Of course, his fame is not because he defeated the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile.

This incident had already attracted a lot of attention and was known to many people.

The reason why he became so famous this time was entirely because someone spread the news of his relationship with Hancock.

As a result, there are people on the sea who are clamoring to kill him every day and snatch the world's most beautiful woman into their own hands.

To put it bluntly, someone is jealous of him and can't bear to see him being favored by the empress.

Although the proprietress also envies Luffy, she is not a fool and will not have any inappropriate thoughts.

"Mr. Luffy, my name is Ackerman Olivia, I am a fashion designer and also a famous scientist."

""Hmm? Scientist?" Luffy sat up straight and became interested. Olivia nodded and admitted,"Yes, I have done some research on weapon manufacturing and improvement. I was also employed by the Navy Headquarters in my early years, but was later fired due to some accidents."

"Can you tell me about your research and why you were fired?"

"No problem, I don't care."Olivia didn't think it was presumptuous and agreed readily.

Then, she told Luffy about her experience.

In her early years, she was a noble lady who lived in the New World and received a good education.

Because she showed a good talent for learning since she was a child, her noble parents used their connections to send her to a government educational institution for training.

Originally, she dreamed of returning to her country to become a respected scientist after completing her studies.

Unexpectedly, just as she left the academy and was about to return to her hometown on the ship, she met the love of her life.

Speaking of this, she looked nostalgic, as if the scenes at that time were still in front of her eyes.

"She was the strongest and most heroic navy I had ever seen in my life.

I still remember her broad chest, full pectoral muscles, and sweet voice that was totally inconsistent with her strong body.

And her sexy red lips, strong and powerful arms, she."

"Wait, wait." Luffy quickly reached out and interrupted her chattering.

"Wait a minute, let me first." Luffy's mind was a little confused.

After taking a deep breath, he counted on his fingers.

"Strong, heroic, with a sturdy body but a sweet voice? And what about those sexy red lips?

Is your sweetheart a man or a woman? Why can't I understand?"

Luffy asked in confusion. This description is talking about a man.

Olivia rolled her eyes in annoyance and said indignantly:

"That's what I'm going to say next."

She continued to talk about the past.

When she met that man, she was young and naive. She was completely attracted to him.

Regardless of her parents waiting at home and her motherland that she had not returned to for a long time, she resolutely boarded the warship that was originally supposed to escort her back home. She lowered her status and begged the man to take her to the Navy Headquarters.

She originally thought that as long as she was sincere, the other party would always wake up and change his mind one day.

For this reason, she even joined the Naval Research Institute, just to get closer to the other party.

Unfortunately, even if she used all her means, the man didn't even look at her.

She once angrily found the other party and asked her why she turned a blind eye to her.

That ruthless guy just told Oli calmly. Olivia.

My sexual orientation is very normal. I only like handsome and strong men.

That's right, although her lover is a Barbie doll, he is a normal woman.

At that time, Olivia collapsed when she heard this answer.

She was so desperate that she drank all day and did not go to work.

After the Navy knew her situation at first, they also gave her a certain amount of rest time as appropriate.

But later she was always immersed in sadness, and the Navy, which gave her several chances, had no choice but to fire her.

At this point, Olivia turned her head and looked at Hancock and the other girls with mixed feelings.

In an instant, she felt a lot more comfortable, and then she continued: (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I was in a state of despair for about 2 or 3 years, and I was too embarrassed to go home to see my parents.

It was not until I had used up all my money and had no place to live that I came to my senses.

While changing my original aesthetic, I started looking for a job again to make money to support myself.

Later, when I had some savings, I suddenly had an idea to open the current store.

I design new clothes every day, tease the female customers, and make a little money.

After work, I will go to the bar opened by like-minded people to have fun.

There are all kinds of beauties there, and life is much happier than hanging on a tree."

Olivia smacked her lips as she spoke, and seemed to enjoy it.

Luffy, who had heard her story, had a lot of black lines on his forehead, and he didn't know where to complain about her.

This woman was a talented but love-brained lesbian idiot in the early stage. She was abandoned in the middle stage and became a self-destructive waste.

In the later stage, her personality reversed, and she evolved into a socialite with a wide range of friends.

Luffy shook his head after hearing this experience, and he didn't know how to evaluate it at all

"Forget it, I'm not interested in your emotional problems.

You should tell me about your research results."

Olivia didn't care about his attitude, raised her chin and pointed at the products selected by the girls.

"Haven't you seen what I've researched? They're all there."

Luffy looked up blankly. When he saw a stick-like object, the corner of his mouth twitched and he asked tentatively:

"The weapons you're talking about aren't just those electric batons, are they ?***"Do you think I'm a fool? How could the navy research such things!"

Olivia chuckled, covering her red lips and explaining to Luffy with a smile.

It turned out that when she first joined the navy, her research topic was to create a natural disaster weapon that could cause earthquakes.

It is said that this is a new topic proposed by the government after seeing the power of Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

It's just that the scientists of the navy have been researching for a long time and have not come up with anything.

On the contrary, Olivia, through the experience accumulated in the laboratory, invented a high-frequency weapon stick with a vibration ability far exceeding all similar products on the market, and became famous in one fell swoop.

It attracted countless single female navy to rush to buy it, and the best-selling products were sold all over the world.

The patent fees she collects in a day are enough for ordinary people to achieve financial freedom.


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