"One year!"

After hearing this answer, everyone except Luffy and Robin jumped up from the ground and exclaimed


For a moment, they were all in despair and helplessness.

Weiwei was even more worried and anxious, asking Luffy

"What to do, Luffy?"

"If we wait a year, Alabasta will definitely be taken away by Crocodile.

Luffy then slowly stood up, smiled and touched Vivi's head, and said

"Didn't I tell you? I'll be fine as long as I'm here."

After saying that, Luffy took out a permanent record pointer from his arms. There was a line of letters engraved on it, which translated into Alaba - Stan.

"This is what I found on Mr. 5 when I defeated him."

"Go to the permanent record pointer of Alabasta."

He had known for a long time that the record pointer of this island stored the magnetic field time, so he made preparations in advance.

He would never do such a thing as getting the record pointer by luck in the end like in the original book.

Just like now, Crocodile didn't know why he didn't send anyone to this island to kill them.

If he didn't prepare in advance, he would be in a passive position.

Everyone was relieved when they saw Luffy took out the record pointer.

"It's so good, I almost thought I would stay on this island for a year."

"Thanks to you, Luffy"

"As expected, you are still very reliable at the critical moment!"

Weiwei couldn't help but rush towards Luffy excitedly, hugged him tightly, and said with sobs

"Great, Luffy!"

"I almost thought I could never go back!"

"Thanks......Thank you, Luffy!"

Feeling Vivi's trembling body, Luffy gently patted her back and comforted her....

Little Garden!

The Merry slowly sailed out from a concave coast, with Donli and Brockie standing on both sides of the shore.

"Our friends' boat is leaving, we can't just leave them alone."

"Yes! Those who arrived on this island......The reason why we can't reach the next island is right in front of us."

Dongli and Broki looked straight ahead and talked to each other.

When Luffy and the others were about to drive out of the concave coast, the two shouted in succession:

"You are our important friends"

"We must not let our friend's pirate flag be broken here!"

"Trust us, just keep going!"

"No matter what happens, we must keep moving forward!!"

After hearing the words of the two giants, the people on the Merry said goodbye to them.

"Goodbye, Master!"

"Dongli, Broki, goodbye."

Luffy believed them and gave the order.

""Go straight ahead!"

At this moment, everyone suddenly saw the sea level in front of them suddenly began to rise.

Then, an extremely huge island-eating monster, as big as an island, suddenly surfaced and opened its huge mouth in front of the Merry.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the ship suddenly fell into panic.

"Ah!......what is that?"

"so big!!!"

"Oh no, I’m going to be eaten!"

""Hurry up and adjust the direction."

Nami commanded in panic.

But at this moment, Luffy stopped her.

""Go straight ahead!"

Nami wanted to cry but had no tears.

Then, they felt a black screen in front of their eyes. At the same time,

Dongli and Broki combined their weapons and charged their strength at the same time, sending out an extremely powerful shock wave forward.


With a roar from the two, the shock wave was sent out, and the weapons of the two also shattered at this moment.

Just when Nami was crying in her heart that she had been eaten, everyone suddenly heard a loud noise coming from outside.

The next second......


An extremely powerful shock wave hit the island-eating monster.

Luffy and the others suddenly saw light again.

Two loud laughs came from the coast.


"Ga ba ba ba......"

With a unique laugh, the Merry sailed away......

It was a sunny day with rippling blue waters.

The Merry was sailing slowly on the sparkling sea.

On the deck, everyone was busy with their own things.

Nojigo was studying the plants and seeds he had just collected, while Usopp claimed that it was possible to use his ability to turn his body into gunpowder to synthesize [Special Buggy Bullets] directly from his body, so he also went to study it himself.

Zoro was still training day and night, Sanji was preparing food, and Nami was staring at the record pointer to ensure the direction of the Merry.

The other four people were just sitting together doing nothing to kill time.

"How strange! Didn't Crocodile say he would chase us down halfway?"

"But we didn't find any enemies in the Little Garden!"

Vivi suddenly said.

Luffy had specifically reminded the others of this, but in the end they did not find anyone else on the island.

Just as everyone was wondering, Robin suddenly said

"I was the one who contacted the officers before, and Crocodile's identity was kept secret from them."

