The two swords crossed each other, and the two swords were about to fall off the ground.


Rosen swung his sword, creating a circular shock wave, engulfing the ground with black and red lightning, leaving cracks on the ground that was already riddled with holes.


Redfield raised his sword to greet it. After the two black swords crossed each other, he trembled on the spot, and then his body retreated like a cannonball, and even his feet could not stand firmly anymore, and were about to leave the ground.


Seeing this, he immediately swung his sword back and stabbed it into the ground, using the sword as a support to forcibly drag his feet that were about to leave the ground back to the ground, while stabilizing his rapidly retreating body.

"I see."

"That's your limit."

"I've seen it."

Rosen didn't chase with the sword, but shook his head gently.

Because before he drew his sword, he had already seen the short future with his Observation Haki.

If he chased, Redfield would end this contest of Haki strength and start using the swordsmanship of a great swordsman.


Redfield didn't say anything, but just clenched his silver teeth and stared at Rosen with cold eyes.

Not only did he have the innate top-level Observation Haki, which allowed him to read other people's thoughts and memories at will, but he also foresaw the future through acquired training.

He just saw the future that Rosen could see.

But what made Redfield feel a little gloomy was that although he could foresee the future with his Observation Haki, he couldn't read Rosen's thoughts and memories.

This kind of thing only happened once in the past.

That was when he faced Gol D. Roger at his peak.


"His Conqueror Haki is not far from this step."

Redfield's heart was chilled. Looking at Rosen in front of him, his eyes were a little dazed, as if he had returned to the past and saw the king who had not died that year, who made him lose his dream of pursuing the Pirate King.

Gol D. Roger.

"Then I ask you again, Redfield, he will soon be in front of you, how will you deal with it then?"

Suddenly, what Douglas Barrett said in the infinite hell before once again emerged in Redfield's mind.


How should I deal with it?


"He is just a mere navy, how can he be compared with Gol D. Roger?"

"Even the former Navy Admiral Kong is just a defeated general under my hands."

As if responding to Douglas Barrett's words, and as if answering himself, Redfield roared in his heart and no longer had any reservations.

He originally held the sword with one hand, but changed to holding it with both hands, and then raised the sword above his head.

"Even Cyborg lost to me."

"You will be no exception."


Redfield roared, and slashed down with the long sword in his hand.


At this moment, he showed his all-out attitude.

With a casual sword, he released a huge slashing wave like a large sea king, rushing towards Rosen with a posture of slashing the sky and splitting the earth.

"A slash at the level of a great swordsman?"

"Then I will show you something interesting."

Seeing that Gu Gaozhihong was fully armed and showing off his swordsmanship at the level of a great swordsman, Rosen didn't know what he was thinking, and a smile suddenly flashed across his eyes.


He held the Zanpakutō in his hand horizontally in front of him, opened his other hand, and hooked his five fingers slightly, and each finger pressed against the black blade like an eagle's claw.

"Squeak, Leopard King!"

Accompanied by a cold and sharp shout, Rosen's whole body burst out with a magnificent momentum, like a storm, rolling up a huge dust column, and the black thunder of the overlord color flew around like a long dragon.

Once the terrifying domineering aura was spread out in all directions, even Redfield's slashing wave that could cut through the sky was affected, and the speed of advancement inevitably stagnated slightly.


At this time.

A dark palm cut through the dust column like the claws of a beast, stretched out from the billowing smoke and dust, and grabbed the slashing wave that was close at hand with lightning speed.


Under Redfield's incredible gaze, this black palm actually grabbed the slashing wave he released, and then closed his five fingers, like an eagle claw grabbing a poisonous snake's seven inches, forcibly stopping the slashing wave that tore a huge gully on the ground, and it could no longer move forward.


Redfield couldn't help but scream when he saw this scene.

Although he hadn't used a sword for many years, he

The swordsmanship of a great swordsman cannot be faked.

Even though he was imprisoned for more than ten years and was no longer in his prime, he had eaten sea king meat for several months and his body was basically restored.

This sword was not much worse than the one he used to defeat Kong.

What was the result?

The slashing wave that was released with all his strength was caught by Rosen with his bare hands and even stopped by force.

Redfield had only seen this kind of fierce fighting posture in two people.

That was BIG MOM and Kaido.

Only BIG MOM, who was known as the steel balloon, and Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea and air, dared to do such a fierce behavior.

Just as Redfield was moved, the huge dust column that rose from the ground exploded, and Rosen standing in the center of the dust column immediately came into view.

At this moment.

Rosen's form has changed greatly.

His black hair reached his waist, blue eye shadow appeared around his eyes, and a white bone mask grew on his forehead, adding a bit of arrogance and wildness.

From his shoulders to his feet, he was wearing a white tight armor, which showed his dominance and arrogance.

Especially on his back, he actually grew a tail covered with armor.

The iconic Zanpakuto disappeared, replaced by sharp teeth and claws.

It was Grimmjow's Zanpakuto ability among the Ten Espada.

But it was not Shikai or Bankai, but the unique return blade of the Arrancar.


Rosen can not only develop the Zanpakuto of the god of death with the weapon fruit, but also the Zanpakuto of the hollow.

This Leopard King.

It was one of the abilities he realized by developing the weapon fruit when he was punching in the infinite hell before.

It is different from the Zanpakuto of the god of death.

After rubbing the Panther King with his hands and using the sword to return to the blade, Rosen showed a posture similar to that of an Arrancar, and also possessed all the abilities of an Arrancar.

For example, his skin turned into steel skin, which was invulnerable and indestructible.

It was precisely because of the hardness of the steel skin that Rosen could grab a huge slashing wave like a large sea king in a fierce posture that shocked the lonely red.


"Didn't Rosen eat the superhuman weapon fruit?"

"With this posture now, no one would doubt that he ate an animal-type, and a mythical beast!"

Sengoku on the deck of the warship in the distance saw Rosen holding the Panther King and his wild posture after returning to the blade through the video phone worm, and couldn't help but sigh.

Even the development of the weapon fruit is so amazing.

He turned a superhuman devil fruit into an animal-type, and a mythical beast.

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