The two arms collided with each other, and the island under the feet of Rosen and Douglas Barrett shook instantly. The ground could not bear such pressure and broke open on the spot.


Huge cracks, like a giant python, extended, and then a large amount of smoke and dust gushed out from the cracks, like a dust column rushing straight into the sky.

"It's so heavy!"

Douglas Barrett's pupils shrank slightly, and he only felt the pressure of the mountain coming from the arm that was colliding with Susanoo.

However, instead of retreating, he grinned, his whole body bursting with fighting spirit and domineering, then he clenched his other hand and swung his fist, while stepping on the ground, he rose up like a dragon from the abyss.


But at this moment, the purple half-skeleton covering Rosen's body actually grew blood vessels, internal organs, flesh, skin, and clothes, and then punched back, hitting Douglas Barrett's Rising Dragon Fist.

Bang Bang Bang

The fist force intertwined and burst, stirring up a violent shock wave, like a torrential rain and strong wind, sweeping up flying sand and rocks, sweeping thousands of meters.

Rosen suddenly released a more powerful armed color domineering, shaping the second form of Susanoo, and the speed and power of this punch increased a lot compared to the first form.

The fist that fell from the sky like a meteorite directly knocked Douglas Barrett, whose feet were off the ground, back to the ground from midair, pressing the ground like a cake with a piece of it dug out, collapsing layer by layer.

"This product of Armament Haki is indeed improving its offense and defense as the strength of his domineering power increases."

A hint of surprise flashed in Douglas Barrett's eyes.

At the beginning, he had personally witnessed Rosen using Susanoo, whether it was the first, second, or third form.

But the offense and defense of the third form of Susanoo that Rosen used at that time were not even as good as the offense and defense of the second form of Susanoo now.

There was no other reason.

It was just because Rosen's Armament Haki was much stronger than when he first used Susanoo in Impel.

As a product born from Armament Haki, the offense and defense strength of Susanoo depends entirely on the strength of Rosen's domineering power.

"Are you surprised?"

"It's just the beginning!"

Rosen saw the flash of surprise in Douglas Barrett's eyes, he chuckled, Susanoo suddenly raised his arms, crossed his fingers and clasped them tightly, his hands were like a domineering hammer, wrapped with black and red lightning, and smashed down Douglas Barrett who fell to the ground.

"I'm just like fighting with a human domineering."

A thought flashed through Douglas Barrett's mind, but his body movements were not affected at all.

Entering the battlefield since childhood, and experiencing countless life and death, he has honed his fighting skills, experience, and consciousness, allowing him to make the fastest and most correct response at the first time.

Facing Susanoo's domineering hammer, he bent his knees slightly, sank his body, and then raised his hands above his head, with the posture of the king holding the tower, also wrapped with domineering domineering in his arms, facing Susanoo's hands that were smashing down.


The Susanoo hands created by Rosen and Douglas Barrett had not yet made substantial contact, but the domineering color wrapped around the hands had already erupted in conflict.


A dazzling golden light burst out.

Between the arms of the two, a golden energy ball burst out, and black and red lightning, like a sawtooth blade, connected the energy ball, raging and dancing, stirring up the wind and clouds.


Douglas Barrett felt a little relieved, but at this moment, he caught a smile on Rosen's mouth from the corner of his eyes, and at the same time, his observation color spread out, sensing a powerful threat.

"His observation color can see the future, and it can see very far."

Just as Douglas Barrett had this thought in his mind, Susanoo, which had been maintaining a posture of clasping ten fingers and hitting like a heavy hammer, actually grew two arms from both sides of the body again.

Bang Bang

Rosen's thoughts raced, and the third and fourth arms of Susanoo that had just appeared immediately made fists, followed by the domineering black lightning that entangled Douglas Barrett, who was carrying Susanoo's two arms and smashing them hard in the air with a heavy punch.

At the same time.

The fourth domineering hand

Arm, wrapped with domineering color, like a blue dragon coming out of the sea, completely compressing the air in front, and punching Douglas Barrett in mid-air.


The majestic impact, like a ring-shaped air wave, roared in all directions.

After being hit by two Susano-ban domineering punches in succession, Douglas Barrett was like a cannonball, flying backwards for hundreds of meters, and smashed seven or eight towering ancient trees in succession before falling headfirst to the ground, smashing the hard surface like a fragile biscuit and causing it to collapse.


He lay in the deep pit, with a trace of pain on his face, and blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

If it were a pirate of Catherine Diemey's level, he would have been seriously injured by this punch, and even if he lost the ability of the Animal System and Mythical Beast, he would still have a residual blood.

After all, the current domineering strength of Rosen is not comparable to that of the Infinite Hell.

This also makes Susanoo's attack and defense far stronger than when he was in the Infinite Hell.


After Douglas Barrett was hit by two heavy punches, he turned over and jumped out of the pit, looking very energetic.

Although he ate the superhuman fusion fruit, he gave people a strong blood bar that was superior to the animal type and the mythical beast type.

This is the king standing at the top of the sea. No matter what devil fruit he ate, or whether he ate devil fruit, he had one thing in common.

That is the unfathomable blood volume.

Whether it is real injury or penetration, don't think about taking it away with one blow.

Especially Douglas Barrett is only in his early 30s now. Even though he has been imprisoned in Impel for seven or eight years and his body is not as good as before, he has eaten the flesh and blood of the sea king for several months, which has made up for the deficit and overdraft of his body.

The length, thickness, and number of blood bars are not much different from before he was imprisoned.

"Come again!"

After getting up, Douglas Barrett rushed forward with a swift step, the ground cracked with the Earth's Force, and the spiral airflow exploded, like a roc spreading its wings, flashing behind Rosen in an instant.

But his every move had already been seen clearly by Rosen through his observation Haki, who could foresee the future.

"Devil's Cannon!"

Douglas Barrett waved a pair of purple arms, his muscles expanded and contracted, and the surging domineering aura lingered in his hands, like a flood opened, violently venting.


The air in front of his fists was instantly compressed, becoming as viscous as water, and then like a mountain torrent, forming a surging domineering shock wave, like a beam of heavy artillery hitting Rosen's back.

He was confident that this punch could directly break the second form of Susanoo.

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