In the Admiral's office at the Navy Headquarters.

The office that Sengoku usually used for work had been requisitioned by Lin Hao, the new supervisor of the Navy Headquarters.

At this moment, Lin Hao was sitting at his desk.

On the desk was the latest bounty order for the Straw Hat Pirates.

There were eight in total. The highest bounty was for Luffy, a full 300 million berries.

The lowest was for Chopper, just the price of a newspaper.

At this moment, opposite Lin Hao.

Navy Marshal Sengoku, Navy hero Garp, and Navy Admiral Aokiji were standing there very uncomfortably.

Marshal Sengoku's attitude was relatively upright.

After all, Lin Hao was a Navy inspector appointed by the Five Elders himself. He not only had the identity of a Celestial Dragon, but also had extremely powerful strength.

Such a guy was qualified for him to take seriously, although the other party looked like a little boy of seventeen.

Looking at Aokiji again, he was also very nervous at this time.

The shocking execution at Marineford in the Navy Headquarters had ended for a day.

But the scene of Spandam's head being cut off by Lin Hao and then kicked like a ball by the angry navy soldiers is still vivid.

At this time, this supervisor who has the top privilege of killing everyone without asking for permission called him to the office again. How can he not be nervous?

The other party can directly execute a government official like Spandam, so it is easy for him to deal with an admiral of the Navy Headquarters?

Looking at Garp again, this navy hero who is as thick-skinned as Luffy on weekdays did not realize the seriousness of the matter at all. He still looked careless with his nose held.

It's just that Lin Hao didn't call him over this time. He took the initiative to talk to the new supervisor with Marshal Sengoku.

When Lin Hao announced in public yesterday that he would capture Straw Hat Luffy and Devil's Son Robin back to the Navy Headquarters.

The navy hero already had a bad premonition in his heart.

Judging from his vigorous style of killing Spandam.

If this supervisor focuses on his pirate grandson.

Then Luffy is definitely in danger.

From the time he set out to sea until now, Luffy has not been disturbed too much by the navy along the way.

This is more or less related to his relationship.

From the beating of the captain of the navy branch to the Judicial Island incident a few days ago.

Everything the Straw Hat Pirates have done along the way has seriously affected the image of the world government among ordinary people.

If it were someone else, they would have died dozens of times after doing these things.

It was only because Luffy had his grandfather, who was a naval hero.

Marshal Sengoku turned a blind eye and let him go every time.

But this supervisor Lin Hao obviously did not intend to give him any face.

Thinking of the high morale of the navy soldiers when Lin Hao announced yesterday that he would take action against the Straw Hat Pirates.

Garp couldn't help but feel uneasy.

This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible before Supervisor Lin Hao designates people to hunt down the Straw Hat Pirates.

""Sir Supervisor, you are right. The Straw Hat Pirates are indeed extremely evil. Let me take care of the task of arresting them."

I promise to bring them all back to the Marine Headquarters.

Lin Hao was still reading the wanted order. Navy hero Garp stepped forward and volunteered to take on the task of arresting the Straw Hat Pirates.

Hearing Garp's initiative,

Lin Hao, who was reading the wanted order, and Sengoku, who was waiting for instructions, looked at Garp at the same time.

Navy Marshal Sengoku looked at him with contempt.

Lin Hao sneered in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Hao and Marshal Sengoku had surprisingly consistent ideas.

You go to catch your own grandson, and there's no way you can catch him.

I'm afraid you want to save your grandson and take a trip at public expense.

It would be better to send a future navy officer who has a bad relationship with you than to send you.

After Lin Hao glanced at Garp indifferently, he did not respond to the other party, but turned his head to look at Aokiji.

Lin Hao's move surprised the three people at the scene.

The navy hero Garp took the initiative to volunteer to deal with a pirate.

This would have become a major news in the navy headquarters in the past.

But Lin Hao did not give Garp any face at all, and was even too lazy to pay attention to him.

This made Garp feel very embarrassed.

But just when he was about to explode, he saw his old friend Sengoku constantly trying to wink at him.

After realizing Lin Hao's terrifying privilege of acting first and reporting later, the navy hero could only suppress the anger in his chest.

But Aokiji, after seeing Lin Hao's cold eyes instantly locked on him, his heart suddenly became more nervous.

This supervisor, will he attack him next?

"Mr. Aokiji!"

"Er... Please tell me clearly, Supervisor!"

Lin Hao's voice was still cold, and Qingzhi answered very carefully.

At this time, his brain was working rapidly, fearing that he would answer the Supervisor's question incorrectly.

"You seem to have a good relationship with Spandam...."

Lin Hao put down the wanted order in his hand and stared at Aokiji with cold eyes.

It was like a falcon hovering in the sky, staring at the prey that would be torn to pieces in the next moment.

"No! We are just ordinary colleagues."


Looking at Qingzhi's somewhat nervous expression,

Lin Hao tapped the table lightly and did not mention Qingzhi handing the Demon Slayer Order to Spandam.

"In that case, I have something to ask you to do!"

"Since you don't have a deep friendship with Spandam, please arrest his father, Spandine, and send him to Impel Down."

"The escort work needs you to do it in person, is there a problem?"

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