The little bucktoothed boy's heart trembled, and a sense of fear suddenly struck his heart.

‘He actually killed the captain so quickly. This kid must be extraordinary.

No, that's not right. He was just lucky. He took advantage of the captain's rage to attack.

That's right. Calm down. I must not panic.

Panting and shaking, Bucktooth finally made a decision after frantically suggesting to himself in his mind.

He waved his hand and roared with saliva flying:

"Shoot, shoot quickly, kill this little devil!"

"Tsk, you're looking for death."

Before they could make a move, Luffy reacted first, and instantly appeared in front of Bucktooth.

His finger poked into his chest and pierced his heart.

At this time, the other pirates took up their guns.

Luffy didn't care whether they wanted to resist or not, and rushed into the crowd with his sword drawn.......

Garp, who was observing with a telescope in hand and eating donuts on the warship, stopped.

He had nothing to say about Luffy drawing his gun and killing Simon.

There was nothing wrong with seizing the enemy's weakness and killing the enemy with the simplest and most effective means. There was also nothing wrong with killing pirates who wanted to resist.

But Garp was a little worried that such a young child could kill so decisively. Just as he was thinking this, the next scene made him feel relieved, and he also wanted to laugh.

Taking away the telescope and throwing it to Zir, Garp smiled and commanded:

"Drive the boat over, the little devil has been dealt with"


Although Luffy is young, any marine who has seen him and Garp sparring in the past few days will not doubt his strength.

Not to mention that he is a natural fruit ability user, his physical skills alone are not comparable to those of a rookie pirate with more than 30 million.

Sure enough, when the warship and the pirate ship docked, everyone saw the bodies of pirates on the ground and a boy holding the mast and vomiting.

""Yue~ Ugh~"

Luffy's face turned pale, and he vomited for several minutes without stopping.

During the battle, he didn't feel anything, as if killing a person was just a matter of course.

But when he stopped, looking at the red and white things all over the ground, and smelling the pungent smell of blood with a hint of rust, he still couldn't help but vomited.

Everyone smiled knowingly and didn't come forward to disturb him.

Every one of them had gone through this step. There were even many people who performed worse than him, and everyone was used to it.

After he finished vomiting, Garp came forward and handed him a donut.

Luffy waved his hand, indicating that he didn't want to eat it.

But Garp didn't stop, but forced it into his mouth.

"Eat it, eating something sweet will make you feel better."

Feeling the sweetness brought by the sugar in his mouth, Luffy really felt a lot calmer.

So he didn't resist and ate it in small bites.

After eating one, Garp handed him another one, and Luffy continued to eat without saying a word.

In this way, he ate 7 donuts in a row. When Garp handed him another one, Luffy shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

With a smile, Garp ate it himself without hesitation.

While eating, he took him to the side, looked at the sea and asked:

"How did it feel to kill someone for the first time? Just tell me and don't be afraid of me laughing at you.

The first time I killed someone was when I was a teenager, and my performance was similar to yours."

Luffy shook his head,"I felt much better after vomiting, and I didn't feel much.

I just felt a little uncomfortable to take someone's life at will."

"Really? Do you regret becoming a marine and blame me for forcing you down this path?"


Luffy sneered,"Stinky old man, do you still think I'm a little kid who knows nothing?

Pirates are trash. They don't think so much when they slaughter civilians.

If it's my turn to kill them, I won't hesitate to do it either.""

"As for the navy, what's wrong with the navy?

In the navy, I have you, Grandpa Zhan Guo, Grandpa Zefa, and Grandma He to take care of me.

It's a treatment that many people dare not even think about. If

I don't join the navy, do you want me to be a pirate and live a life of being hunted every day?"

""Hmph, you little brat."

Garp scolded with a smile. He was originally worried that Luffy would feel some pressure because of this matter.

But the brat just let it go.

It seemed that his worry was a bit unnecessary, and he even let the brat know about his embarrassing things.

Sure enough, after Luffy finished speaking, he winked at him and teased:

"I didn't expect that, old man, didn't you say that you were very brave in your first battle? You defeated the enemy in just a few moves, and you were still fine afterwards, eating meat and drinking wine.

Why is what you said just now different from the previous version? Which version is true?"

Bang! A punch

"Private First Class, what are you doing? Go search for supplies.

If you don't find 100 million Baileys on this ship today, you won't have dinner!"

"Damn it, I am not strong yet,..."

Bang! Another punch


Garp's purpose for this trip was to make Luffy see blood.

Now that the goal has been achieved, they are naturally ready to return.

In order to train Luffy for a few more days, the speed of the warship is slower than when they came.

It took a full 7 days, and the day before the Elite Camp stipulated that the group finally returned to Marineford..........

At the port of Marineford,

Garp carried the half-dead Luffy to the side of the ship and threw him directly overboard.

He was left to fall to the ground like a broken sack.

Then Garp picked up the megaphone and shouted:

"Luffy, Grandpa is going back to G3.

Keep the Haki Training Manual I gave you. I will train with you next time I come back.

Remember to be obedient, eat well, and don't..."

On the concrete floor, Luffy, who was almost dead, listened to him whining non-stop, raised his head with difficulty and said in disgust:

"Got it, old man, hurry up and leave!"

Swoosh! Bang!

The horn drew a beautiful arc and fell down, hitting Luffy's head accurately.

Luffy closed his eyes, tilted his head and fell to the ground.

The marines on the ship looked at the boy below, whose life or death was unknown, and their eyes flew out of their sockets with fear.

Zier stammered and asked Bogart:

"This, this child, should not be dead."


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