Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 3331: Infinite and Inanimate

????The battle between Zhengyang Shenzong and Xuanbing Divine Realm has completely begun. As soon as the war between the two sides broke out, it reached the most tragic point.

????On the Zhengyang Star Realm, countless families are watching. Most of these families are families who are disciples of Zhengyang Shenzong. They all belong to Zhengyang Shenzong, and they have a relationship with Zhengyang Shenzong where both prosper and lose.

????The ones who are more worried about the outcome of this battle than Zhengyang Shenzong are them. If Zhengyang Shenzong loses, what will be the fate of the families who are protected by Zhengyang Shenzong?

????Among them, the families that have a deep relationship with the Zhengyang Shenzong will probably be wiped out, such as the Nan family, the Ximen family, and the Mo family. They will definitely be purged and exterminated by the Xuanbing Divine Realm.

????There are also many families who are not closely related to the Zhengyang Shenzong. They are thinking carefully. Seeing that the Zhengyang Shenzong's troops are at a disadvantage, they are considering whether to betray the Zhengyang Shenzong in advance and seek refuge in the Xuanbing Divine Realm to gain vitality. .

????Human nature has a glorious side and a selfish and dark side. In the face of life and death, many people have to consider their own position.

????Just like when the Ancient God Realm and the Witch God Dynasty invaded Jiutian, there were many desperate fighters in Jiutian, but there were also many people who betrayed Jiutian.

????But now, many people don't dare to stand in line, because there are still millions of troops of the Zhengyang Shenzong at the border. If the people at the border can return reinforcements in time, then there is still hope for the Zhengyang Shenzong.

????But at the border, a war was also breaking out. The troops from the Chiliu Divine Realm were attacking the Zhengyang Shenzong's border, and the Zhengyang Shenzong's border officers had no chance to withdraw their troops to rush for reinforcements.

????This is the same as when Lao Liu and Lao Xiang attacked Lao Qin. The Qin army seemed to be vulnerable in the later stage, but the real elite troops of the Qin army were at the border to resist the foreign Xiongnu. The internal fighting could not be taken into consideration at all, and with the addition of internal filial sons like Lao Zhao, it eventually collapsed.

????Dozens of main gods are fighting, and the five extra main gods of the opponent have become a bargaining chip that affects the balance of the battlefield among the main gods.

????With the five extra main gods, there are three of them on the other side to deal with one main god elder from the Zhengyang Divine Realm, three against one. If the difference in cultivation is not big, there is no way to reverse such a numerical advantage.

????Under such an attack, the main god elder of the Zhengyang Shen Sect was quickly defeated, and his physical body was beaten to pieces. In the end, the other party fled directly. The soul gave up the battlefield and fled for his life.

????When a main god wants to escape, it is still difficult to chase him, and a lot of time will be wasted chasing him. The three main gods Xuan Bing did not pursue him, but immediately united to deal with the next main god and targeted the person. , is none other than the Master of Xiyang Peak, the master of the first peak of the Zhengyang Shen Sect.

????The master of Xiyang Peak was filled with grief and anger. In addition to his original opponents, he was suddenly besieged by four main gods. Although his formation was powerful, he could resist enemies twice as many as himself with his powerful formation.

????But one of the other four main gods attacked him, and the main god magic circle he had condensed exploded directly under the bombardment of the four main gods' artifacts. The magic circle exploded, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and everyone was knocked away.

????"He is the master of Xiyang Peak, don't let him escape!"

????"Elder Liu, you are good at space magic, sealing space. The other two, join me in killing his soul!"

????Lei Yong, the deputy commander-in-chief of the army of the Xuanbing God Realm, sneered. Under his command, one of the powerful main gods immediately formed seals with his hands. All the power of space in his body turned into divine patterns and swept across all directions. At the same time, a large number of mysterious The divine power of ice and the divine pattern of space merged, turning into a field of ice that continued to spread.

????The other three people came towards him in three directions, forcing Xiyang Peak Master to enter the blocked void to escape.

????A powerful divine sword, a purple cauldron containing astonishing power, and a treasure boat that released countless thunders attacked the master of Xiyang Peak.

????The Xiyang Peak Master also noticed their intentions, his eyes turned red, revealing a determined killing intent.

????He did not retreat into the sealed void to escape, but was burning his main god's magic power to condense the magic circle. In one thought, the magic circle suddenly came into being.

????A golden magic circle is formed, like a golden five-star pattern covering itself. The divine power of the five elements of heaven and earth gathers and turns into a five-color roulette to protect itself.

????The Lord God Sword's light bombarded the five-color roulette, but failed to break it. The huge sledgehammer bombarded the five-color roulette with continuous explosions and buzzing sounds.

????The thunder and lightning treasure struck out thousands of thunder and lightning and struck the five-color roulette, and then cracks appeared on it. ???

????The three main gods rushed over instantly, controlling their magic weapons with their divine power to continuously bombard the five-color roulette wheel. The master of Xiyang Peak kept coughing out blood from his mouth, people kept retreating, and the magic circle was gradually collapsing.

????"Ximensong, we still welcome a formation master like you. Surrender obediently and accept our family as the master. Your status will not be reduced and the family will have no worries!"

????Lei Yong sneered and said, controlling the thunder bell to condense a terrifying thunder dragon and blast it over. ??

"The defeat in this battle and the great danger to the sect are all due to the incompetence of the Xiyang Peak disciples. That's all. The sins committed by the evil disciples should be washed away by me as the master."

????The master of Xiyang Peak laughed miserably, then roared angrily, pressed his hand into the air, and did not dodge the attacks of the three people at all.

????At this moment, the origin of his soul is burning, his godhead is burning, the intensity of his divine thoughts, and the intensity of his law and divine power are soaring crazily.

????The magical patterns of the magical array condensed and appeared almost instantly. At this moment, the intensity of his magical array reached a height that had never been reached in his life, and even almost surpassed the ninth-grade divine array.

????"This aura is - Super Ninth Grade Divine Formation - not good, retreat!" The expression of the master of the formation, Grand Duke Sun Long, suddenly changed, and he shouted angrily at several people.

????"Infinite Formation of Inanimate Formation!"

Xiyang Peak Master roared, blood burst out from the pores all over his body, and the power of his soul exploded. The power of the original law was extremely powerful at this amplitude, and he saw the terrifying black energy turning out with his soul as the center.

????The three main gods felt the terrifying aura and immediately retreated in fear. The terrifying black energy exploded faster, bursting out nine circles of light waves.

????The Xuanbing Lord God who arranged the sealing magic was frightened, and was all impacted by the nine circles of black light waves. The first light wave, his own defense was corroded and dimmed by the black energy, and the second black light wave directly blasted him away. defense.

????The third wave of light directly submerged his body, and his whole body began to corrode in this black energy.

????He screamed repeatedly and looked horrified. When the nine black light waves were impacted, his body rotted and his soul was swallowed up by the terrifying black divine power. He smoked and finally exploded and collapsed, and his soul was gone!

????Only the hard main godhead was able to withstand this black energy, and this terrifying inanimate formation divine power directly killed the main god.

The other three people's scalps were numb. Gongsun Long roared: "Infinite Infinite Formation, madman, you don't want your life!"? ??? ??

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