The ship was about to land, and the ship was about to be transported to the harbor.

Navy headquarters.

As the demon-slaying warship slowly moored at the dock, three figures walked down from the deck.

Looking at the navy coming and going around, the height of the three people also stood out from the crowd.

Seeing three people with the height of admirals suddenly landed, they immediately attracted the attention of the people around them.

Whether it was the lieutenant, colonel, or even general-level officers, when they saw the three people getting off the ship, they all cast respectful eyes, and their tone revealed awe.

"Vice Admiral Kizaru."

"Instructor Zefa."

"Mr. Rosen."


Borusalino and Zefa were not surprised by the navy from all directions taking the initiative to greet them.

Only Rosen showed a bit of surprise on his face.

In the Naval Academy, he was indeed a celebrity, but in the Navy Headquarters, he was just a student without a rank.

Some lieutenant-level officers were fine, but even a giant vice admiral passing by took the initiative to bend down and greet him, and even used honorifics.

As if the other party was his subordinate.

Especially on the way to the Naval Academy, Rosen found that every officer he met, whether he knew him or not, without exception, all took the initiative to greet him like the navy at the dock.

Respectfully called him sir.

The voice was mixed with a tone of awe.

That attitude was like facing a senior naval official like Borsalino, a candidate for admiral.

Rosen saw all these scenes and couldn't help but think about it.

If he remembered correctly, before he set out to the uninhabited island near the Navy Headquarters and fought Redfield, there were people who recognized him along the way, but they definitely did not treat him in the manner of a subordinate meeting a superior.


"Are you thinking of something interesting?"

Borsalino noticed Rosen's expression and asked casually.


"It's just a little strange."

"Since we returned, all along the way, whether it was a lieutenant, colonel, or general officer, their attitude towards me was not like facing a military academy student at all, as if they were."

Rosen was interrupted by Borsalino before he finished speaking.

"It's like facing a navy admiral!"

Borsalino spoke out what Rosen was thinking.

"That's right."

Rosen nodded slightly.

He walked from the dock to here, and met thousands of navy officers, if not ten thousand.

Only a navy admiral can make thousands of navy officers, including generals, face him in this manner.

"Speaking of this, you have to thank our teacher Zephyr."

"Thanks to him for recording your battle with the lonely red with the video phone bug, and then broadcasting it live in the naval school."

"Although the live broadcast is only in the naval school, the school does not prohibit other navy officers from the headquarters from entering. So, junior, you are now a celebrity in the naval headquarters, and your popularity and prestige are higher than that of me, the admiral candidate."

"After all, you are the admiral-level student that has never been seen in the history of the naval headquarters."

Borsalino said with a teasing look on his face.

Although he was teasing, he was secretly amazed in his heart.

When he was in the naval school, he and Sakaski were both famous monsters, but after training with Zephyr for a year, his combat power was only higher than that of an elite vice admiral when he graduated, and at most he was at the level of a Shichibukai.

And what about Rosen?

In less than four months, before graduating from school, he has become a navy admiral.

If I had faced Rosen when I just graduated, I would have been killed instantly.

Even the speed of light of the Flash Fruit could not change this result.


Rosen was slightly stunned.

He really didn't expect Zefa to do this.

"Such precious teaching materials, it would be a waste if they were not filmed."

"With this live video broadcast, I think the classmate who had a lesson with you should know how much he weighs."

"Rosen, just think of it as setting an example for the students, so that they have a clear target to catch up."

Zefar explained, not forgetting the yin and yang, Bosmog.

"Teacher Zefa, you are really strict, no, it's too much!"

"You actually let other students of the naval school catch up with the junior."

"What an unattainable goal this is!


Borusalino shook his head.

For the first time, he felt that Zefa's strictness towards students would never end.


This is not strict at all, this is called cruelty.

"Since it is a goal to catch up, of course it has to be set higher."

Zefa didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Rosen also understood what was going on.

Zefa wrote his name and deeds into the textbooks of the Naval Academy in the form of live video broadcast, in order to let the students in the Naval Academy see the world in advance.

Rosen didn't have much resistance to this.

After all, pretending to be cool, especially pretending to be invisible, who can resist a boy of his age?

Just now, it was just pure curiosity.

Knowing the cause and effect, he put the matter aside.

"Rosen. "

Hearing the name that was completely different from the one he had been using all the way here, Rosen couldn't help but stop.

The only people who could call him that, apart from teacher Zefa and senior Borsalino, could only be heard in the Naval Academy.

"Gion, what a coincidence!"

Rosen turned around and found that in addition to Gion, there were many students behind her.

All of them were faces he had met before.

That is, the classmates he met in the first class he attended when he first entered Zefa's class a few months ago.

For example, Smoker.

For example, Hina.

All those who had taken a class with him were present.

"Is Gion the only one in your eyes?"

"Brother Rosen."

"Have you forgotten your old classmate so quickly? "

Kaji's slightly wretched figure walked out from behind Gion.

Originally, he was also as tall as an admiral.

Standing next to Gion, he wouldn't be completely covered, but the problem was that Gion, like Hancock, wore high heels during battle.

And they were the kind that started at 20 centimeters.

This also made Kaji disappear as if he was completely covered once he walked behind Gion.

"How could that be?"


"Not bad, your aura has improved so much, it seems that you haven't slacked off during this period."

Rosen's eyes flashed red, and then Kaji was so happy with just one sentence that he couldn't find his way.

"Of course."

"If I don't work harder, I'll be embarrassed to tell others that I'm in the same class with you when I go out. "

Kaji walked up to Rosen and, like when they were in class together, reached out and bumped his shoulder.

In the past, he would have taken Rosen's praise for him for granted.

But it's different now.

After watching the battle between Rosen and Redfield through the live video, he clearly understood that although his old classmate had not graduated yet and had no military rank, he was already at the top of the Navy Headquarters in terms of strength.

Being praised by Rosen was equivalent to being praised by a top admiral.

"Aren't classmates based on the heart?"

"Is there any need to talk about strength?"

As soon as Rosen said this, Kaji's smile became even stronger.

Not only him, but even Gion's lips curled up slightly after hearing this.

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