darkness, and justice will never retreat!】

The title is printed very large.

It also attracted the attention of passionate young people.


There are also some vagabonds who have been around for a long time and are unknown.

They saw the words 'Admiral' in bright red.

There was a ripple in my heart.

"Marine is going to make a big move, maybe this is the opportunity I'm waiting for."

first half.


King Cobra, standing above the capital city.

I sighed with emotion.

"Did he force Marine to go to this point?"

on the other hand.

Rodin officially embarked on the deeds of the New World.

Clever news agency.

Announced to the world early.

And his arrival.

It's like being on an unsettled lake.

An atomic bomb was dropped.

Completely explode!


This is the land of love and passion and toys.

At the moment the city is on.

Walking toy dolls can be seen everywhere, accompanying human beings in and out of the streets.

Everyone's face is full of joy.


A volley of news dailies landed.

Let their countenance change greatly.

But that's another matter.

"It said, Doflamingo pulled out next week Hai 897 "Isn't this His Majesty the King?"

"Wait, what's next, he resigned from the throne at the same time?"

"Resign, what's going on?!"

"His Majesty the King loves the people like his son, and has developed the country so prosperously, why..."

Unbelievable expressions appeared on the faces of all the people.

But soon.

They just thought of something.

"It must be that Shichibukai hunter."

"Damn it, Rodin Pirates, why did they enter New World!"

"Damn, they are scum!"

"That's right, if it weren't for them, the king wouldn't have left office at all!"

"Die, why don't you die!"

"Why doesn't Marine care!"

The sound of the waves, wave after wave, gradually submerged the entire kingdom.

the people here.

The impression of the king in their hearts.

It is immensely great!


In the past, they saved their country and pushed the Riku royal family down!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the savior.


But because of this pirate group, he was forced to give up Shichibukai and the throne of the king.

Undoubtedly aroused public outrage.

" is understandable to resign Shichibukai, why resign from the main position?

"Idiot, His Majesty the King doesn't want to implicate us..."



A sigh.

Even a homeless person doesn't want Deputy Ming to leave his post.


Five (aeai) hundreds of small human workers trapped in the dark factory, and their Princess Mansheri.

Their expectations are the opposite of the populace.

Almost even cheered out!

at the same time.

In the gladiatorial arena.

A braided pink-haired Rebecca in cool clothes and armor.

Stare at the newspaper.

in the eyes.

Mixed emotions emerged.

"Did this man, on his own, let Doflamingo retire?"

But the fact is that Rebecca was disappointed.

That afternoon.

A warship with the flag of "Government Officials" arrived here.

The three CPOs from above.

This matter was specifically clarified, it was purely a false report.

pause time.

The people surrounding the palace began to cheer.


On the Highlands of the King.

Sunshine, swimming pool, wine glass, and a group of beauties in bikinis.

Surrounded here.

But at the moment.

But it didn't arouse Doflamingo's interest at all.

Instead, his face was gloomy.

"Damn it, you are so determined to kill me?"

something in the newspaper.

It was the news that he fabricated together through the government.

When he learned that the Rodin regiment entered the New World.

They sent people over to negotiate at the first time, but all ended in failure.

Last resort.

He made up this matter in order to get away with it.

But who knows.

The Rodin regiment's intention to destroy him still hasn't changed.

Then he didn't bother to pretend.


The phone bug rang.

Doflamingo's eyes moved, and he answered.

"You Marine, are you finally willing to contact me?"


A serious voice came back.

"Sorry Doflamingo, we're busy with world conscription. We can't spare anyone to help you."

"Hehe, Rodin and his gang have a secret, I think you will be very..."

The words are not finished yet.

The phone bug closed his eyes.

Brother Ming sees this.

Suddenly laughed lowly.

Such an important matter, they actually hung up impatiently?

Not far away was a beautiful woman in a bikini wearing a swimming ring. Seeing this, he thought he was in a good mood.

I want to come over quickly.


What greeted them was brutal cutting.


Blood spilled all over the pool.


Brother Ming withdrew his five fingers and smashed the table with his fist.

Blue veins appeared on Brother Ming's forehead.

"Young master, it's time to drink medicine!"

at this moment.

A girlish voice sounded.

I saw a little green-haired girl with bare feet and a small cut.

A bowl of coffee-colored thick soup is coming.

Brother Ming, who was in a bad mood, was about to get angry when he saw that it was Granu.

Only then did he ease his brows.

He glanced at the peaceful trouser leg.

I hated the Rodin regiment, especially that woman, even more.

that woman.

Not only did it leave a wound on his heart, but also left a wound on his important parts.

Think about it.

Brother Ming took the soup and drank it down.


Then there was a creaking sound.


A bold idea came to his mind.

"Young master, it's okay, no matter what, I will never leave you."

Granu snuggled up to Mingo's abdominal muscles.

Caressing slowly.


It also dispelled the haze in Brother Ming's heart a little.

"Go down, Sugar."


Sugar smiled.

See it leave.

Brother Ming dialed another phone bug on his body.


There was a loud laugh.

"Ooooh, Doflamingo, I heard you quit Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

"Kaido, I..."

Dover wanted to choke hard.


just think about it.

The tone is still the attitude of the Lord's Day.

"You mean, you want Laozi to help you deal with that... Rodin Pirates?"

"That's right."

"As a deal... you said the bargaining chips are very strong! But they are just a bunch of brats, and they make you so nervous?"

"Hey hey hey hey, their pirate group should not be underestimated."

Dover heard that he didn't care.

But Kaido.

really don't care?

Let's talk about the Sabaody incident two days ago.

At that time, this matter was blocked extremely tightly because it had too much impact on the World government.

Even in the always bold World News, there is not much useful news.

Just a rough report.

Even him.

There is only a glimmer of understanding.

But if you know everything, the facts must be far beyond imagination.

Kaido is a bold and careful person.

I don't know.

"There's one very important thing to say. Their captain, Rodin, probably has..."

"What did you say? That woman who looks exactly like you is yourself?"

Even across the phone bug.

The strong smell of Kaido can be heard.

"What bullshit calling, you have learned how to joke? It's alright, I've wanted to meet him for a long time, Laozi will pass by."

"Better take your crew...he's at Punk Hazard, soon..."

Before Brother Ming finished speaking, he was hung up again.


His cadres plus Kaido's subordinates.

added together.

Only then can we hope to block and even kill the current Rodin regiment.

If Kaido comes alone...


He looked up at the sky.

very sunny.

But I feel the tide

he can run.

But where can you run with the whole family?

So many years of hard work.

Can't fall short.

So Rodin had to be removed.

And his weird female crew, but continued to increase.

Dover felt his scalp tingle.

It's not about him alone!

"Marine, the world government, this matter... Are you pretending to be stupid, or are you really not clear?".

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