The more he tried, the more he was able to do it.

As if to respond to the thoughts of Kuzan, Borsalino and others.

After witnessing the whole process of Warring States using the Overlord Color Entanglement, Rosen felt that this technique was no longer secretive in front of him.


Even if Warring States did not teach him, he had the confidence to learn this Overlord Color Entanglement technique.

It would take at most five or six seconds longer.

Now with Warring States’s hand-in-hand teaching, Overlord Color Entanglement, you just need hands.

Under the gaze of the legendary navy who looked at him like a monster, Rosen raised his arm and folded his five fingers.

Chi Chi

The moment he clenched his fist, black and red lightning flashed out one after another, like a violent black dragon breaking free from its restraints, and then entangled around his fist, emitting a strong pressure, forcibly distorting the air around his fist.


“Heroic Haki Entanglement.”

Even if Sengoku used his Observation Haki to foresee the future and had already seen this scene, he still couldn’t help but change color when he saw Rosen use the Haki Entanglement.

Not to mention the four people standing in the distance watching, Zefa, Garp, Kuzan and Borsalino.


“Is he a monster?”

“No, it should be said that he is a natural born overlord!”

At this moment.

All the legendary navy present reached a consensus in their hearts.

In their opinion, Rosen is really the kind of king who is chased by God to feed Haki.

Whether there is anyone to teach him or not does not affect his growth.

“I have nothing to teach him anymore.”

“At least.”

“That’s true for Conqueror Haki.”

When Sengoku watched Rosen rubbing his hands with Conqueror Haki in front of him, he felt very complicated.

He was shocked by Rosen’s extraordinary comprehension; he was also happy that the Navy Headquarters had such a natural Conqueror; and he was even more ashamed that he, as a Navy Admiral, had only taught Rosen a few minutes and he was at his wits’ end.

Especially he knew it well.

In fact, Rosen didn’t need Sengoku to teach him Conqueror Haki.

It was he who used his Observation Haki to foresee the future and learned that Rosen would comprehend Conquer Haki on his own in a few seconds. In order not to lose face in front of Garp, so as not to lose face, and for the sake of teaching, he completely relied on his powerful Haki and strength to force Rosen to learn the Conqueror Haki technique.

Otherwise, as a marshal, I am not even qualified to teach Rosen a lesson.


“Rosen, although you have mastered the King’s Haki entanglement and have mastered four, no, five techniques of Armament Haki, don’t be complacent about it.”

“The vastness of this sea is far beyond your imagination.”

Zhan Guo didn’t want Rosen to become arrogant and conceited because of his overpowering comprehension, so he racked his brains and finally thought of Rosen’s shortcomings and needed to be honed:

“At least, your Observation Haki.”

Before he finished speaking, he found that Rosen’s eyes had already glowed with a familiar red light, and his heart couldn’t help but tremble.

“So this is what it feels like to look at people with Observation Haki?”

“The auras of Sengoku teacher, Zephyr teacher, Vice Admiral Garp, Vice Admiral Kizaru and Vice Admiral Aokiji are like five suns in the headquarters of the Navy.”

Rosen closed his eyes and spread his Observation Haki.


While Sengoku was calming down and giving a lecture, he had already poured his consciousness into his Observation Haki and mastered it.

Although he could not foresee the future, after all, that was not a Haki technique, but the strength of Haki, but he knew all the basic techniques of Observation Haki.

Sense attacks, predict the opponent’s next move, sense the strength of creatures, sense the emotions and thoughts of creatures, and sense the position and number of objects outside the field of vision.

Many things.

Rosen has mastered them one by one.

In other words.

Three-color Haki.

If Zefa and Sengoku are counted together, he graduated after only two classes in total.

Rosen has mastered all the known techniques of the three-color Haki in the Grand Line. The remaining abilities, such as Observation Killing, foreseeing the future, etc., are no longer techniques, but are linked to the strength of Haki.

For example, foreseeing the future.

The strength of Observation Haki must be cultivated to the extreme.

And Observation Killing.

Without the strength of the advanced Domineering Haki, it is impossible to master it.

“Have you learned the Observation Haki?”

“Or is it me?

The kind of comprehension.”

Zhan Guo opened his mouth, as if an invisible egg was stuffed into it.

He hadn’t finished speaking yet, no, in the moment he was speaking, the monster in front of him had comprehended the Observation Haki.

When did the three colors of Haki become so cheap?

You can learn them all in two classes.

“This is interesting now.”

“Armament Haki, Conqueror Haki, and Observation Haki, he has mastered them all.”

“Like Mr. Zhan Guo, Mr. Zefa is also facing the crisis of unemployment. ”

Borsalino saw this, although he was teasing Zefa, he was as shocked as anyone else.

He always felt that he was also a monster.

Except for not having the innate domineering color domineering, whether it was swordsmanship, physical skills, health bars, or fruit abilities, each one was not inferior to the so-called Four Emperors.

Until he met Rosen.

Borsalino felt that he was also a normal person.

“How much do you look down on my ability?”


Zeffa curled his lips, and then ignored Borsalino, but walked straight to Rosen:


“Three colors of domineering, from a technical point of view, you have indeed learned all of them, but it does not mean that you have no room for improvement. ”

“Remember what I said before? ”

“Don’t be superstitious about the techniques of Haki. Whether it is Observation Haki, Armament Haki, or Conqueror Haki, the so-called techniques are just to allow you to better exert the power of Haki itself, but no technique will change the strength of your own Haki.”

As the only man in the navy who can compete with Kaido for the title of the world’s number one master, Zephyr is completely different from Sengoku.

He saw Rosen’s shortcomings at a glance.

In a word.

Skills are enough, but strength is insufficient.

If the strength of Haki, such as internal strength, and the Haki techniques, are compared to moves, then Rosen has top-level moves but does not have top-level internal strength to match them.

“Teacher Zephyr, please teach me. ”

After Rosen heard this, he thought for a moment and bowed to Zephyr.

After mastering the observation Haki, he could clearly feel a desire for his son to become a successful person in Zephyr.

Not a son, but a disciple.

Thinking of Zephyr’s experience of devoting his life to cultivating the new generation of the navy after his wife and children were killed by pirates, he understood that Zephyr’s cultivation and attention to him were not mixed with any interests.

So after thinking that he might have the domineering Haki, Zephyr hurried to the office of the Navy Marshal.

It seemed that he was reporting to Sengoku, but in fact he wanted to lay a foundation.

So that Sengoku could give an explanation.

That is, after confirming that Rosen had the domineering Haki, Sengoku, as a marshal, could come to teach him in person.

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