The battle was over.

“Is that the end?”

“Is it the same as Basque Jot, frozen in ice.”

“Or was it completely destroyed by the purple crescent just now.”

Katlin Diemey looked at Rosen standing in front of her, her heart completely sank to the bottom.

As a mythical beast, she has a physique far superior to every prisoner who has fought Rosen before. Even if she has endured several crescents of the moon, she can still stand up and fight again.

Unlike Basque Jot before, after half of his body was frozen, his movements became slow and stiff, and his combat power was greatly reduced.

At this time.

Although Katrin Diem was covered in wounds, her fighting power was still online, but the strange thing was that she was already thinking about how she would die.

This was the reaction of a shocked will and mental breakdown.

Like Gekko Moriah who was defeated by Kaido, even if she survived, she became self-destructive and her strength declined rapidly.

Just as Katrin Diem was secretly wondering whether the man in front of her would use Yanyue to release Getsuga Tensho or use Sode no Shirayuki to release Absolute Zero.

Rosen stood in front of Katrin Diem, took a quick look at the witch-like Wakatsuki Hunter in front of her, and then raised Yanyue and Sode no Shirayuki in his stunned eyes.


The armed color domineering wrapped around the two Zanpakutōs quickly dissipated, and then he put them back into the scabbard.

After doing all this.

Rosen seemed to ignore Katrin Diem as if she were air and walked straight past her.

“What’s going on?”

Catlin Diemey’s pupils shrank, and a look of surprise appeared on her face.

She could understand that Basque Jot, who was frozen in the ice, was not broken. After all, if the ice sculpture was left there for a long time, Basque Jot would either die of organ failure due to the freezing air, or die of suffocation due to being unable to breathe.

Whether it was broken or not, the big barrel would eventually die.

But she really couldn’t understand why Yan Yue and Xiu Baixue were taken back and passed by her.

After all.

In Catlin Diemey’s memory, since Rosen came to the Infinite Hell and punched in on the first day, no prisoner could survive under his knife.

That’s right.

Catlin Diemey was ready to face death.

“No need to ask again.”

“You LV6 prisoners are really disappointing.”

“Before coming here, I had high hopes for you. I thought that even if I only fought once a day, I would be able to improve myself. But I was disappointed again and again.”

Rosen turned his back to Katrin Diemey and continued to walk forward without looking back:

“It’s only been thirteen days. Even if Mr. Zefa moved your name to the front of the list and released you from the cell in advance, and even if he added Basque Jot, the combined strength is only this level. It’s hard for me to use Overlord. “I can’t even do color entanglement.”

“By tomorrow, I guess your performance will be even worse, and I may not need to use two Zanpakutō anymore.”

“You are all prisoners second only to Douglas Barrett and Redfield. If I kill you all here now, I will lose two more materials to help me practice.”

“I just made such a judgment.”

Rosen ignored Jotlin Diemey and walked to Zefa, and then put forward a training proposal that surprised Zefa and shocked Borsalino and Shiliu.

“Teacher Zefa.”

“You don’t need to consider the order of the prisoners’ names on the list, nor do you need to consider who should be released early.”

“Starting tomorrow, release one more prisoner every day. Today, it’s Big Barrel and Wakatsuki Hunter. Tomorrow, we’ll keep two of them and add one more. The day after tomorrow, we’ll keep three and add one more, and so on.”

“Until there are only monsters with combat power comparable to that of the general in Impel Prison.”

When Rosen said this, all the prisoners in the Infinite Hell were shocked.


“I always thought that Teacher Zefa was too strict with his students.”

“I didn’t expect that you were even stricter with yourself than he was.”

Borsalino was stunned.

No wonder Rosen and Zefa get along so well, but he and Zefa are obviously the first generation of teacher and student, but their relationship is like fire and water.

Which teacher doesn’t like Rosen, who has extremely high demands on himself and is eager to improve?


If he were Zefa, he would also like Rosen.

“Senior, I just want to improve too much.”

Rosen shook his head.

Is he hard on himself?

From Borsalino’s perspective, it is true.

But for him, it is just a steady and cautious approach.

“I changed the plan several times in one day, but I still can’t keep up with your progress!”

“Sure enough, the only person who can carve this rough jade of you is you.”

“Since that’s the case, then well, you don’t have to follow the plan I made for you. Everything will be done according to what you said, adding one prisoner every day until there are only prisoners with the strength of a general in the infinite hell.”

Hearing this, Zefa shook his head first, and then said to Rosen.

As the first master of the navy, he has always believed that the teaching plan he made for Rosen is the best.

Now the facts tell him that this is not the case.

Even though Zefa repeatedly overestimated Rosen, revised the plan several times, and raised the difficulty, the final result was still that he underestimated Rosen, and even limited the opponent’s growth rate.

“I can’t teach him anything anymore.”

“Not only domineering, swordsmanship, physical skills, I can’t even make a training plan for him.”

Thinking of this, Zefa smiled bitterly.

He didn’t know how to describe his mood.


Of course, I can teach such a student. Which teacher can’t be proud.


Of course, I can’t teach him in terms of ability, and I can’t even make a teaching plan. Which teacher can’t be ashamed.

Just when Zefa was proud and ashamed that he could no longer teach Rosen anything, Rosen also focused on the improvement brought about by the battle with Basque Jot and Katrin Diemie.

[Your comprehension is extraordinary. Through the battles with Katrin Diemy and Basque Jot, combined with the cultivation of the Qi body source, the three-color domineering has been significantly improved. ]

[The strength of the Armament Haki has increased by 85%]

[The strength of the Observation Haki has increased by 73%. ]

[The strength of the Conqueror Haki has increased by 52%. ]

Looking at the information prompts in his mind, Rosen showed a smile on his face.

Finally, it is no longer like the previous few days, when the improvement of the three-color domineering directly fell below the single digit.

Although it is not like the first day of the battle with Bondi Waldo and the outbreak of the Conqueror Haki conflict with Douglas Barrett, the improvement of the three-color domineering is more than doubled, but it has also returned to double digits, and is very close to double.

You know, his current three-color domineering is no longer comparable to the strength and quality of the naval school when he first came into contact with domineering.

85%, nearly doubled, for his current Armament Haki, it is already a very amazing improvement.

This promotion made Rosen happy and determined to add one more prisoner to the check-in plan every day starting tomorrow.


What surprised him even more, or what he was surprised about, was yet to come.

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