[Your understanding is incredible. Through fighting against sixteen prisoners including Katrin Diemei, Basque Choate and Avaro Pizzaro, combined with the practice of Qi Ti Origin, the three-color domineering spirit has been significantly improved. 】

[Armed color domineering strength increased by 210%]

[The intensity of the power of seeing and hearing color is increased by 180%. 】

[The strength of Overlord color’s domineering energy increases by 128%. 】

Through the information in his mind, Rosen intuitively saw the growth of his strength.

Three-color domineering ushered in a long-awaited increase of more than 100, and all of it.

Especially Armed Color Haki, because it is used most frequently, the increase directly exceeded 200.

Then, he glanced at Zefa.

This is why Rosen said this to Zefa just now, so that the acting seniors and acting teachers do not need to play him specifically in order to know that they are doing their best.

Because even he himself doesn’t know how strong he will become tomorrow, or in other words, the next moment. How will Zefa and Porusalino know?

No matter how much you act, it’s useless.

It’s useless no matter how much you know.

Even if Zefa changes his plan every day, it is impossible to keep up with his incredible understanding.

No one can write the best training plan for Rosen, not even himself.

After all, even he didn’t know how incredible his understanding was.

“Teacher Zefa, I will be an admiral soon.”

“This is not an announcement of the future, but an established fact.”

“So, you no longer need to think about “how to better train me”.”

Rosen pondered for a moment, and then said to Zefa.

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked.

But whether it was Zefa, Porusalino, or Shiliu who was eating melon without saying a word, after a brief shock, they quickly accepted this statement, and no one questioned it. idea.

Even the prisoners in the infinite hell who heard their conversation were no exception.

However, all of them overlooked one thing.

That’s what Rosen said, “I’ll be an admiral soon.” What does “soon” mean in this sentence?

“What about tomorrow?”

Zefa was silent for a moment, then relaxed.


Even though he was known as the number one teacher in the navy, the only things he could truly teach Rosen were the few classes at the naval school.

When he left the Naval Academy and came to Impel Prison for an internship, not only was he unable to teach, but he also frequently made mistakes in making plans, completely unable to keep up with the growth rate of his students.

But even so, it still didn’t affect Rosen’s ability to become a naval admiral.

Because this is an established fact that cannot be changed.

Whether Zefa teaches seriously or teaches casually, there will be no change.

At most, it could be a few months earlier or a few months later.

The outcome has already been determined.

“Just do as you said before.”

“On the basis of yesterday’s original number, one more prisoner will be added every day.”

“Until there are no more prisoners to be added to the infinite hell.”

Rosen thought about the improvement that several prisoners had brought to him by dancing just now, and he decided that his plan to check into the infinite hell would not change.

“Where are these people?”

Shiliu glanced at the half-dead Basque Choate, Avaro Pizzaro and Katrin Dieme lying on the ground.

“Since they can survive, it is also a skill.”

“Lock him up again.”

“Maybe they will still be useful tomorrow.”

Rosen glanced at the future trio of Blackbeards.

Since he had gone all out just now, he naturally had no intention of holding back, but these three people were indeed among the top five monsters in the infinite hell, and they managed to survive from his own hands.

Such tenacious vitality and such outstanding performance really made him very happy.

When he took action just now, Rosen was really worried that if he showed all his strength, he would be too heavy-handed and destroy the three best experience packs in Infinite Hell, except for the Aloof Red and the Devil’s Descendants.

As a result, whether it was Hunter Ruoyue, Big Wine Barrel or King of Evil, they all gave him a surprise.

Although they could no longer sit up, they all survived without exception.


Hearing this, the only one among the three prisoners who had not completely lost consciousness, Katrin Diemei’s face became strange.

Often ferocious.

Before being captured by the Navy Headquarters, she was a famous Wakatsuki Hunter.

Known as the most dangerous girl thief.

Even if she was imprisoned in the Infinite Hell, she was a monster second only to legendary pirates such as the Lone Red and the Devil’s Heir.

But everything changed after Rosen came to the Impel Prison.

Whether it was Wakatsuki Hunter or the most dangerous female pirate, these monsters who were wiped out of history by the World Government because they were too dangerous and terrible, all became Rosen’s training materials.

Especially her.

This is the second time today.

“As training materials, you are really excellent.”

“Whether it is the awakening of the fruits of the superhuman and mythical beasts, or the Fist of the King, I have seen a lot of interesting things.”

“Cherish the little time left, you and the prisoners.”

After Rosen and Katrin Diem looked at each other, he retracted his gaze and turned away, but when he was about to pass by Xiliu, he paused slightly

“I want to thank you.”

“Chief Warden Xiliu.”

“Tell me that the prisoners of the Infinite Hell will never let themselves be manipulated.”

He glanced at Xiliu.

“Hehe, you don’t have to thank me.”

“I just don’t want to see this interesting drama end hastily.”

“After all, life in Impel Prison is so boring that I can hardly stand it.”

Xiliu said expressionlessly.

“Then can I ask you for one more favor?”

“Don’t rush to refuse.”

“If you really think that life in Impel Prison is too boring, then doing this well will definitely make your life less boring in the future.”

After hearing this, Rosen knew that Xi Liu was not lying.

Not to mention the environment of Impel Prison and the fact that life is indeed dark, depressing, and boring, Xi Liu is not a person who is content with his lot.

Especially the other party is completely different from Magellan.

Magellan is just and values ​​his duties.

Xi Liu has no sense of justice and ignores his duties.

Once such a man chooses to fall, he will immediately become a monster more terrifying than 99% of the prisoners in Impel LV6.

After all, the existence that can form an iron wall with Magellan and suppress the entire Impel Prison is itself a monster more terrifying than the prisoners in Infinite Hell.

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