Mouse shouted to his men with an anxious look on his face.

With his order, his marines drew their swords or pointed their guns at the guerrillas, not letting them get close to the cabin.

The guerrillas also took out their weapons, waiting for Luffy's order to capture them directly.

With a gloomy face, Luffy threatened:

"Colonel, do you want to disobey the orders of the headquarters?"

"Damn it, even if you are from the headquarters, you are only a major.

Major, is this how you talk to your superiors?"

Mouse suppressed his anger and questioned.

Then he took out his ID and showed it to Luffy and the others, saying:

"Show me your ID. I want to confirm whether you are from our company or not."

"Humph, open your eyes and watch carefully."

Luffy took out the ID and thrust it in front of Mouse.

Mouse took a step back, glared at him angrily, and then focused his eyes on the ID.

He didn't look closely, but just glanced at it roughly, and saw the words"Headquarters" and"Navy Guerrillas".

He also compared the head portrait on the ID and confirmed that this person was indeed from the headquarters.

‘Damn it, the headquarters sent the prosecutor here, why didn't I receive the notice?

No, I can't let them check. If I do something and the headquarters finds out, I'm doomed.

Thinking of this, Mouse made up his mind and gave the order directly:

"They are fake, shoot!"

After hearing the order, the navy of the 16th branch did not care whether it was true or not and pulled the trigger directly.

"Bastards, I knew there was something wrong with you."

Cook opened the iron block and easily blocked the bullet attack.

Then the razor appeared in front of a marine and knocked him unconscious with one punch.

The other team members also fought back. It was obviously the opponent who took the initiative, but in the end they easily solved the opponent with zero casualties.

Until the last person fell, it was less than 30 seconds since Mouse gave the order.

Seeing this scene, Mouse retreated in fear, accidentally tripped and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Luffy walked up, pulled out the Touraan and put it on his neck, and asked in a flat voice:

"Do you still think I'm fake now?"

"No, no, I'm really sorry, I made a mistake.

Please forgive me, I can explain."

He pressed the blade against his shoulder and interrupted his nonsense.

Luffy asked someone to check in first, then asked with a sullen face:

"Tell me, have you just come back from the Konomi Islands?

Did you go to see Aaron?"

Hearing him mention Aaron, the mouse trembled all over, raised his head suddenly and looked at him in shock.

‘Why would the people at the headquarters know this? Could it be that there was a traitor in the branch who reported my affairs to the headquarters?! '

He thought he had guessed the truth, and he immediately gnashed his teeth at those 'traitors'.

He regretted not cleaning them out carefully, which led to his current fate.

"I don't understand what you are saying. I was only on patrol at sea and didn't go to the Conomi Islands.

I have only heard of Aaron's name, but I don't know much about him."

The mouse gritted his teeth, ready to deny whatever the other party asked.

""Go to hell, do you think I'm playing with you?"

Luffy cut off two of his fingers with a knife, then kicked him to the ground, stepped on his chest and raised the knife high, ready to chop.

The mouse was in so much pain that his eyes were bloodshot. The development of the matter was completely beyond his expectations.

But under the threat of death, he struggled frantically and shouted anxiously:

"No wait, you can't do this, I, I said!"

The last word fell, and the blade pressed against the skin of the neck.

‘Almost, almost died, this lunatic! '

A streak of bright red blood flowed down his neck along with uncontrolled urine from his lower body.

The mouse rolled his eyes and pretended to faint.

"Stop playing dead, get up!"

Luffy kicked the mouse again without any hesitation, forcing it to wake up.

Covering his neck, the mouse looked at the young man who didn't know the rules in horror, and threatened tremblingly:

"You, you, you, I'm going to report this to the military court. What qualifications do you have to execute someone privately?"

"*You damn, qualifications! Qualifications! I’ll give you qualifications!"

Luffy cursed as he kicked him in the face.

He kicked the mouse so hard that it screamed and all its teeth fell out before he stopped.

He grabbed him on the spot and threatened him with a cold and vicious look:

"If you say another word of nonsense, believe it or not, I will chop you into pieces!"

""Shun Shun, thank you for your help."

Blood mixed with saliva flowed out of the mouse's mouth, and the mouse begged for mercy incoherently.

Luffy snorted and threw him down. The mouse knelt on the ground and stammered.

But this guy still had hope until now, avoiding the important and only talking about some insignificant little things.

Seeing that he still dared to play tricks, Luffy stabbed him in the legs several times and began to bleed him.

The mouse was honest then, and told him all the bad things he had done over the years.

The more he talked, the darker the faces of Luffy and Ain and other team members became, especially after Cook and others took out all the evidence from the cabin.

The mouse was completely heartbroken, and told him how he had cooperated with Arlong and other pirates over the years, and even cooperated in deceiving civilians. He forced them to donate money in the name of saving them.

"Bastard! How dare you call yourself a navy guy!"

Cook couldn't help but get angry and started punching and kicking Mouse.

Gavin, Binz and others were also furious. They found Mouse's other men and grabbed them all and beat them up.

Ain's face was gloomy. Her palms were tightly gripping the handle of the knife. Her knuckles were a little white, but she kept restraint and didn't do it.

Luffy saw everything and didn't say anything to stop them, letting them vent.

Finally, Luffy looked at Nami.

After the girl knew the truth about why the navy didn't care about Arlong for three whole years.

She stared at Mouse with red eyes, and her cute face became distorted because of anger.

Thinking of Cocoa West Village and other places where people were killed because they couldn't pay the money in recent years.

She couldn't control her anger anymore, rushed over and squeezed Cook and others away. Punched Mouse one by one.

"It's you, it's you, it's you who killed everyone!

Granny Muzi believed until her death that the navy would come to save us, it's all because of you, you bastard!"

Looking at the crying and mad girl, the guerrillas retreated silently and lowered their heads in shame.

What the rat did was a heavy blow to them as they were just starting out. The screams of the girl in their ears were like slaps in the face.

These young people who claim to be elites no longer have the pride and pride of the past.

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