“Are you kidding me?”

“I know that the conflict between kings can indeed increase the intensity of the overlord color, but the improvement of that navy boy is a bit too outrageous.”

“I just had a few encounters with Barrett. Compared to the beginning, his domineering aura has at least doubled.”

“If he can maintain this rate of improvement, he will be able to catch up with Barrett in just two or three minutes, or even catch up with the latecomer.”

“Isn’t that the reason why these navy suddenly came to Infinite Hell?”

Witnessing the domineering conflict between Rosen and Douglas Barrett, all the prisoners looked stunned.

What’s more, he actually guessed the purpose of Rosen and others’ trip.


“Barrett, right?”

“Why don’t you continue?”

Rosen looked toward Douglas Barrett’s cell.

After enjoying the increasing speed of Bawang Se’s rocket, he couldn’t stop.



“Let me out, and I’ll make sure you’re satisfied.”

Douglas Barrett had a gloomy face, raised the seastone handcuffs that locked his hands, and said with a grin.

Although he likes fighting and prefers to challenge the strong, he has no interest in cultivating a new era.

Especially training for the navy that imprisoned him.

In comparison, he only wants to destroy the power of the New Era.

“Remember what you say now.”

When Rosen heard this, he did not refuse, but said meaningfully.

Let Douglas Barrett out, that’s inevitable.

On Zefa’s list, there is Douglas Barrett’s name.

But not now.

Although the intensity of his Overlord Color has more than doubled after a clash of Overlord Colors, Rosen knew very well that he would never be able to beat Douglas Barrett after only practicing his Dominance for three days.

Unlike the overlord color conflict, it is difficult to distinguish a substantial winner or loser.

Once they actually fight, using the techniques of domineering, if they are both kings, the slight difference in the domineering power of the three colors will easily be magnified infinitely.

Just like Wang Lufei and Teacher Kai.

Without the fifth-speed Nika, even if it was a wheel battle plus a siege, and with Teacher Kai carrying Onigashima throughout the fight, Wang Lufei would not be able to defeat Teacher Kai regardless of whether he was fighting for dominance or fighting with weapons.

“It won’t be long.”

“Solve the names earlier on the list and it will be your turn.”

“Douglas Barrett.”

Rosen glanced at Douglas Barrett’s cell.

The next conflict will not be a clash of overlords, but a clash of real swords and guns.

Physical skills, domineering, fruit abilities, etc., all aspects of extreme conflict.

It is no longer as gentle as the overlord-colored conflict just now.

“What’s the meaning?”

“Is it possible that he really plans to let me out?”

At this time, Douglas Barrett was still surprised by what Rosen had just said.

Although his reason kept telling him that this was impossible, after all, the Navy had dispatched Garp, Sengoku, and the Demon-Slaying Order to capture him, but Barrett had already had a lucky idea in his mind.

Even if we don’t let him go, as long as we can unlock the sea-floor stone handcuffs and have a hearty fight.

“Teacher Zefa, let’s start class.”

Rosen ignored Douglas Barrett and asked Teacher Zefa to start the class.

After experiencing Douglas Barrett’s domineering speed, his expectations for this internship class were completely high.

Now even if Zefa, Sengoku, and Garp join forces to drag him back to the Naval Academy, he still refuses to leave.

If you stay in the naval academy and eat and sleep every day without training or fighting, it will take at least three to five years to reach the combat power of a naval admiral.

Classes can be taken at Impel Prison.

Within one year, he will become a general quickly.

Potential, capacity, and qualifications are all empty.

In Rosen’s view, only power is real, and it must be mastered as soon as possible.

Because the Grand Line is a place full of miracles and changes, you never know which tomorrow or accident will come first.

Only by mastering the power can you have the capital to face any unexpected situation.

Otherwise, no matter how unnatural your understanding is, it will only be your understanding after all.

If it cannot be converted into power, it is meaningless.

“have lesson?”

Hearing what Rosen said, Shiliu perked up and had an excited expression on his face.

As for the accompanying dominoes

, as early as when Rosen and Douglas Barrett’s Conqueror’s Haki collided, they were already stunned by the wave of Haki that was stirred up.

“The first one.”

“Bondi Waldo.”

Zeffa opened the list he had carefully prepared.

He had carefully considered each of the names on it.

It covers every type of Haki, physical skills, swordsmanship, and fruit ability users.

And from weak to strong, to ensure that Rosen would not encounter a general-level monster at the beginning, causing a direct overturn.

“World Destroyer?”

Borsalino pinched his chin.

He just happened to have some impression of this name.

Not because of strength, nor because of fruit ability, but because Bondi Waldo’s method of imprisonment is the most unique among the many prisoners on the sixth floor.

Other prisoners are a combination of seastone chains and cells, while Bondi Waldo is.

Frozen to suspended animation.

“I am only responsible for bringing Bondi Waldo to you. As for what will happen next, I will not care.”

Although Xiliu is the warden of Impel, his personality is completely different from that of Director Magellan.

He is ambitious in his bones, and it can even be said that he is afraid of chaos in the world.

If it were Magellan, he would probably argue with Zefa, but he just left a word and walked directly to the cell where Bondi Waldo was imprisoned.

“What do they want to do?”

“From what that kid and Zefa said, they want to release the frozen Bondi Waldo.”


“Does the World Government need Bondi Waldo for experiments?”

“I think so!”

“Otherwise, I can’t imagine why the Navy would be so kind to come to Infinite Hell to release Bondi Waldo.”

“How pitiful! He would rather die early than be tied to an operating table and manipulated and sliced ​​for research.”

The prisoners in Infinite Hell were very curious about the conversation between Rosen and Zefa.

However, they were not good people to begin with. Instead of having pity on Bondi Waldo’s fate, they gloated over it.

“This is the prisoner you want.”

Not long after.

Shiryu came back carrying a huge block of ice, put it on the ground, and kicked it in front of Zefa.


Zeffa raised his foot to stop the ice, and after his eyes swept over a green-bearded man in the ice, he slapped the ice with one palm.


The armed color domineering aura came out, and the ice that was several people high immediately exploded.

Bondi Wald broke through the ice and stood up to face Zephyr.

A moment later.

The world destroyer who had been frozen for nearly twenty years slowly opened his eyes, his eyes changed from confusion to confusion, and then to anger.

Frozen in suspended animation for twenty years.

After breaking through the ice, in just a few minutes, without any treatment or rest, he woke up on his own, and even looked like nothing was wrong.

The physique of a monster is fully displayed.

This is the infinite hell.

This is the prisoner of Impel LV6.

“Why did you betray me?”

“Damn it! You all deserve to die! Anyone who stands in my way should be destroyed.”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s the navy, the world government, or the pirates.”

Bondi Waldo’s eyes were bloodshot.

His memory still stayed at the moment 20 years ago when he was betrayed by his subordinates and his body was frozen.

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