The two of them were very close.

Basque Jot saw Rosen using both swords, showing an extremely strong attitude, but still after destroying his fireball, he was in a brief stalemate with Katrin Diemey’s iron fist. He couldn’t help but be happy.

“The flaw is exposed!”


He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue with joy, and a large amount of high-concentration alcohol immediately emerged in the air, and he rubbed it with his index finger and thumb.


A huge exploding fireball suddenly appeared out of thin air, burning the air of infinite hell with bursts of crackling sounds, and then dragged its orange-red tail, like a meteor that broke through the sky, and smashed towards Rosen’s back.

“Does the junior have a flaw?”

“Does Rosen have a flaw?”

Borsalino was stunned and couldn’t help turning his head to look at Zefa. Unexpectedly, Zefa also looked at him.

The two looked at each other, confused and bewildered.

Although they didn’t use the observation Haki to perceive all the time, as the candidate for admiral and the former admiral of the navy, their eyesight was still extremely sharp. No matter how they looked, they didn’t see any flaws in Rosen’s figure, but Basque Jot’s confident look and his determined attack were also true.

This made them both doubt their own vision.

At this time.

Whether it was Borsalino or Zefa, both the teacher and the student couldn’t help wondering, was it because they didn’t use the observation Haki to perceive just now, but only watched with their naked eyes, so they made a mistake?

Or did Basque Jot eat the flaw fruit instead of the wine fruit?

Or is it that the barrel is a dual-fruit ability user?

“I didn’t see it!”

Zeffa and Borsalino looked at each other, and after confirming that neither of them had seen the flaws that Basque Jot mentioned, they looked at Shiryu at the same time.

After ten days of getting along, they could see that Shiryu’s strength was second only to Director Magellan in the entire Impel Prison.

A true swordsman.

If Rosen really had a flaw, the other party would definitely be able to see it, and maybe Shiryu had just used his observation Haki to sense it.

“If Basque Jot is a monster like the Four Emperors, Rosen is indeed full of flaws now.”

Facing the inquiring eyes of the two, Shiryu said without hesitation.

Borsalino and Zefa heard this and nodded slightly to express their agreement.

Flaws are very picky.

If you look at Rosen from the perspective of the Four Emperors, it goes without saying that he has flaws from head to toe, but from Basque Jot’s perspective and strength, it doesn’t matter whether Rosen has any flaws or not. Even if he does, the other party will definitely not be able to grasp it.

As if to respond to the thoughts of the three of them.

“Crescent Moon Sky Rush!”

Just as Rosen turned his back to Basque Jot and was about to catch the fireball with his back, he pressed hard with his palm holding the black knife Yanyue, and the black blade that was in a stalemate with the iron fist swung by Katrin Diemy who transformed into Garp suddenly burst into a gorgeous purple light.


A purple crescent roared out, like a terrifying torrent that swallowed everything, sweeping towards Katrin Diemy who was close at hand and maintained a confrontational posture with Rosen’s Yanyue.


Faced with the surging purple crescent, Katrin Diemey had no time to dodge and could only watch the crescent rushing towards her and drowning her whole body.

The terrifying sharp edge penetrated her body, cutting her all over, and she was in pain, and she screamed in agony that even the deafening roar of the purple crescent could not cover.

At this time.

The fireball released by Basque Jot had already flown to Rosen’s back, only one punch away from his body.

With the speed and volume of the fireball, as well as the distance between him and Rosen, he had no time to dodge or swing his knife.


Seeing this scene, Basque Jot couldn’t help but declare victory.


Under his excited gaze, Rosen really had no time to dodge or swing his knife in time. He could only stand there, maintaining the action of releasing the crescent sky rush, and was finally hit all over by the extremely high temperature fireball.



There were no screams, only the sound of ice and fire colliding.


The huge fireball with a diameter of more than five meters that hit Rosen was like a head-on collision with a glacier.

First, a large amount of white mist emerged, and then the blazing fireball was visible to the naked eye.

shrank at a speed of 3 meters.

2 meters.

1 meter.

Before hitting Rosen, the radius of the fireball was more than 5 meters, but after hitting Rosen, it shrank to the size of a palm in less than two or three seconds, and continued to shrink, turning into a cluster of finger-sized flames, and finally was washed away by the scattered white mist, and the flames were like candles in the wind, completely extinguished.

Faced with the sudden change, the confident laughter on Basque Jot’s face froze instantly.

As the white mist dissipated, he also saw the situation inside clearly.

The rock layer of the Infinite Hell was actually burned and melted a lot, forming a sunken pit. You can imagine the power of the flame just now.

But what made Basque Jot unbelievable was that Rosen, who was standing on the pit, was hit on the back by the powerful fireball, but he was not hurt at all.

Not to mention that his body was completely melted, even his clothes and hair were not damaged at all.

Even after the impact and burning of the fireball, the ice covering the shoulders, back and other clothes showed no signs of melting.

“It’s worthy of the cooperation of two monster-level pirates.”

“It can actually touch my body.”


Rosen held two swords and looked at Basque Jot, who was full of astonishment and disbelief.


“My wine-rich fire has indeed hit you.”

“Whether it is swinging the knife or dodging, you can’t do it.”

Basque Jot shook his head repeatedly, unable to understand why his wine-rich fire would be ineffective against Rosen.

“Your fire has indeed touched me, and I really didn’t have time to swing the knife.”

“That’s why I complimented you.”

“Big barrel.”

Rosen admitted that Basque Jot’s fire did touch him.


Basque Jot couldn’t help asking.

“What do you think?”

Rosen’s mouth curled slightly.

“That knife.”

Basque Jot first glanced at the ice on Rosen’s clothes, and then looked at the Sode Shirayuki in his left hand:

“I see.”

“The ability of your knife is not to release freezing air or freeze materials, but to directly change your body temperature.”

“The function of the knife is just to expand the range of freezing.”

An idea flashed in his mind, and then he blurted it out.

“Did you finally react?”

After Basque Jot revealed Sode Shirayuki’s ability, Rosen’s smile became even stronger.

He was not worried about Sode Shirayuki’s ability being discovered.

After all, Sode Shirayuki’s ability itself is not complicated. After seeing it once, it is easy to guess it.

Moreover, knowing and cracking are two different things.

Everyone knows that Whitebeard’s fruit ability is the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, but who can defeat the world’s strongest man?

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