Directly reduce the amount of Tianshang Gold to be handed in to 20%.

This is undoubtedly an unacceptable fact for the Tianlong people.

After all, the Tianshang Gold handed in by each member country is not only used for the enjoyment of the Tianlong people.

The maintenance of the world government.

The expenses of the navy and the army.

These relatively large expenses are basically paid from the Tianshang Gold.

If it is really in accordance with Lin Hao's regulations. The amount of Tianshang Gold handed in by each member is directly reduced to 20%.

Then the quality of life of the Tianlong people in the holy land will directly take a diving-like landslide.

But such a thing was really announced by that guy Lin Hao.

And it was in a world-class live broadcast.

This time, the Five Elders have no room to operate even if they want to temporarily tamper with some things.

Looking at Lin Hao with a gentle smile on his face on the screen.

The Five Elders couldn't help but draw their guns and swords.

If it weren't for the screen.

These old men might have been unable to resist taking action.

"us...We will go find Lord Yim and deprive him of his rights. We must not let this Lord continue to act recklessly!"

After calming down from his anger, the bald old man holding the sword among the Five Elders changed his voice when he spoke.

"Anyway, the world-class live broadcast has been carried out, so let's see what he wants to say. If we report to Lord Yim now, can we stop that guy immediately?"The five elders holding swords just finished speaking.

The old man in a suit with blond hair among the five elders immediately pressed him down.

At this point, they have no room to stop.

Now they can only listen to what Lin Hao wants to do next?

Sabaody Archipelago.

On the coast.

Lin Hao just said that the amount of heavenly gold to be handed in each year will be directly reduced to 20% of the previous years.

The residents of the Sabaody Archipelago were stunned for a moment.

After a few seconds, they immediately burst into thunderous cheers.

At the same time, all the member governments of the Grand Line and the countries preparing to join the World Government were all caught in crazy cheers.

If you want to join the World Government and obtain the qualifications to participate in the World Conference and naval protection.

It is a necessary condition to hand in a considerable amount of heavenly gold every year.

But the gold of heavenly gold The amount is too high, but not every country can afford it.

Every year, new member states join the World Government.

Conversely, every year there are countries that are directly removed from the category of member states because they cannot pay the Sky Gold.

Some countries, although they are still on the list of member states.

However, the high amount of Sky Gold every year has plunged their countries into deep trouble.

But now, Lin Hao actually reduced the amount of Sky Gold by 80% in front of all member states.

How can those poor member states not be excited?

How can they not cheer?

If it were not for the limited conditions, I am afraid that the slogan of"Long live Lin Hao" would have resounded throughout the Grand Line.

This news not only shocked the onlookers.

It also shocked the generals of the navy camp.

It has to be said that Lin Hao's decision is really very Very bold.

Not only did he directly bring down the high-handed Celestial Dragons, but he also caused a serious shock to the World Government.

However, after the initial few seconds of shock, whether it was Admiral Akainu or Zephyr, or the CP0 who was cleared of injustice by Lin Hao not long ago, they all showed great expectations in their eyes.

At the same time, they admired Lin Hao, the supervisor of the Navy Headquarters, even more.

Others may not know.

But these high-ranking naval officials and CP0 agents who often come into contact with the World Government know it very well.

The leader of this world, the World Government, is not as absolutely just as it seems.

Among them, there are countless naval scums like Spandam.

All expenses of the World Government and the Navy are basically from the Holy Land. The supreme rulers distribute it regularly.

And this considerable amount of money has also caused serious corruption in the world government.

When the allocated funds really reach the hands of the navy after layers of corruption,

I am afraid that it is less than 40% of all the funds.

And this has become an important reason for the weak combat effectiveness of the navy.

Let alone other things, in terms of the military.

The navy is the organization that is least short of money on the sea.

But when have people seen large-displacement warships in the navy?

Huge warships like Moria's Terror Bark.

Pirates have it, and the navy actually has it.

Pirates can actually have more money than the navy?

This is a very helpless thing in the eyes of many naval generals.

Putting aside the warships and talking about the navy.

The treatment of generals at all levels of the navy is still good.

But if you go deep into the grassroots teams of naval soldiers, people will find that those naval soldiers who undergo professional training every day can fight on par with the Lou Luo soldiers in the pirate group, and sometimes they are even at a disadvantage.

