The sword was raised and the cherry blossoms fell.

“Scatter, Senbonzakura.”

The sword rose and the cherry blossoms fell.

The sky was full of black cherry blossoms, like a black rain of death, drowning the prisoner named Sebanos.


Rosen took back the Senbonzakura and put the blade back into the scabbard.

The clock-in was completed.

Another day of killing prisoners on the sixth floor in seconds.


As the sound of the blade returning to the scabbard sounded, there was no prisoner named Sebanos in the infinite hell. Only some limb parts belonging to Sebanos could be found from a pool of sticky blood on the ground.


The armed cherry blossom rain just now directly dismembered it. It didn’t even have time to scream, no, it didn’t even feel the pain, and it was turned from a prisoner into parts.

After killing Sebanos in seconds, Rosen glanced at the prisoners in the cages around him, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

It seemed to be saying, is this the extent of the monsters erased from history?

Faced with this silent question, the response was deathly silence.

The prisoners in the infinite hell seemed to have collectively lost their voices, and none of them spoke, as if they were completely scared of killing after being clocked in by Rosen for ten days.

Seeing this.

Rosen didn’t say anything either. After inserting his Zanpakutō back into the scabbard, he turned and left.

Since the prisoners in the infinite hell can’t please themselves through fighting, they can please themselves with Domino’s different, non-repeating Sea King-like meals every day.


From the seventh day, it is not known whether Rosen’s three-color domineering has reached a new realm, or the prisoners fighting him are too weak.

I went to the Infinite Hell to punch in the clock in this morning. The improvement brought by the battle with the prisoners was far less than that of the previous week.

Especially today.

[Your comprehension is against the sky. Through the battle with Cebanos and the cultivation of the Qi body source flow, the three-color domineering has been enhanced to a certain extent. ]

[The strength of the Armament Haki has increased by 13%. ]

[The strength of the Observation Haki Batty has increased by 9%. ]

[The strength of the Conqueror Haki has increased by 5%. ]

Looking at the information that emerged in his mind, Rosen shook his head secretly.

In addition to the Armament Haki, the increase in the Conqueror Haki and Observation Haki has fallen below double digits.

The depreciation is extremely serious!

The improvement brought by punching in the Infinite Hell is now not even as good as the Sea King meal prepared by Domino for him.

In this regard.

Rosen knew very well that it was not that the Qi body source flow had regressed, but that the prisoners of the Infinite Hell could not keep up with his progress.

He didn’t even need to use the Observation Haki, and he killed him with one knife.

How can he improve if he can’t even take a single move?

Is this called fighting?


This is an instant kill, even hitting the air.

In essence, there is no difference between him punching the infinite hell and using skills at the air.

So where is the breakthrough improvement?

“Teacher Zephyr, did you find it?”

“It’s still the same fruit ability, but no matter which one it is, it has changed dramatically compared to when my junior entered the Impel Prison.”

“Like Senbonzakura, I remember that when he used it in front of me for the first time, he could only separate about a thousand cherry blades, but now his Senbonzakura can separate at least tens of thousands of cherry blades.”

In an office in the Burning Hell.

Borsalino glanced at Rosen who was eating, and then looked at Zephyr beside him.

“And the weapon called the God Gun, too.”

“When my junior used it for the first time, the extension speed was about five times the speed of sound, but now it’s more than ten times.”

“If you use Armament Haki, it will be even faster and stronger.”

He said to himself.

“Borsalino, what do you want to say?”

Zeffa looked at Borsalino and raised his eyebrows.

“Teacher Zephyr, I don’t mean to question your professionalism and authority as a teacher, but the fact is that your list is a bit out of date.”

“Three days.”

“My junior hasn’t used Conqueror Haki for more than three days.”

Borsalino said, holding up three fingers.

Perhaps it’s because he and Zephyr have been living together in Impel Prison these days, and Rosen is the bridge between the two. Although the two still quarrel after less than three sentences, at least they don’t show the Murasaki sword and black wrist like before.


Zefa subconsciously wanted to refute when he heard it, but when the words came to his mouth, he thought of Rosen’s recent days.

Performance in the Infinite Hell.

He was silent.

Even Borsalino could see that the prisoners in the Infinite Hell could not keep up with Rosen’s version update speed. As the first master of the navy, how could he not see it?

But facing Borsalino’s questioning, Zephyr was still a little unhappy.

He knew very well that it was not that he was not professional and authoritative as a teacher, but that Rosen’s understanding was too amazing.

Even if he overestimated again and again, he still underestimated the opponent’s progress.

He thought that even if Rosen improved faster, it would take at least two or three months to reach the current strength.

The result?

Ten days.

Now Rosen’s combat power has exceeded the scope of the elite vice admiral of the headquarters, and is completely at the level of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and he is not like Gekko Moriah who was defeated by Kaido, and Crocodile who was crippled by Whitebeard.

This also caused the admiral quick-training plan formulated by Zephyr to be out of version.

“If you are not old and blind, you should be able to see that my junior has gradually lost his initial enthusiasm for the Infinite Hell. If tomorrow’s prisoners are still the same as today’s, I guess he will completely lose interest in the Infinite Hell.”

“Of course, this does not include Barrett, but it is too early for him to fight Barrett now. Judging from my junior’s always steady style, what he is most likely to do is to leave Impel and apply for early graduation from the Navy Headquarters.”

“After all, you know how bad the environment in Impel is. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to wander around in the Grand Line. Anyway, With his comprehension, he can become an admiral without doing anything. Then he can come back and settle things with Barrett. ”

Borsalino paused, and he didn’t know what happy thing he thought of. He showed a slightly obscene smile on his face:

“I just don’t know how you plan to explain to Mr. Zhan Guo, Mr. Zefa?”

“If I remember correctly, when you asked Mr. Zhan Guo for the Impel pass and exemption order, you seemed to pat your chest and say that when Rosen left Impel, he would definitely have the strength of an admiral candidate.”

“I think you also said something about betting on the name of Black Arm. Is that the case?”

Borsalino looked at Zefa with a smile.

As soon as these words came out.

Zefer’s face changed immediately.

As the saying goes, love what you do.

As the first master of the navy, he still has his own pride.

Moreover, just as Borsalino said, in order to get Sengoku to open a pass and sign a waiver for Rosen, he threatened in the Marshal’s office that he would bet on the name of Black Arm to make Rosen have the strength of a candidate for the general when he left Impel Prison.

This is why Sengoku was convinced.

If Sengoku, Garp and others knew that the reason why Rosen left Impel and even graduated early was because the so-called general candidate quick training program formulated by Zefa could not keep up with Rosen’s progress, or slowed down Rosen’s growth, would he still want to keep his face?

This is the thought.

Zefa took out the list he had carefully prepared from his pocket, and his eyes swept over the remaining twenty names one by one, then took out a pen, skipped fourteen names in one breath, and finally drew a circle on the fifth to last name.

At the same time.

An updated quick training program for generals quietly emerged in his mind.

The next day.

Although Rosen was a little uninterested, he still went to the Infinite Hell to check in on time.

After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Sending a prisoner to see Roger can increase the three-color domineering by nearly 10%. It doesn’t take a year or half a year. If accumulated in ten days or half a month, it is also a considerable improvement.

Just think of it as a walk after breakfast. Although there is a six-storey immortal thief by your side, there is no need to digest food at all.


When he arrived at the Infinite Hell, Zefa called out the name of a prisoner that surprised Rosen.

“Catlin Diemey.”

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