Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 1020: Life and death

Under the Tianzong Spirit Ship, Nanman Continent and Tianwaitian have turned into two beautiful blue stars that echo each other. Along Tianwaitian, the space star field between the continents sets off towards the vast starry night.

On the spirit ship, people from Tianzong have used the identity information collected during registration to make a special red identity jade plaque for Tianzong disciples.

This identity jade token imprints one's own magic source, and it becomes a unique identity jade token, which is more subtle and mysterious than those issued by the mainland dynasty, and can also record merit points.

"It's so beautiful. It turns out that the sky outside the continent we live in is so beautiful."

On the spiritual ship, many female monks looked at the starry sky with amazement and fascination. The stars seemed to be within reach.

This is a beautiful scene that many people in the Soul Moon realm have never seen before.

To survive and fly in space on your own, you need the power of a free state.

The Lingxiao realm can only break away from the shackles of the mainland.

"It's really beautiful. Look, little chick, that star is actually golden."

Zhang Dan and other women were amazed by the beauty in space.

"There are still so many beautiful scenery in this world that we have not experienced."

The brothers in Yanhuang Palace couldn't help but sigh sincerely.

"One day, our journey will not only be the continent under our feet, but also this beautiful sea of ​​stars!" Xiang Chen held Qingcheng's waist and looked at the gorgeous starry sky with great excitement.

"One day, I will personally pluck a moon, refine it into a pearl, and wear it around your neck."

Xiang Chen looked at Qingcheng beside him and smiled.

"I'm waiting for that day. I believe brother Xiang Chen will be able to do it in the future."

Qingcheng smiled and leaned on his shoulder, admiring the beautiful night sky together.

"A bunch of rustics, they look like they've never seen the world before."

Seeing the performance of the mainlanders, the people from Tianwaitian felt a stronger sense of superiority.

In front of it is a vast continental planet, and the spirit ship is about to enter its space.

On the top of the sixth floor of the spirit ship, Wang Qing, the master of the recruitment hall, looked at the many recruitment disciples with somewhat complicated eyes.

"These little guys are still marveling at the beauty of the starry sky, but they don't know what kind of danger is hidden behind this beauty."

On the side, an elder said.

"Slow down the speed of the spirit ship and let them take a closer look. Soon they will have to face a life like purgatory for two years. Many of them will die. Let them take a closer look."

Master Wang Qing said, turning around and entering the ship building.

Of the 100,000 people, half would be considered good if they could survive.

The speed of the spirit ship also slowly slowed down, and the speed of flying to the battlefield outside the territory also slowed down.

As for the continent running ahead, the atmospheric space layer turned out to be a rosy red, very beautiful, strangely beautiful, like blood.

This extraterrestrial continent is very close to Tianwaitian and Nanman Continent. The starry sky is millions of kilometers away in space. It takes less than a day for the spirit ship to fly in space and reach it. It is facing the Tianwaitian starry sky area controlled by the Tyrant Sect.


The spirit ship roared and sailed into the space of the extraterrestrial battlefield, making a violent roar in the atmosphere of the space.

The speed was too fast, and the energy shield of the spirit ship also rubbed out streaks of fire, like meteors falling from the world, and the speed also slowed down.


However, at this moment, six rays of light suddenly shot from different directions in the space ahead!

When the distance is closer, you can see that these six rays of light are six spiritual ships that are all black and look like giant steel crocodiles.

"Alert, thousands of miles away, six crocodile spirit battleships are found approaching quickly. There are still ten seconds left to make contact. Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

Suddenly, the alarm sounded loudly on the Tianzong spirit ship. Three spirit ships, one manned main ship, two escort warships, and the weapon spirits sounded the alarm at the same time.

"No, why did we meet the Crocodile Spirit Battleship here!"

The faces of the Tianzong elders on the spirit ship suddenly changed.

"Quick, activate the battle array immediately and prepare to fight!"

Wang Qing shouted and ordered.

On the main ship, the tens of thousands of disciples recruited by Tianzong were all stunned and confused.


At this time, six hundred-meter-large red light beams containing terrifying power bombarded them.

Six beams of light penetrated hundreds of miles of void, shooting and killing the three spiritual ships in an instant.


On the three major spirit ships, a more dazzling golden crystal shield light suddenly lit up, with runes swirling around them.


Six attacks fell on the three large spiritual ships. The three large spiritual ships roared and shook. Many people covered their ears as thunder exploded in their ears.

Circles of energy shock waves appeared on the crystal shield, resisting the terrifying blasting energy.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

"Ah, my ears!"

On the main ship, the tens of thousands of recruiting disciples on board were panicked.

Xiang Chen and others also covered their ears. The power of his moon-gazing eyes was released, and he saw the sky shrouded in red clouds. Six crocodile-shaped crystal ships of staggering size appeared, surrounding the three Tianzong spiritual ships.

"Hey, we got off to a bad start. Before we even entered the battlefield outside the territory, the enemy has already come to encircle us. I'll wait for my prediction."

Zhuge Yuan was at the side, and he suddenly recited some magic formula. He pinched his five fingers, and talisman patterns swirled around him. A Bagua Jade Plate appeared in his palm.

"Zhen four, Kan six!"

The hexagram was certain, and a look of surprise and solemnity appeared on his face.

"Zhuge Shengun, what did you figure out?"

Wang Xiaoji asked from the side.

"It's a big disaster, a man-made disaster that comes prepared, life and death are at stake!"

Zhuge Yuan gave a bitter smile and looked towards the sky with a heavy expression on his face.

"What do you mean by life and death? Why not a narrow escape from death?" Wang Xiaoji was stunned.

Zhuge Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "A narrow escape is almost a dead end. Nine out of ten people will die."

"Scaremongering, I never believe in fate."

On the side, Li Huan said coldly, quite disdainful of this.

Zhuge Yuan looked at him, as if he saw something, and sighed without saying anything.

"Everyone, prepare for battle immediately, the enemy is already here!"

Wang Qing shouted loudly, his voice echoing across the main ship.

At this time, figures flew out one after another from the six spiritual ships, and in an instant, more than 200,000 people appeared in the surrounding atmospheric space.

This group of people is similar to the human race, wearing scale armor, but their eyes have vertical pupils, dark gold! Each of them is two or three meters tall, and their auras are all above the Lingxiao realm.


Among this group of people, a figure suddenly burst out with terrifying power.

This is a burly middle-aged man with dark blond hair and wearing mighty golden armor.


He let out a roar, and his whole body changed instantly, turning into a terrifying giant hundreds of feet tall.

His head turned into a dark golden crocodile head, and his body turned into a crocodile body. The terrifying aura transcended the ages!

"It's him, Tuoba Qiantu!"

"Crocodile Spirit Continent, one of the ten marshals of the Crocodile Tribe!"

Wang Qing, the elders of Tianzong, their expressions changed instantly when they saw this man.

This huge body holds an extremely huge dark red axe.

He struck with the axe, and the space was distorted, tearing open a huge black crack. The sky seemed to have been cut, and a terrifying aura burst out!

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