"He used to be in the navy, so he had to tear his face?"

Everyone used to be companions, but now they have to face the battlefield of fighting? Fight to the death?

Lieutenant General Crane was a little regretful, there was still too little information, and he couldn't know exactly what Qin Dong wanted to do.

If you can know, Qin Dong's current situation.

Whether he wants to negotiate with the world government or the navy, it is okay to ask for something, and what he is most afraid of is whether he will go to extremes.

Kill the Draconian!

"It seems that yes, maybe I have endured the Celestial Dragon people for a long time, and this time it finally broke out?"

"Even if you have never shown dislike for the Draconians before, do you really not hate the Draconians?"

"Second, this kind of uneasy element should be brought to justice, and this kind of person is also worthy of being called the navy? It simply tarnishes the prestige of justice. Akainu

said indignantly, for the bastard who betrayed the navy with the word justice behind his back, he was completely tarnishing the name of the navy Maybe for Akainu

, the world government is justice, and the orders issued have his own reasons, which can be considered, but must be resolutely implemented.


the conference room, as the sound of the phone bug rang, everyone in the conference room closed their mouths.

It seemed extraordinarily calm, and even Sengoku was startled by the sudden voice of the phone bug, and on the other side of this phone bug was the fleet of the Celestial Dragons.

Who is coming, then everything is obvious.

Either the CP agents, or the old man Qin Dong.

Warring States had mixed feelings in their hearts, if Qin Dong lost, according to the temperament of these agents, he would definitely not survive.

But if Qin Dong wins..... From the moment Qin Dong made a move against the Celestial Dragon Fleet, the two were already on opposite sides.

It's just that he doesn't want to accept this matter until now, and the two don't have a deep friendship, but when he thinks of letting the two stand on opposite sides because of the Tianlong people, even if the friendship is shallow.

I also feel that it is not worth it, it is too impulsive!

Do you want to attack your former brother in the robe?

Reason, however, was telling him that as a marshal, he should not have such unrealistic ideas, and he had no idea of it.

Firmly on the side of the world government.



The voice on the other end was old and familiar, and the surroundings were silent, silently listening to everything in the phone bug, and the heart involuntarily rose to the throat.

It's as if every word on the phone will be related to everyone's life.

The yellow ape looked up, and there was a keen light in his eyes, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

The pheasant raised her eyes lazily, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

And Akainu is full of hostility that is almost overflowing, I'm afraid that it is not Sengoku who answers the phone but someone else, who has rushed up irritable at this moment, and the person on the phone is a random roar.

"It's been a long time since I've seen my old friend, how are you doing lately?"

Qin Dong's tone paused, and seeing that the Warring States did not respond to him, his tone became brisk, neither light nor heavy, and the greetings began to come often.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"Oops~ Of course I know pull, relax, I'm sure."

"During this time, I will not step into the great voyage, and I will no longer worry, I will take refuge in Whitebeard, and I will not have to worry about joining the next battlefield."

Qin Dong is like an ancient lobbyist, and he has no imaginary shelf at all.

There is no arrogance, contempt for everything, domineering momentum in the fax.

It seems to be an amiable, sleek, and elderly man.

In any case, when he heard the news, Warring States was still relieved, at least he didn't have to see Qin Dong in Whitebeard's camp.

The former rear admiral, the robe brothers in the navy, but became their own enemy? If you say this, I'm afraid you will be laughed off.

"Why should I trust you? At this time, he will not take advantage of the danger of others, but tell me that he wants to have nothing to do with me?

"What's the difference between that and preaching that pirates are messengers of justice?"

"I knew you'd say that, but are you sure you want to put all your energy into me now? Instead of pointing the finger at the Whitebeard group, which is more troublesome and dangerous than me? There is no support from any of the forces behind me. "

I'm the only one."

Qin Dong's voice had a hint of demagogy.

"Believe it or not, it's your business, I believe that at this time period, who is the deadliest threat to you, you should see it most clearly."

That tone seemed to have grasped the Warring States, yes, it was to grasp the Warring States.

Do you want to ask if you want to go to the Great Voyage? Refuse to participate in the war on top?

How is it possible not to go? Don't let the Navy let down its guard against me, how can I fish in troubled waters.

As long as I go through this war, my army will once again be raised to a higher level.

It's not at all comparable to these stinky fish and rotten shrimp today, so it seems a little too rigorous, and it has passed the stage of stinky fish and rotten shrimp, half-hanging?

With the addition of CP agents, some dispensable cannon fodder who are not considered top combat power have also been added.

It's also a very considerable combat power.

For the current Qin Dong, talking is better than nothing.


Warring States hesitated, hesitated between Qin Dong and Whitebeard, and also wavered about Qin Dong's words, if at this time, Qin Dong could really do nothing with the Navy Headquarters, then it would naturally be better.

After all, the next decisive battle with Whitebeard, plus the prestige of Whitebeard in the previous era, and the name of the strongest man in the world in this era, have to be taken seriously by this marshal.

"Why do you want to do such a thing?"

Sengoku still can't suppress the curiosity in his heart, everything has a reason, there is absolutely no nonsensical evil, and there is absolutely no nonsensical good.

What is it that makes this person, who is tolerant and neutral about everything, as long as it is not too excessive, become crazy and impulsive.

Do it to the Draco? Even in another ten years, the person who said this would be regarded as crazy.

"Why? Probably just can't get used to the wanton Tianlong people, I kept the opinion of refusing when you launched the demon slaying order, this time the world government confiscated the heavenly gold, and the city where I lived in peace and used it for retirement became a ruin, and I always maintained the opinion of refusal.

"It's just that the rejection of this opinion is not that the world government has seized the heavenly gold, but that it rejects the existence of the world government."

"You may be a little arrogant and arrogant, are you having a meeting?"

Such arrogant words would come from the mouth of an old man who had already stepped into the coffin with half his foot.

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