The gun was used to shoot the enemy.

“First, the gun.”

Zefa rushed out, without using the Armament Haki, and with his body strength alone, he pierced a rock on the beach.

“This is the Storm Foot.”

He raised his right foot from the ground, like a sharp blade, and chopped it down from top to bottom towards the sea.


Accompanied by the sound of a sword, a visible vacuum slash wave broke through the air like a bird, slicing the beach and the sea together, leaving a deep crack.

“This is shaving.”

Zefar seemed to step with his right feet once, but in fact he stepped more than ten steps in an instant. He disappeared from his original place like an arrow from a bow, and rolled up a gust of dust, and appeared fifty meters away as if teleporting.

“Then it’s the moon step.”

He stepped into the air, and his feet in the air were as flat as walking on the ground, as if he was walking up the stairs, step by step, step by step, step by step, and then walked down again.

“Then it’s paper painting.”

Zefar released his strength, and his body swayed with the wind, as if he was wearing a paraglider, flying freely in the air.

“Finally, it’s the iron block.”

He thought, and his muscles seemed to be filled with infinite power, from skin to flesh, every part was as hard as steel.

Even a cannonball could hardly hurt him.


Rosen was concentrating on the first five of the six styles, but when it came to the iron block, he turned his head away and didn’t bother to take a second look.

Mysterious iron block.

In addition to giving the user mysterious confidence, it has no other function.

The main one who uses it will lose.

This is indeed the case.

Iron block is a physical skill that can only be used by monsters with different bodies like Mr. Kai and Big Mom.

Others, use one and lose one.

“Have you learned it?”

After practicing the six styles, Zefa turned to look at Rosen.

If he was teaching other students, even if they were monsters with great generals, he would teach them one by one, but considering Rosen’s extraordinary comprehension, he decisively chose to teach by cramming.

Just practice the six styles from beginning to end.

There is no need to explain any requirements and precautions.

Because, that is redundant.

“I have learned it.”

Rosen nodded.

Even the three-color domineering and all the skills, he learned them after listening to Zefa once, and he could draw inferences from one example.

Not to mention the six styles, which Zefa practiced from beginning to end.

“Don’t underestimate the six styles.”

“These six physical skills are mostly created by borrowing from the characteristics of devil fruits, swordsmanship, and weapons.”

“The flying slash of swordsmen is borrowed from the Storm Legs, the rifles and cannons in weapons are borrowed from the iron blocks, the physique of animal-type ability users is borrowed from the paper painting, the flowing body of natural-type ability users is borrowed from the moon steps and the shaving is borrowed from the ability of the superhuman spring fruit.”

Zeffer seemed to see Rosen’s contempt for the six styles, or the iron blocks:

“When the six styles are used alone, The power is not too strong, but what about the combination with three-color domineering? ”

“Physical skills and domineering are always complementary. ”

“And I teach you the six styles because the six styles are both physical skills and excellent methods of body training. Even if you have learned all six styles, you can still play a role in body training in the process of repeated use of the six styles, plus your six-storehouse fairy thief. ”

“Eating and training, a two-pronged approach, can allow you to forge a monster-like body in the shortest time.”

Zefa said seriously.

After hearing this, Rosen put away his contempt for the iron block, or changed his view of the iron block.

Iron blocks are not used for defense, but for body training.

After all, the attacks of top-level strongmen, whether they are ability users, domineering strongmen, or swordsmen, will smash the surface and split the sea. How can iron blocks withstand it?

Only the idiots of CP9 and some talents in the navy will use iron blocks for defense.

“This is also your last class at the Naval Academy.”

“Starting tomorrow.”

“You don’t have to go to class at the Naval Academy.”

Seeing Rosen perform the Six Styles in front of him, Zefa suddenly said.

“Teacher Zefa.”

“You mean, I’m graduating?”

Rosen was slightly startled when he heard this.

He had only been in school for two days and had only attended four classes in total.

Is he graduating now?

Rosen thought about it and it seemed to be true.

He had already learned all the three-color Haki and all the Haki techniques, as well as physical skills.

It can be said that everything that can be taught in the Naval Academy is complete.

, he has learned everything that cannot be taught in the Naval Academy.

I guess even the former admiral of the navy has no ability to teach me.

“What are you thinking about?”

“I just said that you can no longer learn anything useful in the Naval Academy.”

“But I never said that you can graduate.”

Zeffa glanced at Rosen.

“Then if I don’t come to school and can’t graduate, where should I go?”

Rosen looked at Zefa with a puzzled look.

“Tomorrow at 8 o’clock, you will wait for me at the gate of the Naval Academy, and you will know then.”

Zeffa did not answer directly, but asked Rosen to go back and rest.

If it were other students, even students in Zefa’s class, they would have to accept various collective training on time, but Rosen didn’t.

It’s not that Zefa is partial, but he knows very well that in addition to teaching like domineering and physical skills, giving the rest of the time back to Rosen is the best way to train him.

After class.

Zephyr did not return to Zephyr Class, nor did he go to see Gion and Kake’s training. Instead, he went directly to the Marshal’s office, knocked on the door, and then made a request to Sengoku that shocked all the senior officials in the office.

“What did you say?”

“Let me write you a pass to enter and exit Impel Prison freely?”

“Zephyr, what are you doing there?”

Sengoku looked puzzled.

“In addition to the pass to enter and exit Impel Prison, I also want a waiver signed by you personally.”

Zephyr did not answer Sengoku’s words, but continued to make a second request.

“What exactly do you want to do?”


“You won’t put aside the past and want to go into the city to kill prisoners, right?”

Sengoku frowned.

He immediately thought of Zephyr’s lifelong pain.

That’s family.

The former general who never kills, never kills any pirates when in action, but the result is that his family is killed by pirates, and it’s the whole family.

From that moment on, if the admiral was not killed, he would have died.

The one who survived was an admiral who hated pirates.

Even though he resigned from the position of admiral, this hatred for pirates did not disappear. Instead, it became stronger as time went by.

“If I really wanted to do this, I would have gone to the Impel Prison to kill people long before I retired.”

“There is no need to come to you to ask you what pass and exemption order you want from Zhan Guo.”

Seeing Zhan Guo mention his family, Zefa’s face changed slightly, but immediately returned to his original indifference and seriousness.

“What are you doing?”

Zhan Guo was relieved after hearing this, but he was still unwilling to sign without asking clearly.

After all, Impel Prison was a forbidden place that blocked the evil of the world.

No matter how much he trusted Zefa, he would never give out a pass easily before finding out the reason, let alone an exemption order.

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