That is completely because the hardware and software conditions are not up to par.

The life of naval soldiers.

Basically, there is no funding, lack of equipment, poor environment, and the most tiring training.

If this continues, the combat effectiveness of the navy will inevitably be greatly reduced.

This is also one of the reasons why most naval soldiers have forgotten their original intentions as time goes by.

Now it's good.

Lin Hao directly reduced the amount of Tianshangjin of all member countries to 20%.

In the future, even the Holy Land will probably not casually respond to a large number of funding requests. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for the corruption at all levels within the World Government, it will definitely be targeted more severely.

Lin Hao believes that

Spandam will not be the first government official to be executed, and he will definitely not be the last.

It can reduce the burden of Tianshangjin on the member countries of the World Government, and it can also vigorously eliminate corruption within the World Government.

Lin Hao's decision is undoubtedly too much to their liking.

Looking at the residents whose cheers were deafening and could not be calmed for a long time.

Lin Hao smiled and waved his hand, motioning the people to be quiet.

Because he still has something to announce

"The last notice is published below!"

Lin Hao twisted his shoulders and slowly prepared to give the residents of the Grand Line another big surprise.

At this time, all the member states of the World Government were staring at the big screen.

In the Pangu City of the Holy Land, the five elders who symbolized the highest power in the world were already grim.

They were no longer able to stop Lin Hao from continuing to speak.

Now they could only wait and see what tricks Lin Hao, the strongest tenth person of the Knights of God, could come up with.

"The third thing is also the most important one!"

"That is, from today on, all acts of killing, robbing women, and beating people without reason will be severely punished by the World Government....Including dragons

Before Lin Hao finished speaking, almost all the people who were watching the broadcast on the screen had their brains temporarily shut down.

The first part of this third notice was very normal and reasonable.

But later.

He actually expanded the scope of punishment for these illegal acts to the Tianlong people?

What does this mean?

Doesn't this mean that the privilege of the Tianlong people to bully civilians at will has completely ceased to exist?

If these punishment measures really put the Tianlong people and ordinary people on the same standard.

Doesn't that mean....

From now on, the Tianlong people are just the descendants of the twenty founding monarchs with lofty status.

All other privileges are basically gone.

For the common people, they just got a fair situation.

But for the Tianlong people in the holy land,

Lin Hao's decision has completely touched the reverse scale of the Tianlong people. Who are the Tianlong people?

They are the noble and lofty gods....

Now, they are treated just like ordinary people. If they commit a crime, they must be punished?

Is it fairer than this


It seems that the young admiral just kidnapped three Celestial Dragons?...

Sure enough.

After a brief cheer and commotion among the crowd,

Lin Hao smiled and turned his head towards the three Tianlong people who were already pale and trembling with fear.

".Forest...Lord Lin Hao, we are just passing by here today....I didn't do anything excessive...."

Looking at the smiling but dagger-hiding Lin Hao, the most domineering of the three Tianlongs, Muse Garud (good) Saint, was almost frightened.

Not only was his face unable to speak clearly, but his crotch was also completely soaked by the foul-smelling liquid.

Facing the upcoming punishment, this Tianlong who was usually the most arrogant was actually frightened to the point of losing all his bowels and bladder....

Lin Hao showed no disgust towards the ugly Muse Garud Saint.

He just walked forward towards the stench and gently patted the Celestial Dragon on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, today is only the first day these regulations are implemented, you didn't know about it in advance.~"

"Right, right, right! We didn’t know, we didn’t know!"

After hearing Lin Hao

’s"excuse", the three Tianlong people suddenly showed an extremely surprised expression on their faces.

At this time, they were still fantasizing that Lin Hao would say that he would not do it again and would not hold the past responsible.

But the next moment,

Lin Hao’s answer was soft and gentle, but it made the three evil Tianlong people faint.

"According to the laws of the World Government, if you commit any of the above offenses, you should be hanged!"

"But today is the first day of the new rule, so you will be exempted from the death penalty.~"

"I will immediately strip you three of your Celestial Dragon identities and expel you all from Marijoa. You are free to go wherever you want, but you can no longer board the Navy's warships.~"

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