"After Luffy left me on this ship, Crocodile couldn't send anyone."

"I think he should be busy gathering those cadres to meet his boss!"

"after all......The plan is about to start."

When Robin mentioned the plan, Weiwei became excited.

"Plan? What plan? What are you going to do?"

Robin said slowly.

"You know this, Princess Weiwei."

"Wasn't Crocodile inciting riots just to provoke a civil war?"

"The plan is to make this war happen in the near future.......Completely exploded!"

When Weiwei heard this, pain and worry suddenly appeared in her eyes, and she asked through gritted teeth

"Tell me what are the specific steps of your plan."

Robin shook his head and said

"It's useless. Crocodile is a very cautious and cunning person."

"If I wasn't here, he would have organized and planned this operation himself."

"I don't know how to do it specifically."

"In conclusion......The plan will be implemented in the near future."

After Robin finished speaking, Vivi immediately lowered her head in pain and resentment, her eyes moistened, she clenched her fists tightly with her teeth clenched.

At this time, Luffy gently patted her back and comforted her.

"Don’t worry, Vivi!"

"I have also thought of a plan to deal with Crocodile"

"I promise you that I can stop the war and save your country."

Vivi looked up at Luffy in a daze.

Luffy has already thought of a plan to deal with Crocodile and save the country?

Vivi didn't expect Luffy to have done this.

Although she said she would return to the country to stop the war, she was not sure if she could do it.

But Luffy was so confident and had already thought of everything.

At this moment, Vivi deeply understood why everyone relied on Luffy so much.

Vivi was moved, her voice choked, and she murmured Luffy's name.


Robin looked at Luffy with surprise. She didn't expect Luffy to have made a plan long ago. She couldn't help but sigh that this captain didn't seem as thick-skinned as he seemed. At the same time, she was curious about Luffy's plan.

Who would be better, Luffy or Crocodile?

Robin asked in her heart.


At this moment, Nami's voice suddenly rang out from the deck, sounding somewhat painful.

"I'm a little tired, I'll go back and take a rest"

"Please pay attention......Look at the direction the ship is heading."

Nami continued to speak.

Luffy and the others looked over and saw Nami in pain, her face and forehead flushed, and her face covered with cold sweat. She staggered towards the cabin with a shaky step.

When she passed by Luffy and the others, her body suddenly fell forward.

Luffy quickly stood up and caught Nami who was about to fall.

"Nami, are you okay?"

"What's wrong with you, Miss Nami?"


Everyone on the boat immediately gathered around, asking worriedly.

Nami lay in Luffy's arms, looking painful, her voice weak, almost like exhaling, she said

"I......I'm fine"

"Just take a break."

"Weiwei......The most important thing now......Go to Alabasta and save Vivi's country"

"Everyone......Don't worry about me."

"I......I just......I'm a little tired."

Nami said this, but everyone could see that she was in serious trouble.

Luffy reached out and touched Nami's forehead, and the temperature made him feel hot.

"road......Luffy, I'm fine."

"have to......We have to go to Vivi's country as soon as possible."

Nami said to Luffy with blurry eyes.

"Shut up!"

Luffy interrupted her harshly, leaving no room for doubt.

"You should rest now, and then we will find a place to treat you."

"After the treatment, we will go to Alabasta."

As soon as Luffy finished speaking, Nami shook her head painfully.

It was called shaking her head, but in fact the amplitude was very small.

Then, she continued

"No......No way, Luffy!"

"There is a newspaper in my drawer. I received it three days ago."

"but......I didn't tell anyone because I was afraid that Weiwei would worry."

"Now, Weiwei's country......We have entered a very serious period."

While Nami was talking, Robin used his ability to take out a newspaper from Nami's drawer and brought it over.

Weiwei only took a glance at it, and her pupils shrank, exclaiming

"how so?!"

"300,000 Royal Army troops defected to the rebels......"

Everyone was shocked when this was said.

Everyone already knew that the battle in Alabasta was mainly between the rebels and the king's army.

The sudden change of sides could only mean one thing.

The people of Alabasta were becoming increasingly dissatisfied with their rulers.

The war was imminent.

Nami continued to say to Luffy at this time:

"you......Now you know, Luffy!"

