He ran to Luffy and thanked him several times.

Barry decided to be Luffy's guide and take him to find the iceberg.

Before leaving, when passing by the agents who were still struggling on the ground, the guerrillas kicked them viciously and sent them to sleep.

As for Spandam, the leader, Cook stepped on him hard without any hesitation.

It is unknown how many bones he broke.

On the way to the headquarters of Carrera Corporation, Luffy disbanded the team members and let them move freely.

Then he followed Barry alone to find the iceberg, and at the same time curiously asked about Spandam and his group.

"Barry, what's up with that group of agents? Why would they break into the dock for no reason?"

"Um...I don't know much about this matter."

After a few seconds of silence, Barry slowly told Luffy about the 16 Water Cities, or the series of changes in the Carrera Company.

"It was about 10 days ago.

A group of guys who looked like the Revolutionary Army suddenly broke into the dock.

They identified Rob Lucci and Kaku, who had just joined Carrera Company for a year, as government agents.

Then they started fighting in front of us.

However, they did not capture Lucci and the others on the spot, and let them run away.

After that, they fought again in the city and destroyed several houses.

By the time we reacted, the Revolutionary Army, Lucci, Kaku, Mr. Iceberg's secretary Kalifa, and Bruno, the owner of the tavern in the city, were all missing.

Then a large number of government personnel rushed over, searching for Lucci and the others all day long."

"You mean, those guys didn't look for the Revolutionary Army first, but instead looked for their own people?" Luffy asked in confusion. Barry nodded, looking puzzled.

"That's true. It's not the first time that a situation like today has happened.

Those men in black suits have come here many times before, but they returned empty-handed every time.

Really, I don't know what they are thinking. We all know that Lucci is an undercover agent, so how could they still protect him?"

Barry complained about the agents' train of thought, and Luffy nodded, thinking that he was not lying.

But on second thought, although the boatmen thought so, with the experience level of Lucci and his men, as long as they disguised themselves well, they might be able to fool their eyes.

In addition, they have been lurking for a year, so if they are careful, they won't reveal any flaws.

He shook his head and threw away the messy thoughts in his mind.

What happened to the guys from CP9 was none of his business. He was more interested in the Revolutionary Army.

He had guessed that the Revolutionary Army followed his reminder and came to destroy the government's plan to snatch the design drawings of Pluto.

But he didn't expect the Revolutionary Army to act so quickly and finish the job in just a few days.

After talking to Iceberg, maybe I can try to find out if there are any people from the Revolutionary Army left here.

Having made up his mind, Luffy quickly quickened his pace and urged Barry.

Barry had no objection. He hoped that Luffy would finish talking to Iceberg as soon as possible so that he could get to work as soon as possible. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

What Luffy didn't know was that his actions had attracted the attention of all parties.

Not to mention the government agents who were beaten up by him, there were two other groups who secretly took note of him.

In a corner of Dock No. 1 that was difficult to be found.

A small surveillance Den Den Mushi transmitted the previous image back to a hidden basement somewhere in the Water City through radio waves.[]

The bored girl yawned in front of the surveillance screen that was divided into dozens of pieces.

When she saw a familiar figure suddenly appear in the screen, she jumped up from her chair in shock.

""Is that Luffy? He's also in Water City?!"

After shouting, the orange-haired girl thought she had seen it wrong.

She quickly put her face close to the surveillance screen and carefully identified it.

It was not until Luffy in the screen turned around and his face was captured that Kerla finally confirmed it and excitedly clenched her fist and shouted

"Yada! We actually met here, it turns out that we are destined to be together!"

Kerr 910, with a flushed face, quickly turned off all the surveillance.

After turning back to the house to pack up her things, she was about to go out to find Luffy.

But before she left, she stopped and thought about it, and felt that it was not safe. After thinking it over again and again, she went back to the room and put her things down.

Then she took out the Den Den Mushi and dialed a number that she hadn't contacted for a long time.

On the commercial street, a group of three very dazzling beauties were walking shoulder to shoulder on the busy street.

Suddenly, the Den Den Mushi in the pocket of the blue-haired girl rang.

The girl didn't think much about it, she picked it up and answered it directly.

"Moses Moses?"

"Ahem, little seagull, do you still remember me?"

Hearing this familiar code name, Ain immediately paused and his face changed.

"Wait for me."

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