The two were separated.

“As a member of CP0, while enjoying the privilege of killing, he is also responsible for protecting the Celestial Dragons, carrying out secret operations, and absolutely obeying the orders of the Five Elders.”

“Even if CP0 is asked to commit suicide, he cannot resist.”

“But he failed in his duty.”

Zeffa looked at a cell not far away, his eyes fixed on the bearded man inside, but his eyes showed disdain.

“Did he disobey the Celestial Dragons?”

When Rosen heard this, he was already thinking about whether to keep him alive.

Even if he was the head of CP0 and a prisoner on the sixth floor, he could consider leaving Geborg disabled and leaving him alive just because he dared to disobey the Celestial Dragons.

“Around 18 years ago, there were several Tianlong people who ran to a non -world government franchisee in the East China Sea. Some looked at the queen of that country, some looked at the princess, and some were noble wives. Of course, some civilian women could not run.” During the operation, he accidentally met Karp on the East China Sea. “” The last woman was not tied up, and the CP0 was also beaten. Even the heavenly dragons were also carried away by Bawang, and they were sent back to Marcia. ” Rosen said nothing and destroyed the kindness that was just born. Of the prisoners who can be imprisoned in this layer of Infinite Hell, whether they are pirates, navy, or CP0, nine out of ten deserve to die, and there is one that he has not met yet.

“I don’t know if this counts as disobeying the Celestial Dragons.”

“Anyway, after those Celestial Dragons woke up, they thought that Geber’s guarding was ineffective and the operation failed, so they asked him to commit suicide.”

“Of course he didn’t want to, so he chose to escape directly.”

Zeffa said indifferently.

“Who imprisoned him?”

Rosen was silent for a few seconds.

Disobeying the Celestial Dragons?

It was indeed disobeying, but it was a little different from what he imagined.

“Old man.”

Zeffa pointed at himself, with a rare sense of pride in his tone.

After all, few navy members have a good impression of the CP organization.

Especially CP9 and CP0.

It is definitely a gratifying thing to be able to personally capture the former CP0 commander and throw him into the city of Impel Down.

“Thank you for the whetstone sent by Mr. Zephyr.”

Rosen nodded, then opened his lips and blew gently.

A short sword that was only half the length of the navy’s standard long sword appeared out of thin air and fell into his hand.

The weapon fruit allows the ability user to turn any part of the body into a weapon.

Hair can be turned into a Zanpakuto.

Blowing can also turn it into a Zanpakuto.

“Breathing into a sword?”

Borsalino saw this scene, and his eyes under the sunglasses suddenly lit up.

To be honest, he was a little amazed by Rosen’s performance of breathing into a sword, and even thought about it. The next time he went out on a mission, he would imitate Rosen and use the breath-turned-sword trick on the pirates.

But it was not a Zanpakuto, but a sword of the sky.

“Bring him out.”

Zeffer specifically told Geber’s past, of course not to show off his past achievements, but to let Rosen know the other party’s ability through Geber’s identity as a CP0 commander.

All CP0 members are basically proficient in the six styles and good at domineering.

Even those who have eaten the superhuman or even natural devil fruit are mainly based on physical skills.


Shiryu walked to the cell where Geber was imprisoned, unlocked the door with the key marked with number 2, and then stretched out his hand to pinch Geber’s neck, dragging him all the way from the cell to Rosen and others like a dead dog:

“Open it yourself!”

After saying that.

Shiryu casually threw a key in front of Geber.

Geber didn’t say anything, but when he glanced at Zefa from the corner of his eyes, a hint of resentment that penetrated deep into his bones flashed across his face, but it disappeared immediately.

He reached out to pick up the key on the ground and carefully opened the seastone shackles and leg irons that locked his hands and feet.

“A person with special abilities?”

Rosen’s eyes swept over the seastone handcuffs and leg irons.

Although he had only been to Impel Prison once, he also paid attention to

I noticed that the prisoner detention methods in the Infinite Hell are different.

Some have their hands and feet locked with seastone handcuffs and shackles.

Some have their hands and feet locked, and even the prison cells are made of seastone.

Geber belongs to the former.

Because if you want to imprison a person with special abilities, you can just lock your hands and feet with seastone shackles and shackles. Only those prisoners who have not eaten devil fruits will use seastone to build their cells after locking their hands and feet.

“Zeff, it’s been a long time.”

The moment Geber untied the seastone handcuffs and shackles, his hunched body, which had been imprisoned for many years and sealed with seastone, gradually straightened up, and then a cold and murderous aura spread.

He was like a beast awakened from a deep sleep, and just standing next to him would make people fidget.

“If we want to reminisce about the past, there’s no need to say more.”

“In the past, I couldn’t get along with the people of the CP organization, and it’s the same now.”

“There’s only one thing you have to do, either die at the hands of me and Borsalino, or die at the hands of my students.”

Zeff’s tone was as cold as ice, and he had no intention of reminiscing about the past with Geber.

“I understand.”

Geber turned his head and looked deeply at Rosen, as if he wanted to dig his facial features deep into his brain and never forget them.

Then, he raised his foot and kicked.

The seastone handcuffs and shackles scattered at his feet were like cannonballs, kicked towards Rosen and Borsalino respectively.


Geber stepped out, like an arrow from a bow, and brushed past Zeffer.

Shaving, one of the six styles, seemed to have been integrated into his bones and became an instinct of his body. Any step was a shaving.

The speed was so fast that he passed Zeffer in an instant and rushed a hundred meters away.

Then, he transformed himself, his body size exploded, his skin turned blue-brown, like elephant skin, and his hands stretched out to both sides, quickly turning into a pair of huge wings.

The wings spread out, more than fifteen meters.

Like most members of CP9 and CP0, Geber also ate the Animal Devil Fruit, but not the ordinary Animal Devil Fruit, but the Dragon Dragon Fruit.

Ancient species·Wind God Pterosaur form.

At this time.

Geber flapped his wings, and actually raised a violent airflow, not only rolling up sand and rocks, but also supporting his body, rising from the ground, like a storm, flying towards the entrance and exit of the Infinite Hell.

“Goodbye, Zephyr.”

“And your student.”

“If I meet him outside in the future, I will definitely treat him well for you.”

Geber’s resentful voice, like the roar of a demon, echoed in the Infinite Hell.

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