"What do you mean, kid?"

Looking at Lin Hao's cold eyes,

Garp, who was already extremely unhappy because of his concern for Luffy's safety, was once again irritated.

This time, when he asked Lin Hao back, he didn't even use the honorific title of Supervisor.

Who is he?

He is the living signboard of the Navy Headquarters.

Navy hero Garp.

His son is the leader of the Revolutionary Army. His grandson went to sea as a pirate. Which of these things does the World Government not know?

He, the Navy hero, is still here, strolling when he should go out and slacking off when he should.

Even figures like Navy Commander Sengoku and the Five Elders turned a blind eye to him.

Although you are a Celestial Dragon.

Although you are the tenth strongest person in the Knights of God.

But Garp, the Navy hero, really doesn't believe it.

Even if I tell you openly that I let my grandson go. Do you still have the guts to do anything to me?

"What do I mean?"

Faced with Karp's question,

Lin Hao's face did not show any anger, but a mocking smile.

"As a naval hero, you repeatedly let the pirates who committed serious crimes go right under the nose of this supervisor."

"He even wanted to let the Straw Hat Pirates escape. Do you think I'm blind?"

"As a naval hero and a rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters, he broke the law knowingly despite his position."

"Even if you show no mercy, the tasks you took on yourself are not completed."

"As a supervisor, I also have the right to punish you here directly!"

Lin Hao's words were sonorous and powerful.

Facing Garp's question, the new inspector of the Navy Headquarters confronted Garp, the naval hero, so hard that he blushed and could not speak.

But in front of so many subordinates.

Even though he knew he was wrong.

In order to maintain his status, Garp, the naval hero, could only play rogue and madly confront Lin Hao.

"Humph! I just let my own grandson off the hook, what do you want?"

"I am standing here today to see what you can say."

After decades of working in the Navy Headquarters, he, the Navy hero, has always been the one giving orders and giving instructions to the younger generation.

When has he ever been taught a lesson by a young boy?

But what Lin Hao said next made Garp, the Navy hero, stand there in shock.

"Garp! As a rear admiral, you broke the law knowingly, repeatedly showed mercy to pirates who committed serious crimes, and treated the navy's position as a joke."

"As the highest supervisor of the Navy Headquarters, I hereby announce that you will be removed from your position as Rear Admiral from now on!"

"Return to the Navy Headquarters immediately and suspend your duties for reflection. Before you are reinstated, you must stay in the soldiers' dormitory and cannot go anywhere."

"Of course, if you want to go to Impel Down, I don't mind escorting you personally~"

Lin Hao's words were explosive.

Not only was the hero Garp stunned on the spot after hearing it.

Even the navy soldiers on the lifeboat who were about to search for Luffy were shocked and almost dropped their jaws.

If these words were heard by Morgans and printed into a newspaper, it would definitely cause a violent shock on the Grand Line.

From the perspective of superiors and subordinates, there was nothing wrong with Lin Hao, the inspector of the navy, unilaterally removing a rear admiral.

Moreover, according to the rumors of the soldiers, he still had the terrifying privilege of being able to execute anyone first and then report.

But exercising the power of punishment We have to distinguish the targets, right?

Who is Garp?

He is a well-known naval hero.

The living signboard of the navy, and Lin Hao, the supervisor of the navy headquarters, dares to withdraw at will.

Aren't you really afraid of completely angering this powerful naval hero?

No matter how ruthless you are, you can't ignore the human relations at all, right?

After all, Garp has made great contributions to the navy in the past. Even if there is no credit, there must be hard work, right?

But after seeing the cold expression on Lin Hao's handsome face.

Garp and all the naval soldiers present understood.

This young man who looks less than 20 years old is not exaggerating here.

He is serious.

Seeing the atmosphere between the Navy hero Garp and the Navy Headquarters Supervisor Lin Hao suddenly become tense, the Navy soldiers around the two of them jumped onto all the lifeboats. They quickly rowed towards the sea where the fragments of the Sunny fell.

On the surface, they were going to carry out the task assigned by Lin Hao.

But any normal person could see that after this conversation between the two people, they have become completely incompatible.

One wants to thoroughly rectify the unhealthy trends in the Navy.

The other is relying on his seniority to establish his authority in the Navy.

If these two people don't distinguish between the superior and the inferior, this matter will definitely not end well.

Sure enough, after the Navy soldiers went away in the lifeboats,

Garp stepped on the deck of the Dog-Headed Warship.

He twisted his fist, and a murderous smile appeared on his face.

"Really? Since I'm suspended, does that mean I'm no longer a Marine?"

"Since you are not a marine anymore? Then beating you up doesn't count as beating up your boss, does it?"

When Garp spoke, the veins on his forehead suddenly bulged.

It seemed that the blood vessels would burst at any time.

Looking at Lin Hao again, facing Garp's provocation, his face showed no fear.

"Do you want to go to Pushkin Town for a visit?"

"I can fulfill your wish~"

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