The two of them had a long journey.

"What are your plans after graduation?"

Seeing Rosen packing his luggage and preparing to travel far away, Gion no longer paid attention to the graduation ceremony.

"I should go to Beihai first."

"As for the future."

"Then let's talk about it later."

Rosen thought of the conversation he had with Zhan Guo under the starry sky not long ago, so he said.

"When you come back from Beihai, I should have graduated."

Gion listened to Rosen's implication.

That is, Beihai is just a one-time trip, not a long-term one.

"Will you come?"

Gion looked at Rosen with burning eyes.

"I will."

"I will come back the day you and Kaji graduate."

"Attend your graduation ceremony."

Faced with the invitation of the only two classmates, Rosen did not choose to refuse, but promised that no matter where he was at that time, he would go back to the headquarters.

"You are still a good friend."

Kaji also smiled and gave Rosen an elbow.


"It's time for me to leave."

"Before leaving, I have to go to Sengoku teacher first."

Rosen put the packed luggage in a box.

He didn't have much luggage, just a few clothes, a bag of tea and a set of tea sets given to him by Borsalino.

As for gold and silver, to be honest, he can't even get 100 berries on his body.

After all, he just graduated today, and he has no military rank, but he has no salary.

As for weapons, as a weapon fruit ability user, he has no weapons in the Grand Line that can match the Zanpakutō that Rosen can easily make.

"Let me take you there."

Gion took the suitcase from Rosen's hand.

"Thank you."

The future candidate for admiral wanted to carry a suitcase to see him off, so Rosen certainly wouldn't refuse.

"Let's go!"

Kaji also planned to do so.

However, Rosen only had one suitcase, so he could only go with him empty-handed.

But when the three of them left the dormitory, walked through the corridors, and were about to leave the Naval Academy, they found that there were three figures standing out from the crowd at the main gate of the military academy.

"Marshal Sengoku."

"Vice Admiral Kizaru."

"Teacher Zephyr."

Gion and Kaji were startled when they saw the three people, but then they reacted.

Although Rosen insisted on not holding a graduation ceremony, the three still chose to be there as a witness to Rosen's early graduation.

"Tsk tsk."

"The Admiral of the Navy, the former Admiral, and the Admiral candidate came in person to witness the graduation."

"Is this Rosen's weight?"

"It's just graduation. Even if there is no graduation ceremony, the people who attend the witnesses are all more powerful than each other."

Kaji swept his eyes over Sengoku, Borsalino, and Zefa one after another, and was secretly shocked.

He suddenly understood why Rosen was not interested in the graduation ceremony that the Navy Headquarters insisted on holding for him.

Compared with the teachers and students of the military academy who came to witness, how could the weight of the three people in front of him as witnesses be as huge?

In particular, Kaji also noticed that the Admiral of the Navy, the former Admiral, and the Admiral candidate, these three naval giants with extremely huge power in the headquarters, all came to the gate of the military academy in advance and waited for Rosen's arrival.

What a weight this is.

What an influence this is.

Even if the Five Elders were present, it would be no more than this, and they might not even get such treatment.


Next, Zephyr shocked Gion and Kake as soon as he spoke.

"You said that you have no military merits now and refused the graduation ceremony, so you shouldn't mind the three of us coming uninvited as your witnesses, to take advantage of the glory of the only student in the history of the military academy to graduate early?"

Zeffer said something shocking.

"Originally, Kuzan and Garp would have come, but one of them was sent to perform a mission in the first half of the Grand Line, and the other was stimulated by you, so he ran back to the East China Sea, shouting that he wanted to train a grandson to be a navy admiral."

"So, there are only three of us."

"You don't mind a few people, right?"

Sengoku's words shocked Gion and Kake again.

It made the two of them understand that it was not that there were only three high-ranking naval officers who came to witness Rosen's graduation, but that there were only three high-ranking officers stationed at the headquarters, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Borsalino.

As for Kuzan and Garp, they went to Paradise and the East China Sea.

"Two teachers, and seniors, can you

It's my honor to come here in person, so why would I mind!"

Rosen shook his head and laughed.

How could he not appreciate the kindness of the three elders?

"Then let's take a photo!"

"You two come too."

"Otherwise, it would be a bit strange for a student's graduation photo to have only us old guys, without even a student."

Borsalino took out a camera-type Den Den Mushi, and at the same time did not forget to invite Gion and Kaji to come and take a photo together.


Kaji was not afraid of the stage, and immediately stepped forward.

As for the person taking the photo, Sengoku waved his hand casually, and an officer came over with a camera-type Den Den Mushi.

"Get ready."

"I'm going to take the photo."


The officer held up the camera-type Den Den Mushi and signaled Rosen, Sengoku and others to get ready.



"1." "

As soon as he finished speaking, he pressed the shutter on the camera Den Den Mushi.


He took several photos in a row, and then took photos of Rosen alone, and asked him to take photos with others in pairs.

That's it.

A simple, not grand, not many people, but extremely impressive graduation ceremony quietly unfolded at the entrance of the military academy.

During the period, although it did not cause much sensation, the arrival of Sengoku and others was not concealed. After a long time.

The news that the marshal, former admiral, and admiral candidate personally came to witness Rosen's graduation would inevitably spread in the Navy Headquarters.

But by then, Rosen had already left the Navy Headquarters.



"Congratulations on graduating early and becoming a real navy."

After taking the photos, Borsalino took out a beautifully packaged small box in front of everyone and handed it to Rosen.

"Thank you, senior. "

Rosen took the gift, and then opened it in front of Borsalino.

It has been a while since he traveled to the Grand Line.

He knew that opening a gift in front of others was not disrespectful, but on the contrary, it was the greatest respect for the gift giver.

As the gift ribbon faded and the box was opened, everyone felt a touch of golden light.

Everyone looked around and saw a golden Den Den Mushi, shining brightly in the sun.

"Golden Den Den Mushi! "

Gion's pupils shrank when he saw this.

Golden Den Den Mushi.

This is one of the standard equipment of the admiral of the navy.

It symbolizes the power of the admiral.

No need to do it yourself, no need to report to the headquarters, and no need to report to the World Government, just press the golden Den Den Mushi to destroy any place.

Including the member countries of the World Government.

But now?

Borsalino actually gave the golden Den Den Mushi to Rosen.

Give it to the military academy student who just graduated and walked out of the school gate.

What made Kake even more frightened was what Borsalino said next.

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