Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 3643: Catch them all in one fell swoop

????Xiang Chen also looked at the father and son of the Cao family with great interest.

????Father and son visited a brothel together, and because they competed for a woman, they started a price war during the flower viewing session. As a result, the father stole the woman his son was eyeing, and ended up getting stabbed on his son's behalf.

????This father and son are also examples of fatherly kindness and sonly filial piety.

????After Cao Langshan drove Cao Xing away, he smiled awkwardly at Fairy Luoyan: "It's all because of my incompetence in discipline that I can teach such a rebellious son, so you can show me your filial piety."

????Xiang Chen joked: "It's okay, it's nothing, it's okay. I have a subordinate whose son wanted to kill his father. In the end, the father personally gave his son a loving death. This I’m used to this kind of thing.”

????The loving father of the nether world sneered; Who are you to ignore the connotation?

????Cao Langshan took him into his mansion, and the two began to plan the next step in Cao Langshan's mansion.

????It is not easy for Cao Langshan to be a loving father, a good brother, and a filial son to the ancestor of the Cao family.

????Two days later, at a high-level meeting of the Cao family.

????The head of the Cao family, Cao Langsheng, presided over the meeting. Cao Langshan, Cao Langping, Cao Langbo, the senior leaders of the Cao family, and the decision-making elders also attended.

????Cao Langsheng sat in the main seat and said: "The ancestors have decided that our Cao family will evacuate into Beiminghai within ten years. All the properties of the Cao family that can be liquidated will be liquidated, and those that cannot be liquidated in a short time will be discarded. Move, so as not to make too much noise and arouse suspicion."

Elder Cao Langbo sneered and said, "Those idiots from Ye Mingsi helped us destroy the Li family. I'm afraid they will wake up to all this after we leave."

????Cao Langshan said in a deep voice: "We cannot take it lightly. Ye Mingsi is not stupid. They know that Huang Gong was not robbed by the Li family, and they will continue to investigate this case, so we must dispose of all the properties that can be dealt with as soon as possible." .”

????"With such a large-scale processing industry, will this make people in the Marketing and Commerce Department of the Witch God Dynasty suspicious?" Cao Langping worriedly said: "I think we should give up everything we can."

The head of the Cao family smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, third brother. The timing is just right. Leitian Auction House will soon have a sacred medicine that can help enlightenment be auctioned. We have released the news and intend to compete for our ancestors in order to prepare auction funds." Selling some properties in my name, so that the people in the Commercial Department of the Witch God Dynasty won’t arouse suspicion.”

????Cao Langping was stunned when he heard this, gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Big brother is still smarter."

????A few people were studying and dealing with the details of these industries, and held a half-day meeting, and the meeting ended.

Before leaving, Cao Langshan said with a smile: "I recently found a stunning beauty in Tingyuxuan, who has excellent folk skills. Today I am hosting a banquet to listen to music and drink. How about we brothers get together and have a drink? This may be our It’s my last drink in Yuhan.”

????Cao Langbo smiled and said: "Brother, you are not talking about the recent song artist of Spring River Flowers and Bright Moon, Fairy Luoyan, are you?"

????Cao Langshan nodded and said: "It is this woman."

????"I have also heard of this woman's name and her singing skills. Her singing, lyrics and literary talent can be said to be at the level of a great Confucian."

????"Haha, big brother is hosting a banquet, how can we not give him face?"

????A few people readily agreed, and Cao Langsheng also agreed.

????"Okay, then go directly to my house."

????After the agreement was made, these brothers went directly to Cao Langshan's mansion to get together after the meeting.

????This good big brother Cao Langshan wants to catch all his brothers in one fell swoop.

????He and the head of the family, Cao Langsheng, are brothers, and he and the other two are also cousins. They are the decision-makers of the Cao family. As for the ancestor of the Cao family, he usually focuses on enlightenment and is not in the mood to manage the mundane affairs of the family. , so they are the ones in charge of the Cao family, and the ancestors of the Cao family have a transcendent status.

????A moment later, in the hall of Cao Langshan's mansion, the banquet was ready. There was a coffee table for each person, and there were delicacies on the coffee table. Four people were sitting in two rows.

????On the piano platform, Fairy Luoyan also sat down on the piano platform, played music and sang songs.

????Cao Langshan raised his glass and said, "Come on, this first glass is for our Cao family. May our Cao family become more and more glorious."

????"Respect the Cao family!"

????The other three people raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp. They drank a lot of ecstasy in this cup.

????"This second cup, I respect our ancestors. I hope that our ancestors can explore the great road and become a saint as soon as possible."

????The head of the Cao family took the initiative to raise the second glass of wine.

????"Respect the ancestor and wish the ancestor to become enlightened as soon as possible."

????Everyone also said in unison, drinking wine was full of ritual feeling.

????After drinking tons of glasses of wine, a few people started laughing and chatting.

Fairy Luoyan, who was sitting on the piano platform, sneered in her heart. This banquet was the real Hongmen Banquet for the Cao family.

????While drinking, Cao Langbo had already entered the soul due to the ecstasy medicine, and gradually felt a little dizzy again.

????This magical medicine was refined by Xiang Chen using the ninth-grade Datura sacred flower. He currently has too many ninth-grade magical medicines in stock, including some of all types.

????"Brother, your wine is so strong. I just drank so much that I feel a little drunk." Cao Langbo shook his slightly groggy head and said.

????"Me too, I feel that today's wine is particularly strong." Cao Langping also said in a daze.

????Cao Langshan laughed and said: "This wine has aged too long. It is my best wine. It is normal for the wine to be stronger. Come on, keep drinking. You will not come home until you are drunk!"

????He raised his glass again.

????The head of the Cao family said: "I will drink this cup first. Brother, I can't get too drunk. I have to see my ancestor tomorrow."

????"That's fine." Cao Langshan didn't persuade him much.

????After the Master Cao drank the glass of wine, he chatted with everyone for a while, then got up and prepared to leave.

????The moment he stood up, he immediately felt something was wrong. His head was spinning, and his soul's control over his physical body became extremely paralyzed.

????He staggered and almost fell down, like a lonely and drunk man.

????"Haha, second brother, you can't drink well. Now you're so drunk." Cao Langping smiled, stood up and came over to help him.

????As a result, as soon as he got up, the medicine took over, and his whole body became weak. He suddenly fell to the ground with a thud.

????"Third brother, you are even worse." Cao Langbo laughed loudly and planned to get up to help the two of them. As soon as he got up, they fainted.

????The head of the Cao family was holding on to the pillar next to him and looking at this scene. The world in front of him was shaking and shaking again.

????"No, this is not Jiu Jin - it is Yao Jin!" He was shocked for a moment, and then looked at his elder brother.

????Cao Langshan looked at him with a smile, and just as the head of the Cao family was about to say something, a wave of magical illusions swept over him, instantly pulling his consciousness into a world of illusions.

Fairy Luoyan on the piano platform also stopped playing, and her eyes continued to release the light of the soul, pulling the consciousness of these people into a mirage and a world of flowers.

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