Seeing Zefa unable to save face and still being stubborn, everyone said goodbye to him with a smile.

"Hehe, goodbye then, take care of yourself, teacher."

Both sides waved, and they left the ship's side only after the ship gradually went far away and the figures on the port could no longer be seen.

Gathering everyone on the deck, Luffy took a deep breath and walked up to the bow, looking at the familiar faces below, and announced loudly:

"Students, from today on, our Navy Guerrilla Team is established.

Next, let us set out for justice, for the Navy, and for a better future!!"

"Oh oh oh——!!!"

Not counting Luffy, there were a total of 41 young and energetic young people graduating this year, all cheering.

After Luffy happily celebrated with everyone for a while, he asked another question:

"There are no positions on the ship yet. Is there anyone who would like to volunteer to try it out?"

After the words fell, the young men were silent for a moment, and then they burst into even louder noises.

One of the bald young men, a mature and strong man, raised his hand impatiently and shouted:

"Captain, let me be the chef, my dishes are delicious!"

Luffy did not doubt him and directly appointed this person:

"Okay, then Bill will be the chef."

Hearing that a position had been assigned, everyone became more excited and raised their hands to recommend themselves.

Soon, with everyone recommending themselves.

The helmsman, gunner, doctor, and even musicians were gathered.

But among these people, no one dared to volunteer to take the position of navigator.

An excellent navigator is the guarantee of the entire ship.

When encountering bad weather, the level of the navigator is the most important factor in determining whether they can escape from danger.

Therefore, these fledgling newcomers, even if they have learned basic navigation skills, no one dared to take this responsibility.

Luffy also had a headache. He wanted to apply for this position to Sengoku at first.

But because he poached an entire elite camp, the angry Sengoku only replied to him,"Get lost!".

He had no choice but to take on this responsibility first, and make arrangements when he found the right person.

Now that the responsibilities have been assigned, the next thing to consider is where to start their mission.

For this, Luffy asked everyone to express their opinions.

"Of course we should stay in the Grand Line. Only here can we display our strength."

One team member expressed his thoughts passionately, and soon everyone agreed.

"But don't forget, in addition to catching pirates, monitoring the navy is also our mission.

Now even the captain is just an unknown major, who can we investigate if we stay in the Grand Line?"

The person who spoke was Gavin. What he said made sense, but not many people agreed.

"What are you afraid of? Our captain is the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp.

The guerrillas are also directly under Marshal Sengoku. Whoever dares to stop him will be done for!"

Cook didn't take those things to heart at all, and this was agreed by most people.

After all, compared to the four seas, they still want to venture into the Grand Line. After a long discussion, everyone's opinions were roughly unified.

But in the end, they all turned their heads and looked at their captain.

He is the leader here, and what to do specifically depends on Luffy's decision.

Luffy didn't want to waste time in the four seas. With his strength, it was no longer meaningful to catch hundreds or tens of millions of small pirates.

But looking at the recording pointer he had just worn on his wrist, he hesitated again.


After clapping his hands and attracting everyone's attention, Luffy pointed to the endless sea ahead and said excitedly:

"It’s decided, let’s go to the East China Sea!"


"What? Going to the East China Sea?"

In the Marshal's office, Zefa, who had just returned from the port, shouted in surprise.

Behind the desk, Zhan Guo nodded with satisfaction and said with great appreciation:

"That's right, those kids are more mature than I thought.

They didn't blindly run around in the Grand Line, but went to the most stable East China Sea to slowly accumulate experience."

Zeff frowned and listened to Sengoku's praise for Luffy, and muttered:

"Really? Why do I feel like this isn't the style of that little bastard?"

"You have too little confidence in your students, Zefa."

Sengoku, who was in a good mood, rested his chin on the table with his elbows, and said with a smile:

"These children are the future of the navy who have received the most rigorous education.

If they only have that level, it would be a waste of such a good teacher for them."

Although there are still doubts in my heart, I heard my old friend praise himself and his students.

Zefa temporarily put aside the distracting thoughts, snorted, proudly picked up the black tea on the table and took a sip, and said:

"Oh, these little devils are still far from it.

When they find their own justice, they can be considered a truly qualified navy."

Zhan Guo nodded in agreement, and then heard Zefa say:

"It's better not to go to the East China Sea. In recent years, I often hear about the scandals of the East China Sea Navy.

Let him go there, just in time to clean up the garbage inside the navy."

When mentioning this topic, Zhan Guo restrained the childish expression on his face and began to be serious.

"I have heard these rumors.

So when the guerrillas go to the East China Sea this time, I am planning to have them clean up."

Zefa nodded and continued to accompany Zhan Guo to drink black tea leisurely. Could it be that the elite camp is on vacation? He needs to relax for a while........

On the other hand, the Navy Guerrilla's trip to the East China Sea was not so smooth.

On the first day of sailing from the headquarters.

Luffy:"Cook, have you spotted any enemies?"

Lookout Cook:"Captain, no one has been spotted yet."

Luffy:"Really? Then keep observing and don't miss any traces of pirates."


Day 3.

Luffy:"Cook, is there anything going on today?"

Cook:"Captain, nothing."

Luffy:"Well, okay."....

Day 7.




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