"Hey, hey, hey! Have you heard? The Straw Hat Luffy who caused a big fuss on Judicial Island is Mr. Garp's grandson!"

"I have also heard this news. Is it true or false?"

"I heard that Mr. Garp wanted to personally capture Straw Hat Luffy and bring him back to the Marine Headquarters in order to atone for his sins, and he even took the initiative to apply for demotion to the rank of major general. This is simply incredible."

"If it's true, then he is Mr. Karp's grandson. Would Mr. Karp really have the heart to do that?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, how dare you question the Navy Hero Mr. Garp?"

With the broadcast of the Navy Headquarters and the newspapers of the current issue of World Economic News delivered to all parts of the world.

Whether it is the Navy Headquarters or the Grand Line.

Almost everyone knows about the relationship between the Navy Hero and Straw Hat Luffy.

For a time, the Navy Hero Garp was caught in a terrifying whirlpool of public opinion.

However, after a period of discussion.

Garp's title of Navy Hero still played a big role.

Almost everyone in the Navy thought that Straw Hat Luffy was finished.

That arrogant guy not only provoked the World Government on Judicial Island, but also made it difficult for his grandfather to work in the Navy Headquarters.

Now, the Navy Hero Garp Personally.

The end of the Straw Hat Pirates is finally here.

Although Garp's rank was changed from vice admiral to major general.

But this was, after all, a punishment for Garp's grandson who brought shame to the World Government and took the initiative to take responsibility.

After a period of public opinion fermentation,

Garp's image as a naval hero became more deeply rooted in the hearts of both naval soldiers and ordinary people.

Vice admiral or major admiral, rank is not important, as long as the person is Garp.

On that day.

At the port of the Navy Headquarters.

The dog-head warship dedicated to Garp was docked on the shore

"hateful...This was obviously done by Mr. Luffy and his men. What does it have to do with Mr. Garp?"

"That's right, even if that Straw Hat Luffy is Mr. Garp's grandson, isn't this punishment too harsh? This simply discredits Mr. Garp!"

"We object. The treatment of Mr. Garp is too harsh!"

On the deck of the dog-headed warship, a large group of naval soldiers, led by two sergeants, loudly vented their dissatisfaction.

It was as if Garp's demotion was not applied for by himself, but was imposed on him by the World Government.

Even though Garp and the new supervisor of the Navy Headquarters had just boarded the ship and entered the cabin a few minutes ago... they didn't care at all.

Or the two sergeants chose to deliberately vent their dissatisfaction at this time.

One of the two sergeants had thick pink hair and a cross-shaped scar above his right eye.

The other The other one has long blond hair tied into a ponytail.

His chin is in a very distinctive butt shape. He also wears a pair of futuristic sunglasses above his eyes.

These two people are none other than the newcomers to the navy who joined Luffy just after he left Shields Town.

They grew up quickly in a short period of time and became Garp's proud disciples.

Coby and Bellemer.

After they learned that their superior, Mr. Garp, and the new supervisor of the navy were on board together, they resolutely ignored the level difference between navy soldiers and generals.

Standing on the deck and shouting loudly vented their dissatisfaction with Lin Hao.

The other navy soldiers saw someone taking the lead and responded one after another. The voices of complaints from the navy soldiers were getting louder and louder.

Karp, who was resting in the cabin and had now been promoted from vice admiral to major admiral, did not stop them.

At this time, he looked at Lin Hao opposite him.

Although he could not do anything to the other party, he still had a lot of dissatisfaction.

He wanted to see how Lin Hao, as the navy supervisor, would deal with this group of dissatisfied navy soldiers.

If Lin Hao just left it alone, his prestige in the navy would definitely be greatly reduced.

If he treated these people like he did to himself The navy soldiers took action to establish his prestige.

Then he will definitely leave a very bad impression among the navy soldiers in the future.

Even if he can't do anything to this supervisor, he must make him lose all prestige among the navy soldiers and even make him notorious.

No matter what, this is a win-win situation.

Sure enough, as the navy soldiers on the deck became more and more dissatisfied.

Lin Hao, who had just been sitting in a chair with his eyes closed, stood up by twisting his shoulders.

After moving up and down like a warm-up.

Immediately, all the joints in his body made crackling sounds like firecrackers.

""Garp! Is this how you lead your troops? Don't you have any sense of superiors and subordinates?"

Lin Hao looked at Garp, his voice and eyes were extremely cold.

How could Lin Hao not understand Garp's thoughts?

But Garp, who was sitting opposite Lin Hao and resting with his eyes closed, looked indifferent.

"My dear supervisor, the soldiers under my command are all free and unrestrained, with strong fighting power."

"This is how I usually get along with them. If some boring rules restrict their talents and prevent them from exerting their due fighting power,"

"Isn't this a loss for our navy~"

Garp sat on a chair, closing his eyes to rest while slowly perfunctorily answering Lin Hao.

He looked like he was asking for a beating, and he almost told Lin Hao directly.

My soldiers are like this, you can do whatever you want, let's see what you can do to them~

Looking at Garp's undisguised gloating expression,

Lin Hao's face showed an extremely creepy smile

"So that's how it is?"

"It seems that your soldiers don't understand the relationship between superiors and subordinates. If that's the case, you don't care, I'll take care of it~"

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