The prisoner was buried in the ground.

"Just pull the lever down, and you don't need to worry about what happens next."

"No matter what the prisoners choose after they walk out of the cell?"

"Join forces to fight? Or plan an escape? Or something else, it doesn't matter."

Rosen looked at Xi Liu who was holding the lever:

"I will kill them all here."

"The moment the prisoners in the infinite hell stepped out of their cells."

"No one will be left alive."

Rosen's tone was so calm that it seemed as if he was telling a fact that had already happened in the past, but Xi Liu chose to believe it.

Even if this kind of thing seemed absurd to him in the past, he believed it now.


It should be conviction.

It was not because he was shocked by Rosen's domineering aura, but because of his personal experience in the past few months.

Every other day, when he saw Rosen again, he would be shocked to find that this man had improved visibly.

Such things have happened to Xiliu every day in the past few months.

The strong shock that repeated and repeated, like reincarnation, has been deeply engraved in the deepest part of the brain, and will be unforgettable for the rest of his life.

"Then please let me see it!"

Xiliu looked at Rosen deeply, and he knew that this was the last battle of this man he saw in Impel Prison.


Accompanied by a sound similar to the turning of mechanical gears, he had already pulled down the handle in his hand.


Clang clang clang

In the infinite hell, the doors of the cages opened one after another.

Some fences bounced outwards.

Some cages rose upwards.

At the same time, except for two cells located in the deepest part of the infinite hell, which even Xiliu had no right to open, all the doors of the cells were opened.

In addition, a bunch of keys fell from the air and landed in front of the prisoners in each cell.

Watching the cell that imprisoned him open automatically, watching the key that could unlock the shackles and fetters that bound his hands and feet appear in front of him, in the past, any prisoner who encountered such a thing would only be excited and ecstatic, and then could not wait to open the shackles and fetters.

Break out of the cage.

From then on, the sea is wide for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly.

But now?

Facing the keys that were close at hand and within easy reach, Katrin Diemie, Basque Jot, Avaro Pizzaro, etc., hundreds of LV6 prisoners, did not see any excitement or excitement on their faces.

Even, not even a trace of joy could be found.

Some were just cold and numb.


It's numbness.

In the past few months, they have been released from their shackles and leg irons too many times.

Especially the first ones released, Katrin Diemey and others, who have experienced at least seventy or eighty times.

During this period, they tried all kinds of plans.

Join forces to kill Rosen?

It's useless.

Send some people to hold Rosen back, and the others to escape?

It's useless.

Scatter the birds and beasts, each running their own way, trying to muddy the water.

Still useless.

No matter how many LV6 prisoners are released, no matter what action plan they choose, whether it's fighting, escaping, or destroying the prison, in the end there is only one result.

That is to become Rosen's training material, be beaten to death, and then be dragged back to their original position by Xiliu like a piece of garbage, and thrown back into their own cell.

Some of the more fortunate prisoners may have only experienced being released once or twice, then knocked down, and then put back into the cage, but they have witnessed this happening many times.

Whether it is personal experience or witnessing, the nightmare brought by Rosen's repeated domination in the past few months has tortured the monsters in the infinite hell to the point of collapse.

The cell door opens.

The shackles and fetters loosen.

For the LV6 prisoners, it is not freedom that is waving to them, but endless despair that has come again.


"That's right, this is the fate you should have as prisoners."

"Let me share something happy with you."

Rosen glanced at the prisoners in LV6 and saw that they all had wooden faces, as if they had completely lost the will to resist and fight, so he said in a few words,

Let their numb expressions become lively again, and their eyes also reveal resentment and murderous intent:

"As training materials, you have completely lost this qualification, so this is the last time."

"Soon, I will put an end to this internship that has lasted for several months, and of course, put an end to your life as a pirate."

"Here, I sincerely invite you gentlemen from the infinite hell to help me again, use your blood to witness my graduation, and use your bones to pave a way for me to become a navy."

"I, Rosen, am very grateful!"

While Rosen was talking and laughing, every word was like an indestructible black knife, piercing into the heart of every prisoner, destroying their numbness, igniting their murderous intent and anger, but the tragic defeat in the past few months made them understand that no matter what they did, the result would not change.

Between anger and reason, between murderous intent and reality, their mental will was repeatedly tortured and tormented, and the whole person fell into a state of madness.

I know it's impossible, but I can't remain indifferent.

I know resistance is meaningless, but I can't sit and wait for death.


Suddenly, I don't know who it is, or which prisoner, he let out a hysterical roar, his eyes suddenly became bloodshot, and then he burst out with a strong domineering aura, dragging the moving murderous aura, like a beast at the end of the road, rushing towards Rosen.

His roar, his pounce, like pushing down dominoes.

The prisoners who were numb at first, all like wild beasts out of the cage, with the ferocity of choosing people to devour, attacking Rosen regardless of life or death, regardless of success or failure.

They only have one thought left, that is, to bite off a piece of this man's flesh even if they die.

Katrin Diemey thought so.

Basque Jot thought so.

Alvaro Pizzaro thought so.

Similarly, all the released prisoners thought so.

In the past, there were always some prisoners who wanted to sneak away quietly while others were besieging Rosen, but no one thought so now.

Repeated defeats and imprisonment.

Endless suffering and torture.

Finally, this group of monsters who were so cruel and terrifying that they had erased all traces from history were completely united.

"Great eyes."

"After so many days, I finally saw the eyes of the monsters."

"Then, let's make a final break."

Looking at the LV6 prisoners who were flying towards him like a pack of wolves, no, like a group of ferocious sea kings, Rosen slowly pulled out a Zanpakutō from his waist, then loosened his hand holding the hilt, letting the Zanpakutō fall straight to the ground:


"Senbonzakura Kageaki."


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