Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

“These abnormal containments, aren’t they released by abnormal containments?” Chi Inu’s face changed slightly, and he said with some surprise.

He had always thought that abnormal containment.

All of them are released by abnormal containment.

In order to attract people all over the world.

But now the anomalous containment personally admitted.

She wasn’t released on purpose.

But after thousands of years, escaped!

“It’s really surprising, has the Abnormal Containment Society been silently protecting us? And……. We have been protecting our world for thousands of years! Karp said thoughtfully.

Anomalies containment Daughter of Darkness.

Say she was held for a thousand years.

Then that’s proof.

Abnormal containment will be already in this world.

At least it has existed for a thousand years!

“So it’s always been us who blame them? They are a good organization, not an evil organization! Sengoku suddenly realized.

Actually, you just need to think about it.

Abnormal containment meeting.

Ability to contain so many anomalies.

This is proof enough.

How difficult this organization really is!

So they really don’t have to.

Deliberately release abnormal containments, and then attract people around the world.

Enhance the prestige of the Abnormal Asylum Association.


Holy Land Mary Joya.

The highest temple of power.

“How is it possible that the Abnormal Containment Society existed before the establishment of the World Government?” Satan was taken aback.

The World Government was established eight hundred years ago.

And the origin of the abnormal containment meeting is estimated to be thousands of years!

But it is such an organization that has survived for more than a thousand years.

Their world government did not even have the slightest clue about this.

If it weren’t for the unusual containment that escaped.

Exposed to the world.

Otherwise, they won’t know yet.

In their world.

There is even an abnormal containment society!

“Danger! This organization is really dangerous! To be able to hide it for thousands of years from the detection of our world government, this organization must find a way to investigate their details, and must destroy them! ”

The blond old man looked extremely serious and said solemnly.

They are the government of the world, but they are the masters of this world.

The Navy is their direct subordinate.

The Four Emperors were nothing more than their tools to balance the sea.

The whole world has always been under the control of their world government.

For eight hundred years.

It’s always been so!

They have always believed that the world is their handheld plaything.

Now one has suddenly appeared.

Organizations that existed thousands of years ago.

How can this not frighten them?

“Annihilation? Don’t joke, their ability to contain so many monsters is enough to prove how difficult this organization is, and wanting to destroy them is tantamount to a fantasy! ”

The old man with the original ghost on his waist shook his head slightly.

The threat of each containment.

It’s beyond their imagination!

Even every containment that has appeared so far.

All possess the power to destroy the world!

And abnormal containment will be able to contain so many monsters.

It has been shown how difficult they really are!

“No, it may not be hopeless, after all, the reason why the abnormal containment society can contain the abnormal containment is because they know the way to restrain the abnormal containment.”

“It doesn’t mean how powerful this force itself is!”

“As long as we can find the base of the abnormal containment society, send the strong people we cultivated, and use the criminal law to force out the containment methods of all the containments, we can let our world government personally contain these abnormal things.”

“And the so-called abnormal asylum association is no longer necessary.” Satan calmly analyzed.

After seeing how abnormal containment will contain abnormal objects.

Now, they already understand.

How to contain these monsters.

If only Abby were to reappear in the sea.

They also have a way to target it.

That is to blindfold her, then lock her up in a cage, and you can take it in!

Abby just couldn’t attack, couldn’t see, couldn’t make contact, and didn’t have any other force.

As for occupying the mask, you can easily surrender as long as you put on the earplugs and don’t listen to it.

As for the epidemic doctor… They are currently unknown.

Why did he listen so much to the words of the Unusual Containment Society.

Easily followed them and left.

But Satan understood only one thing.

That is, although abnormal things are dangerous, they also have weaknesses!

If they learned all the methods of containment of abnormal objects.

Do you still need the existence of abnormal containment clubs?

“Makes sense.” The blond old man agreed when he heard this.

“Now I have to let the Navy send someone to pursue the base of the Abnormal Containment Society, no! This time, the Dark Maiden, the anomalous containment, appeared on the Great Passage. ”

“Then the abnormal containment will probably also appear, if they really appear, you can let the navy people join them, and then tell us their specific location, and when the time comes, force them to ask the containment method of the abnormal containment, you can annihilate them in one fell swoop!!!.”

The old man with the original ghost on his waist suggested.


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