The North Sea.

A steel warship was like an indestructible blade, cutting a gap in the sea surface in front of the bow and breaking through the sea.

On the deck, Dor, wearing a short-sleeved shirt and leather pants, walked to Rosen with a stack of carefully sorted documents and placed them on the table in front of him.

"Colonel Rosen."

"This is the detailed information of Don Quixote Doflamingo."

"All the bad behaviors of him and the Don Quixote Pirates in the North Sea are recorded."

Dor took the lead in pulling out the file of Don Quixote Doflamingo among many materials, and then handed it to Rosen.

"Thank you for your help."


Rosen took the file from Dor and opened it to read.

On the way from the Navy Headquarters to the North Sea, he finally had a clear understanding of the Grand Line, instead of staying at the understanding through animation in his previous life.

As for the weather, it can only be described as unpredictable.

There was a blizzard one second, and a clear sky the next; there was a storm one second, and the next was sunny.

The sea is the same, changing rapidly.

There was calm one moment, and whirlpools all over the ground; there was no waves, and the next was a tsunami and landslide.

Rosen has a deep understanding of the grandeur and unpredictability of the Grand Line.

Along the way, he has seen many ships buried in natural disasters and various sea disasters.

There are pirate ships, ordinary merchant ships, and some travel ships from all over the world.

When facing these people who were in distress, he generally took two measures.

For pirates, he watched them die in the sea. If they were lucky enough to escape, he would let Douglas Barrett finish them off.

For non-pirates, he would help them if he could. If they were short of food, he would leave some food. If they were short of ships, he would leave a lifeboat.

For Rosen, both food and lifeboats were inexhaustible in the Grand Line.

Hunting a sea beast casually was enough to save more than a dozen or even dozens of distressed ships.

The same was true for lifeboats. When passing by some islands, there were countless towering ancient trees. In a blink of an eye, he could build a batch of lifeboats.

But for him, these were just things that could be done with a snap of a finger. For ordinary people in distress, they were miracles, gifts from heaven, and salvation.

He witnessed with his own eyes the people he had saved, some of them were grateful, some were in tears, and some were kneeling in gratitude.

All these performances touched Rosen's heart.

For ordinary people in the Grand Line, it is not easy to go to sea or not.

It was also after going to sea that Rosen had a deeper understanding of his left and right arms, Douglas Barrett and Dole.

At first, he would call Dole Lieutenant Colonel, but now he calls him by his first name.

They have become much closer.

Just like for the captain, the deputy captain is always the most trustworthy right arm.

For the navy, the adjutant is also the most trustworthy right hand.

This is the case with Dole.

This is also the case with Douglas Barrett.

"Is it that serious?"

"Don Quixote Doflamingo is just a small character who is a cat in a small pond in the North Sea."

"Whether it is Tenyasha or the other Seven Warlords of the Sea, these so-called new-age pirates are just characters who can fly away with a breath. Are they worth your special investigation and reading his information?"

At this time.

Glas Barrett, who had just finished his morning exercise and had just finished a shower, came over. He saw Rosen actually looking through Don Quixote Doflamingo's information, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised, even incredible.

"Don't underestimate the power of the new era. I'm not just talking about Doflamingo, but the unique power of the Great Pirate Era opened by Gol D. Roger."

"Dole's information has already told us clearly."

"Barrett, maybe as you said, Donquixote Doflamingo is just an insignificant little character, but before the Great Pirate Era, could the four seas raise a pirate like Doflamingo?"

Rosen's eyes swept over the information in the file.

There is all kinds of information about Donquixote Doflamingo collected by the Naval Criminal Investigation Bureau.

For example, the ability of the String-String Fruit, and the ability to control

The amount of Haki he holds, the number of skills he has, and the level of strength.

Of course, there are also records of Don Quixote Doflamingo's various misdeeds.

For example, on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, which town was destroyed, which street was damaged, how many people were killed, etc., all recorded, and there are photos as evidence.

