Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 4586: Performing Talent

"I know what the heck, I'm not a local ghost from the prehistoric times." Xiang Chen muttered in his heart, but nodded outwardly.

"Okay, then it will be as you say!"

No matter what, you have to agree first, lest this old guy does more damage and makes you uneasy.

Xiang Chen speculated that what the other party said about the land deed mantra was most likely true.

But even so, you still have to verify it yourself.

"I'm waiting for you." The beautiful woman A Piao said this again, and then she stopped talking. Her eyes gradually changed from majestic to confused, and then she looked at Xiang Chen curiously without knowing anything.

Xiang Chen turned around and left, looking towards the Blood Pool Hell. He moved in an instant and grabbed a dead soul that was once in the realm of a saint.

Catching the dead soul, Xiang Chen's eyes shot out two rays of light into the other person's soul.

Use the Dream Witch Tiandao on this person to obtain the information in his memory.

Soon, he obtained information about the memory of this deceased soul in the saint realm.

Of course it’s about the land deed mantra!

The mysterious being was right, the Book of Land Deed and Mantra was indeed one of the two most precious books in the underworld.

Just like the book of life and death, no one knows it and no one knows it.

The Book of Life and Death is a heavenly book that can control the life and death of all living things in the prehistoric world.

As long as they are below the realm of saints, their life span can be controlled by the Book of Life and Death. It is a very terrifying magic weapon. After all, how many people are born as saints?

The Mantra of Land Deed, also called the Heavenly Book of Land Deed, is a treasure of heaven and earth in terms of contracts. It can even bind the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth. As long as both parties sign a contract on it, the Heavenly Book of Land Deed can control the behavior of both parties and will not exceed the scope of the contract.

If the contract is violated, the land deed will activate the power of heaven and earth in the underworld to launch counterattack sanctions against those who violate the contract.

However, the book of life and death is in Fengdu City, and the land deed and the mantra of the book have long since disappeared in this person's memory and have become a legend.

It is precisely because of the lack of the mantra of land deeds that there are so many people who do not follow martial ethics in the circle of saints in this ancient world. After all, ordinary heavenly oaths can no longer punish strong saints.

If a person below a saint says he swears allegiance, it may be true. If a person above a saint says he swears allegiance, it is a joke.

After reading the other party's understanding of the land deed mantra, Xiang Chen was also a little surprised that such a treasure was actually living in the hell of the ancient underworld.

"That Land Deed Mantra Book can restrain even the Supreme Beings of Heaven and Earth. No matter how strong that person is, he cannot exceed this limit. In this case, I can take a risk and find the Land Deed Mantra Book first!"

Xiang Chen made up his mind and found the land deed mantra, so he could trust the old monster for once.

He recovered here for a moment. All the consumption of the blood escape technique was recovered. Xiang Chen was not in a hurry to leave this blood pool hell.

Instead, he continued to practice the Asura Heavenly Way here and condensed the Asura bloodline.

Because he reached an agreement with the mysterious old monster, the old monster no longer put small shoes on Xiang Chen.

This time he was not discovered by others, and he practiced peacefully here for a long time. It was not until the Shura bloodline was reunited that he left and went to the next level of hell.

The fourteenth level of hell is the hell of wasted death. It is nothing special. It is specially prepared for those who commit suicide. Suicide will not lead to reincarnation.

The fifteenth level of hell, the punishment hell, also means death by a thousand cuts, the Lingchi Hell, the punishment period here is particularly long from the beginning. Here, 3,750 years in the mortal world are considered as one day, and thirty days are considered as one month. , December is one year, and one has to serve a sentence of 150,000 years. Ten thousand years is almost 13.5 billion years in the mortal world.

If you enter here, you will have to serve fifteen 13.5 billion years in prison, which is so long that you will be devastated.

The sixteenth level, the volcanic hell, is nothing special to Xiang Chen. It is a good place for the Holy Hell Kirin to practice with the fire of purgatory burning everywhere.

Seventeenth Level, Stone Mill Hell. As the name suggests, people who enter here will be crushed by the space into soul mud, just like being crushed by a stone mill.

Finally, Xiang Chen lurked and arrived at the eighteenth level of hell.

When he came to the eighteenth level of hell, Xiang Chen was shocked to find that all the dead souls here were above the realm of the Lord God. There were many quasi-sages. At a glance, he saw several dead souls in the realm of saints.

Obviously, those who can be imprisoned here are those with relatively high cultivation.

"Welcome to the Eighteen Hells!"

At this time, an Ah Piao flew over. This Ah Piao looked like a middle-aged man and was in the quasi-sage realm during his lifetime.

Xiang Chen looked at the other party and said calmly: "I have come to the eighteenth level of hell. Senior, please tell me how I want to obtain the land deed and mantra book."

"Are you sure you want to go to the land deed and mantra? That will probably cost you your life." The other party said.

Xiang Chen frowned and said, "How do you say that?"

The middle-aged Ah Piao said calmly: "When I was sealed, I put the Land Deed Mantra into the belly of a hell beast.

After so many years, the hell beast has entered the realm of Taichu by virtue of the book's ability to absorb the power of heaven and earth. If your cultivation level is to obtain the heavenly book, you can only get it by killing the hell beast. "

"The realm of Taichu! What is the scope of the realm of Taichu?" Xiang Chen didn't show any fear.

"The middle stage of Taichu Holy Emperor."

Xiang Chen's eyebrows sank when he heard this.

This level of cultivation is indeed a bit high. In the early stage of Taichu, he can still try hard, but in the middle stage of Taichu, he cannot beat it.

However, it’s not easy to win by force, but it can be defeated wisely!

"Senior, please tell me the location!"

"Young man is really not afraid of death. Well, come with me."

The middle-aged Ah Piao flew through the air in one direction, and Xiang Chen quickly followed.

Soon, at the foot of a majestic mountain in the Eighteen Hells, Xiang Chen saw a cave surrounded by dense bones.

In the huge cave, Xiang Chen saw a two-headed hell tiger that looked like a tiger, sleeping in the cave.

"Animal form." Xiang Chen was a little surprised. In this realm, he still lives in such a primitive way?

"The hell beast is born with flaws, is cruel by nature, and has little human intelligence." The middle-aged A'Piao explained.

Xiang Chen grinned when he heard this: "That will be easier to solve, senior, I will give you a talent show and ask you to watch the movie!"

Xiang Chen chuckled, and then left here sneakily to make preparations.

Your name is Goudan, and you are a two-headed hell tiger. Many years ago that you cannot remember, a person sealed a book in your stomach.

Originally, you were just an ordinary two-headed hell tiger, but then you discovered what book was in your belly, and you became stronger and stronger until you grew into one of the overlords of the hell beasts in hell.

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