Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 3308: Emergencies

Zhengyang Divine Territory, the border of the Eastern Star Territory.

In the starry sky, a mighty fleet is heading here.

The number is so large that there are no less than a thousand divine ships, most of which are battle divine ships, and some are huge carrier ships.

The carrier ships are densely packed with people. There are no less than tens of thousands of people on each divine carrier ship. They are all wearing golden armor. They all have strong auras of divine power. They are all strong men above the realm of the gods. The number is huge, no less than a million.

Such a huge fleet quickly approached the border of the Zhengyang Divine Realm, and when it was still one light-year away, it was immediately captured by the border defense network system of the Zhengyang Divine Realm.

In the border star realm and the border space station, a shrill alarm sounded.

"Alert, alert, a large fleet is rapidly approaching the border of our God's Domain at the speed of light, star latitudes 108, 66, and 13."

Such sirens echoed in the Frontier Space Station.

In the border defense command center, a general in armor looked at the fleet picture displayed on the statue, and his expression changed drastically.

"It's the battle fleet of Chiliu God's Domain, notify the sect immediately!"

This general's name is Mo Tao, General Zhonglang. He leads 50,000 troops and is stationed at the border of the Star Territory all year round.


Shenji Communications immediately started contacting the sect to pass on the information.

Mo Tao picked up a magic mirror and said: "Connect to the other party's signal source immediately."

The Divine Network Masters immediately began to take action, overriding the Divine Machine Magic Mirror and contacting the other party's signal source.

On the command ship of Chiliu Divine Realm. In the command room, a middle-aged man wearing golden armor was looking at the stars in front of him with his hands behind his back.

Chifeng, the commander-in-chief of Chiliu Divine Realm and Chiliu Dynasty’s army.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, the Divine Network Master of the Zhengyang Divine Territory Border Guard Station has requested to communicate with us."

A soldier stood up, gave a military salute and said respectfully.

Chifeng's golden eyes looked at the starry sky in front of him and said indifferently: "Refuse to call and let the other party be suspicious."


The subpoena request was rejected here, and feedback was immediately received from the border guard station.

"General, they rejected the access call." The Divine Network Master said.

Mo Tao's face was gloomy and he punched the table: "Are these bastards trying to provoke a war between the two divine realms?"

"Command the soldiers to enter the first level of combat readiness, activate the star core energy array, and activate the star energy cannon!"


In the star field, many star realms soared into the sky, and within the stars, huge energy arrays were activated. One after another, pyramid-shaped energy towers with a height of 10,000 feet emerged from the earth, shocking the earth.

On the energy tower, powerful star core divine power was extracted and gathered into intertwined energy and lightning, which could launch an astonishing divine light strike at any time.

There are no fewer than dozens of such energy towers in each border star realm, and thousands of energy towers are intertwined to form a starry sky defense line.

At the same time that something was abnormal here, Zhengyang Shenzong immediately got the news.

In Zhengyang Temple.

Mo Ziyang and the other three peak masters gathered their spiritual thoughts and met immediately.

Mo Ziyang said with an indifferent expression: "I just received news from the Eastern Region Border Guard Station that a large army from the Chiliu Divine Region, numbering no less than a million people, is approaching our Eastern Region Border Guard, and the other party refused to call."


"The men and horses of Chiliu Divine Realm?"

"What does Chiliu Divine Realm want to do? Could it be that they want to invade us?"

The Xiyang Peak Master, the Nanyang Peak Master, and the Beiyang Peak Master all looked shocked.

Mo Ziyang squinted his eyes with a fierce look, and said: "The purpose of the other party's visit is not clear yet, but he has entered our border control area and refused to talk. That is an invasion. Three junior brothers and sisters, do you think that How to face it?"

The Lord of Xiyang Peak said: "I suggest that we immediately support at least 800,000 troops to garrison there. At the same time, we try to send envoys to contact and communicate with the other party to find out the specific intentions of the other party. The conflict between us and Chiliu Divine Territory has not been fierce in recent years. If the other party wants to attack We, I think, are a bit unreasonable.”

Beiyang Peak Master also said: "Yes, I think it is unreasonable to conduct such a frontal invasion with just one million people."

Nanyang Peak Master frowned and said nothing in deep thought.

Mo Ziyang also pondered for a moment and said: "If they want to fight a war in the divine domain, and they come to invade with such a big fanfare, it is probably a strategy to attack the east and attack the west, deliberately sending so many people to attract our attention."

Everyone present was a human spirit, and they all noticed something abnormal.

"They are attacking in the east and west. If this group of troops is used to attract our attention, then where do they want to put their second hand? Have other border areas received intelligence?"

"not yet."

"Then all border areas will be under martial law. From now on, any divine ships will be prohibited from traveling to our Zhengyang Divine Domain."

While everyone was discussing, someone immediately came in and reported: "Reporting to the sect master, a large suspicious trading fleet is approaching us from the southeast. The signal of the divine network is disordered and cannot be distinguished."

"To the southeast, it is 300 million kilometers away from the border in the Eastern District."

Mo Ziyang waved his hand, and the star map changed, and he immediately found the area.

He frowned and said, "Is it here? Or is this also a deception?"

He pondered for a moment and said: "Immediately send 800,000 troops to each of these two places to strengthen the garrison. Send envoys to intervene. In the southeast area, send people directly to intercept. If the other party does not listen to the advice, we will fight directly!"

"And here in the East District, if the other party dares to attack us, they will directly fight back."

The other three peak masters nodded and had no objections.

"Do the more than one million new soldiers need to be mobilized?"

"No, the new recruits are stationed in the local star realm, just in case."

After the high-level decision was made, the major garrison star realms in the Zhengyang Divine Domain immediately received orders and took action.

When such a situation occurred, military leaders like Tang Yu naturally got the news quickly.

The sect also ordered them to prepare for level two battles.

"There are millions of Chiliu Divine Realm troops in the East Star District who refuse to listen and come closer."

"In the southeastern star area, a suspicious fleet group was found approaching."

Xiang Chen also frowned after getting this information.

He opened the Dharma Star Chart of the Zhengyang Divine Realm, looked at the star chart and began to think deeply.

"How could it be the Chiliu Divine Realm, or a frontal invasion? Is it an attack from the east and an attack from the west?" Xiang Chen muttered to himself at the Ninth Army Command Headquarters.

Elder Zixuan also said: "The sect leader also suspects that the other party may be attacking in the east and west. We have sent troops to both places. We must also prepare for level two battles. Tang Yu, ordered the entire army to enter a state of massed combat readiness and wait for orders."


The atmosphere in the entire Zhengyang Divine Realm immediately became tense because of this sudden incident.

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