Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 4003: Distorting the facts

More than a year is just a blink of an eye for them.

On this day, the Holy Court’s spiritual thoughts once again reached everyone’s ears.

"All old disciples, gather in the square immediately!"

The old disciples who received this order set off almost immediately. They were ready.

Under the Xiantian Qi Li Zu tree, disciples from all directions continued to gather. Soon, in just a moment, more than 7,000 people gathered under the Li Zu tree.

Among the crowd, Xiang Chen was naturally among them, alone.

This time, he will face the graduation exam alone, without his brothers and friends around him.

Dean Hong Yun, one of the vice-deans, saw everyone gathered and said calmly: "I believe you all know why you came here."

"Ten thousand years have passed in the Holy Court, and thousands of years have passed in the outside world. It's time for you to take the final exam."

"Perhaps, many people have been wondering, what is the content of the final exam? I didn't tell you before, but now before it gets closer, I can give you a rough idea of ​​the content of the exam."

At this point, the disciples below became agitated. Except for people with connections like Di Xuan'er, who all knew about it, 99% of them didn't know the content of the final exam.

Dean Hong Yun said quiet, and everyone immediately fell silent again.

He continued: "Thousands of years of hard work, the results are now, you are going to a universe that is about to be destroyed!"

After saying this, there was another commotion below, and the thoughts were boiling.

"A universe to be destroyed?"

"Is that our examination room?"

"Are there really other universes outside the universe?"

Divine thoughts are boiling, and waves of spiritual power are gathering. The void was intertwined with powerful currents.

Dean Hong Yun said indifferently: "Most people have never seen the world outside our ancient universe. Then I can tell you that there are countless parallel universes in this world."

"The evil world that many people are familiar with is also another universe and time."

"The universe you are about to go to is called the Luotian Universe, also known as the Eleventh Universe. The edge intersects with the boundary of our universe."

"The essence of the universe itself is a space world that is constantly expanding. When it expands to a certain limit and meets other universes, it will stop expanding and a boundary intersection will occur."

"And our ancient universe ranks tenth in the sequence of universes we currently know, and is also called the tenth universe."

"Of course, no one knows the exact answer to how many universes there are in the world, because each universe is too big and it is impossible for anyone to explore all of them."

"However, the universe has its own lifespan. Except in the legend, the only super universe Hongmeng is the eternal universe and will not end, and other universes have their own lifespan."

"When the life of the universe ends, the universe will gradually collapse and collapse, all energy will return to the origin of the universe, all life will die, and saints will not escape. The origin of the universe will be compressed into an origin singularity. This singularity of the universe, maybe, Only the size of stars.”

"When the universe becomes a singularity, it will undergo violent expansion and explosion again, and then the power of space will expand infinitely, and all the laws will be reorganized, forming a new universe, and then the sun, moon, stars, and life species will be born, and so on. It goes around and over again.”

"Dean Qi, that is to say, when the universe ends, will we all die? Saints are no exception?" someone asked in horror.

"Dean, as for our ancient universe, as the ninth universe, how long does our universe have?"

Many people couldn't help but ask questions. As gods, their life spans are at least a few million years, but can be tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years, which is already a very long time.

However, compared to the lifespan of the universe, which is often tens of billions of years, their existence is nothing.

"Quiet!" He yelled, and everyone fell silent again.

Dean Hong Yun put his hands behind his back and said: "If in this universe, life spans age normally, saints will indeed age and perish accordingly."

"And in our ancient universe, the lifespan has begun to enter its old age."

Many people immediately panicked when they heard this, but Xiang Chen sneered, saying that he would just fool these fools.

The Mother Goddess said that the ancient times are now in the golden period of development, the prime period of the universe. It took billions of years to give birth to various species, and billions of years to develop civilization. Today, there are at least several billions left before aging. Years, aging and death are also quite long periods of time.

Therefore, it is not a big problem that the ancient universe can still exist for tens of billions of years if it is not considered to have destroyed the origin of the universe.

For such a long time, even a saint has lived to the point where life is boring.

Others didn't know, there was an uproar, and many people began to panic with unfounded worries.

Dean Hong Yun changed the topic again: "So, the great Witch God Clan, the Witch God Dynasty, is doing the greatest thing, which is to artificially create an eternal universe so that all of us can live forever!"

"Long live the Witch God clan, long live the great Witch God dynasty!"

In the crowd, some disciples of the Witch God Clan were already shouting and yelling proudly.

"Long live the Witch God Clan!"

"Long live the Hajj!"

Others also shouted, reverence welling up in their hearts.

Xiang Chen looked at these people and felt sad. Is it so comfortable to abandon his hometown and enter other people's land to be a dog?

Moreover, if the origin of the universe is withdrawn, everyone under the Lord God will be buried with him! How many more people can exist in this world?

Therefore, now we are all enemies from the ancient times. Many races and many younger generations have been brainwashed by the Witch God Clan and have become idiots and dutiful sons of the universe.

Dean Hong Yun continued: "But many people don't understand, and those who don't understand become rebels! Beiminghai, Jiutian, these forces are the most evil rebels, sinners who block our eternal life!"

"Damn Beiminghai, Jiutian, we are incompatible with them!"

"Yes, we are at odds with each other. When we become saints, we will definitely destroy them!"

The disciples' emotions were successfully aroused.

Dean Hong Yun waved his hand, and everyone fell silent again: "And the examination room you are going to is a universe that is about to end. There is no energy in the universe to absorb, and the space where life can exist is only a few light years away. Left and right range.”

"In that range, you will be teleported there. You, as well as some trial geniuses from other universes, will be teleported there. That is your examination room."

"And the content of your exam is only about two things, survival and killing!"

"Everyone who enters will be given a token, and everyone is in charge. Each of you has to grab a hundred tokens to be qualified. If you don't have enough tokens, or you have lost your own token, the exam time is over. You will be trapped in that universe forever, and will be destroyed along with that universe!”

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