Kaido slammed his mace to the ground, exhaled hot air from his nose, and shouted to everyone in the banquet hall:

"Guys, the party has begun, let's get busy!!"


Kaido killed Mingo instantly with one blow, and the atmosphere of the whole banquet was instantly pushed to a climax.

The people of the Beasts Pirates began to laugh, have fun, smash, and make noises.

Doflamingo's men and the maids and dancers they found could only hide aside and tremble as they watched them vent.

Sometimes they even had to force a smile to meet all their needs.

After sitting back down, Kaido looked at Trebol, Pica, Diamante and other Don Quixote cadres on his right who were silent.

Pointing to Pica, who looked the most muscular and powerful, he ordered:

"You, kid, tell me where your weapons factory is?"

Pica was stunned for a moment, looked around and saw that Kaido was pointing at him, so he stood up quickly.

"That... Lord Kaido, we...."

"Shut up, what's that sound, it's so ugly!"

Pica was interrupted by Kaido just as he opened his mouth.

Although he is tall and strong, his voice is very sharp and sounds inexplicably funny.

In the past, if someone dared to laugh at his voice, Pica would definitely kill the person who said that.

But what if that person was Kaido, who killed his own young master in one move?

Pica not only did not dare to get angry, but covered his mouth in fear, for fear that he would make Kaido unhappy if he was a little slower.

Kaido waved his hand impatiently to drive him away

""Go, go check if Joker is dead or not. If he's not dead, bring him here."

Pica nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice, turned around and strode towards the direction where Mingge was beaten away.

Kaido asked Black Maria to add another bowl of wine for him, and then, under the terrified gaze of Torrebol and others, he started to call out names again.

"You ugly bastard, answer my question."

Ugly bastard? Who are you talking about? There are many ugly people in the family.

They looked at each other, but no one dared to take the initiative to stand up.

Another of the Flying Six, the obese Sasaki, couldn't stand it anymore, and threw the bottle in his hand at Torrebol, cursing:

"Bastard, the Governor is asking you a question, are you deaf?!"

Torrebol, whose forehead was broken by a blow and blood was pouring down, did not dare to hesitate and quickly stood up to report everything.

He spoke in great detail, fearing that any mistake would displease Kaido.

However, his dignified appearance, especially the disgusting look of two snots flowing from his nose, still made Kaido unhappy.

After he finished speaking, Kaido swept him away with a stick.

"Where is the artificial devil fruit? Show it to me."

""Here, here!"

Kaido had just finished speaking when Diamante, who did not dare to neglect him, immediately asked people to take out the devil fruits and artificial fruits that had been prepared long ago.

He took out one of the 25 artificial devil fruits and held it in front of Kaido with trepidation.

The artificial fruit is shaped like an apple, and its appearance is red with an orange-yellow circle pattern. It is completely different from the spiral pattern of a normal devil fruit.

Kaido curiously picked up the little thing with two fingers and took a closer look at it.

Mingge had already told him about the effects and side effects of this thing.

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But it is only heard so far, and this is the first time Kaido has seen the real thing

""Hey, are you a person with special abilities?"

Kaido asked suddenly. Diamante was startled and nodded in panic.

"Yes, yes, I am a person with special abilities."

Kaido snorted impatiently and waved his hand to ask him to bring two non-special abilities guys over.

Diamante breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to get Kaido a few passers-by who were doing odd jobs.

Looking at the ordinary people in front of him who were trembling and almost pissed,

Kaido casually threw the artificial fruit to one of them and ordered:

"Eat it."

Looking at the strange fruit that rolled to his feet, Passerby A's body trembled violently.

But under the creepy gaze of the Minotaur, Passerby A had to bend down and pick up the fruit.

Then he prayed a few words in his heart, closed his eyes and took a bite.

He swallowed the flesh whole without even having time to taste it. After eating the fruit, he was ready to close his eyes and wait for death.

But after waiting for a long time, the expected symptoms such as stomach cramps and bleeding from all seven orifices did not occur.

Instead, he felt as if there was a force traveling in his body, making his body and mind extremely comfortable.

Opening his eyes in disbelief, Passerby A looked at his hands in surprise and confusion.

But he found that his hands had turned into claws at some point, and his lower body was no longer legs, but four legs covered with scales.

"Ahhh——!! Me, my body!!"[]

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