·· ········Request flowers··· ·········

·· ········Request flowers··· ·········

"We don't have time"

"Fast......Get there quickly......Well......"

As Nami was speaking, someone suddenly covered her mouth and she could only make a"Mmm" sound.

Luffy's tone remained unquestionable and he said seriously

"How this ship moves is decided by me, the captain."

"You idiot, go and have a good rest."

Luffy said, looking at Vivi.

""Vivi, do you believe me?"

Vivi looked at Luffy in amazement.

Luffy's eyes were filled with absolute confidence and concern for his companions.

Suddenly, all the things she had experienced with Luffy emerged in her mind, whether it was in the [Little Garden], or taking out the Permanent Record Pointer, and then the plan to deal with Crocodile that she had already thought of.

No matter when, he was so reliable.

Vivi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and the tension and worry she had just heard about the unfortunate news also dissipated a lot.

She looked into Luffy's eyes and nodded heavily.

"I believe you!"

Then she looked at Nami again and said

"Nami, just take a good rest!"

"We will find a place to treat you first, and then we will rush to Alabasta."

Since Vivi said so, Nami didn't say anything more and just nodded.

At the same time, she couldn't help but glance at Luffy and thought to herself

"It seems that Weiwei has also started to rely on this idiot!"

Nami breathed a sigh of relief and felt much better.

"If you want to find a place to get treated, there is indeed an island on the way to Alabasta that has the conditions!"

At this time, Robin suddenly spoke up.

Luffy turned around and looked at her and asked

0... 0

0... 0

"Do you know how to get there?"

Robin shook his head and said

"Without the record pointer, I can't find the island accurately."

"But that island is in the middle of the line from [Little Garden] to Alabasta"

"It is a winter island. If you pass by, you will notice the temperature change."

"Moreover, if there are islands nearby, the sea will become very calm."

"Using these two points, it shouldn't be difficult to find the island on the way."

Luffy nodded and said to everyone on the ship.

"When the temperature cools down and the weather stabilizes, please look around carefully and report any islands you find."


Everyone responded in unison.

Then Luffy took Nami back to her bedroom and asked Uta and the other girls to take care of her.......

The Merry was sailing slowly on the boundless sea.

A few hours had passed.

The air gradually became quieter and the temperature gradually dropped.

After noticing this change, everyone on the ship suddenly jumped like frightened rabbits, and came to various positions on the deck, looking into the distance, looking for the island that Robin mentioned.

After sailing for a while in this environment, a loud shout suddenly came from the ship.

""We've seen the island!"

Everyone ran over in surprise.

As the Merry approached and the fog in front of them dissipated, a snow-covered island gradually emerged in everyone's sight.

Looking at the tall chimney-like peaks on the island, Robin said:

"That's it, Drum Island!"......

After discovering the location of Magnetic Drum Island, the Merry approached the island at full speed.

As they approached, the appearance of the island became clearer.

The entire island was covered with thick white snow, and huge icebergs ran through most of the island. Everything around was pure white.

Of course, the temperature was also extremely cold.

After approaching a seaport that looked like a canyon, everyone on the ship discussed the next matters.

Then Robin spoke first.

"I've been to this place a long time ago."

"As far as I know, there is only one doctor in this country."

Robin pointed to the tallest mountain in the depths of the island, which was shaped like a chimney.

Then he continued

"The doctor lived in a castle on top of the highest mountain."

"But I heard that she is a weird person, and she only comes down the mountain occasionally to treat the local residents."

""She's a weird old lady who's hard to get along with!"

When Luffy heard Robin mention the name of this island, he already knew that this was Chopper's hometown.

And the person she was talking about was Dr. Kuleha, who now lives with Chopper.

At this moment, there were bursts of noises on both sides of the shore.

Soon, hundreds of people took guns and aimed at them.

""Don't move! Pirates!!"

A loud shout came from the shore.

Then, Luffy and the others saw a man as strong as an ox coming forward and saying

""Leave this place quickly, pirates are not welcome here!"

Luffy recognized the man, Dalton, the former captain of the country's guard.

This man was a good person, and Luffy did not want to conflict with them.

So he said

"We have no ill intentions"


We heard there is a doctor here and he just wanted to treat a patient on our ship." đà

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