"Before the Great Pirate Era began, a place like the Four Seas could not have produced a figure like Doflamingo."

"That's right. Before the pirates from the Four Seas set foot on the Grand Line and went through the cruel selection of Paradise and the New World, almost no one could be like Donquixote Doflamingo. Without entering the Grand Line, he could have the current strength and manage the power of the pirate group to this extent."

"But under the tide of the Great Pirate Era, the Four Seas have changed. Under the nourishment of a whole new era, even a place like the Four Seas, which you call a pond, can raise a pirate like Doflamingo."

Rosen read ten lines at a glance, and after taking in all the information about Donquixote Doflamingo, he put down the file in his hand:

"This is the power of the Great Pirate Era."

He looked at Douglas Barrett and reminded him not to underestimate the power of the new era.

About this.

Experienced it vividly in the Four Emperors Shanks.

Although he is a character who can kill in one second, he still chooses to learn about Wang Kidd before he can kill 3 billion with one strike.

Shanks may not take Wang Kidd seriously, but he must take the power of the Great Pirate Era seriously.

And Wang Kidd.

is one of the pirate products bred by the power of the Great Pirate Era.

"Don't underestimate the power of the new era?"

Douglas Barrett was startled when he heard this.

Indeed, he can underestimate everyone in this sea, but he can't underestimate this era.

Because this is the Great Pirate Era that Gol D. Roger opened after he became successful and became the Pirate King, gambled his life, status, fame and wealth.

Such an era must have a powerful force that other eras did not have in the past.

And the Seven Warlords of the Sea, as well as other pirates of the new era, as products of the Great Pirate Era, must also have their own strengths.

"We can't underestimate the power of the new era, but we don't have to be afraid of it either."

"Because I will cut it off."

"This era is called the Great Pirate."

After Rosen finished speaking, he gently turned his head to the south, and when his eyes focused on an island standing on the turbulent North Sea, his eyes gradually glowed red:

"Let's start with this Tianyasha."

He chuckled, and his tone revealed a monstrous domineering aura that swept across the world.


"The Tianyasha you mentioned actually wants to shake the tree with an ant!"

"Doesn't he know that the enemy he is about to face is an existence that he can't shake even if he spends his whole life?"

Almost at the same time.

Douglas Barrett was also looking at the island in the sea in the distance, and the same red light flashed in his pupils, and a playful grin appeared on his face.

It seems that something interesting has happened, which makes him feel quite surprised.

"I didn't expect him to have such a reaction."

"But that's true."

"How could a man who only ruled the North Sea have seen the scenery at the top of the Grand Line?"

The red light in Dor's eyes faded, and she also sensed the situation of the island ahead:

"Since he has never seen it, it is understandable that he did not choose to escape but to take a fighting plan."

After a brief surprise, she calmed down and gave a reasonable answer.


"Colonel Rosen."

"Lieutenant Colonel Dor."

"We have arrived at Don Quixote's base. After investigation, we found that there are a large number of pirate ships and many pirates armed with live ammunition stationed around the Don Quixote family's base."

Suddenly, a marine rushed over, saluted Rosen and Dor, and then spoke very quickly but clearly, reporting all the intelligence he had found:

"At the dock of the base, we also found cadres of the Don Quixote Pirates."

"They are preparing for war."

"As for the target of the war, it may be you, Colonel Rosen!"

The marine thought of the last scene he saw when he looked through the telescope.

At that time.

There were also pirates responsible for investigation in Don Quixote's base. Holding a telescope, they saw the warship they were on.


The pirate ship stationed at the dock, like a wild beast awakened, began to adjust its position and opened its bloody mouth towards the warship.

The mouth of the basin is wide open.

At the same time.

The pirates in Don Quixote's base camp did not show any surprise or commotion caused by the navy. Instead, they were ready to fight, holding their weapons tightly.

That reaction was as if they had practiced countless times in advance to meet this moment.

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