Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 2847: Extreme Evolution

????Under the invasion of this destructive force, Xiang Chen's cells were severely eroded, and his entire body was carbonized. Huitian's divine power desperately repaired the damaged cells, muscles, bones, and internal organs.

What's even more painful is the soul. The soul was destroyed by lightning. Xiang Chen's human soul is constantly dimming, corroding and sinking.

????In the midst of this destruction, Canglong's Nine Heavens Thunder Scripture, which practices thunder techniques, operates at an incredible speed to change this situation, protect the body, accelerate the evolution and transformation of cells, and maximize the potential of the Nine Heavens Thunder Body. inspire.

????But Xiang Chen's body is still constantly carbonizing, even turning into ashes, and the person seems to be slowly dissipating. Even the divine power can only slow down the dissipation speed.

????The Yuan Shen is also constantly dimming and blurring, and the Nine Heavens Divine Patterns in the Yuan Shen are constantly collapsing.

????At this moment, Xiang Chen's heart calmed down.

It's impossible not to be still, because there is no heart anymore and it has turned into ashes. The remaining consciousness in the soul senses the energy that is destroying his body and vitality.

????This energy, as Gu Ding said, can only sense the destructive breath of destruction in its power. This energy has no other effect except destruction and destruction.

????There are a lot of energies in the world. The most basic ones are metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, fire, thunder and lightning, time, space, and other energies that exist. They all have their own effects. They have advantages and disadvantages for everything in the world, and they have their inevitable value. .

????However, this energy is different. He was born to exist for the purpose of destruction, and his existence is for the purpose of destroying all things born.

"When one day you can truly understand the essence of things, you will find that there are no real extremes, and the law of yin and yang exists in everything, including energy."

????Gu Ding suddenly said this mysteriously and mysteriously.

????"There is no real so-called extreme!" Xiang Chen was stunned for a moment. Isn't this extreme?

????He consciously sensed that his human spirit and body were almost completely reduced to ashes, with only his head remaining in his body, and his human spirit was so weak that it was almost extinguished.

????The cells of the physical body have desperately evolved and transformed many times, but they have been unable to withstand the devouring power of this destruction for a long time.

The same is true for Yuanshen. The Nine Heavens Thunder Pattern has been running to its extreme for a long time and cannot withstand the corrosive damage of this destructive power.

????Xiang Chen felt that if his thoughts were still parasitic on the human soul, he would die.

????But if he transferred his consciousness to the demon soul and soul, wouldn't it be a failure to transform the demon body?

????Persevere, and after persisting for a while, I still choose to believe in Gu Ding’s cheating cheat.

????In the end, the head gradually turned into ashes, and only a walnut-sized pineal gland remained in the head, which was not destroyed.

The last body cells of Xiang Chen's human soul are concentrated here. You can see that the wisp of destructive power surrounds the pineal gland, and the pineal gland is beginning to die and shrink.

????"Transfer your consciousness to other souls. The human body will be destroyed." Gu Ding said lightly.

????"No!" said the weak thought coldly.

????"Although my human body does not have any strong saint blood, it was given to me by my parents. Monster bodies are all for cultivation. All monster bodies can be discarded, but this one my mother endured hardships for three years. The human body that gave birth to me when I was pregnant for many years cannot be abandoned!"

????Xiang Chen's thoughts at this moment became extremely firm.

"The human body is the basis of my birth in this life, and the sustenance of my previous life. If the human body is abandoned, I will have no predecessor. From the perspective of blood, my parents and I have no relationship. "


"This is my most important bloodline!"

????"I always say that I want to defy heaven, defy heaven! But I really got into a fight with God. When I encountered a life-and-death crisis, I ran away. I am such a chicken! Today I will fight with him to the end, Fight to the last cell, the last ray of soul origin!"

Xiang Chen's true arrogance and strength really came to the fore at this moment.

The billions of cells in the pineal gland are rapidly dying, decaying, and gradually shrinking to the point where they are almost invisible.

The human spirit has also been corroded to the point of almost disintegrating, leaving only a few strands of the origin of the spirit and a few strands of the divine pattern of returning to heaven.

Xiang Chen felt that his consciousness was about to sink into darkness. In the dark, he felt a power beyond the world. That power was like a whirlpool, sucking him into the whirlpool.

That is the power of the reincarnation world. Being sucked into reincarnation means that you will die in this life.

"Man can conquer heaven, get up!"

Xiang Chen's thoughts let out a final roar, blessing the last remaining human soul source, the last few hundred cells.

These hundreds of cells are completely invisible to the human eye. From a macro perspective, Xiang Chen has turned into ashes and nothingness.

But at this moment, one of the hundreds of cells underwent its final transformation, and an extremely tough bloodline power was born in the cell.

The change in the first cell immediately affected the changes in other cells. When the force of destruction swallowed up the dozens of cells that were finally transformed, these cells actually withstood it!

Then in this power of destruction, the cells split.

Dozens of them, split into multiples.

One piece splits into two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, and the decomposition continues in geometric multiples.

That time, the Divine Pattern seemed to have found its own opportunity and immediately poured into these cells. The speed of division increased a hundredfold in an instant.

One will split directly to give birth to hundreds, and the hundred will split to give birth to ten thousand!

Not a piece, but a pineal gland remnant visible to the naked eye was born.

After a while, a complete pineal gland was born.

Gradually, the entire brain structure began to be born, and Xiang Chen's head quickly split and emerged.

Xiang Chen's humane soul, which was about to be destroyed, was also taking the opportunity to recover.

Xiang Chen grinned, feeling the destructive power that could not help him, and sneered: "God, you have really lost this round!"

Xiang Chen's body is recovering rapidly. His neck, chest, arms, waist, hips, heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, Xiao Er Gou, especially Xiao Er Gou, have been tempered with emphasis to contain the power of thunder. From now on, he will practice Taoism together again. With the electric current effect, the legs and the whole person recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long after, a young man with an extremely handsome appearance appeared naked. The Nine Heavens Thunder Patterns on his body completely evolved and turned into the Nine Heavens Thunder Dao Divine Patterns.

In Xiang Chen's palm, a purple-black thunder intertwined appeared. This thunder power also contained a wisp of destructive power!

Xiang Chen clenched his fist, and the space around him crackled! A terrifying physical divine power erupted from the heart of the fist, almost comparable to the divine beast body of the same realm.

The human body, the pinnacle of the inferior divine body!


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