Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 5224: Origin of Taoism

Everyone listened, Xiang Tianzun preached

"In our current research and exploration discovery, the plane of chaos first started as a singularity. This singularity is Hongmeng. It was also called the heart of heaven and earth and the heart of Hongmeng."

"And this heart of heaven and earth, the Hongmeng energy released by the Hongmeng Heart evolved into the Chaos Plane, but at the beginning, the Chaos Plane was in a state of complete chaos, like a hard-boiled egg."

Later, conscious bodies appeared in this hard-boiled egg, and these conscious bodies evolved into life and formed innate demon gods. For example, the person next to me, the prehistoric demon ancestor, and many of the supreme beings of heaven and earth who are here to listen to the sermon are also innate demon gods. The Nine Heavens Saint, the Emperor's Tree Ancestor, Pangu, Nuwa, Xingtian and many more. "

"Countless innate demon gods were born in the plane of chaos, and the energy of time, space, yin and yang, reincarnation, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth in the plane of chaos condensed together to form the original universe. The space in the universe exploded. The expansion formed the huge universe today, and the ashes of energy condensed and evolved into stars all over the sky."

"And some of the energy of consciousness has condensed to form the various life forms and life forms we have today, including humans, wizards, monsters, etc."

"After the lunar energy precipitated, the death energy and yin energy formed after the death of a large number of lives accumulated together, and the underworld and underworld were formed between heaven and earth, which are worlds dedicated to the birth of ghosts."

"For those who have great merits, the Ancient Ghost Mother opened up eighteen levels of hell to accommodate evil ghosts. However, the Ancient Ghost Mother violated the rules of Yin and Yang and brought the creatures from the underworld into the Yang world to destroy them. The merits and fortunes of opening eighteen levels of hell were destroyed by Karma Fire. The power was counteracted, so he suffered from the suppression of the eighteen levels of hell for tens of billions of years."

The prehistoric ghost mother mentioned here, Yushan Qingdai in the supreme seat of heaven and earth below, her face turned slightly dark, unlucky, what are you doing to bring me up? She has a history of more than 10 billion years ago.

Many of the Supremes of Heaven and Earth around could not help but look at the Ancient Ghost Mother in jest. Emperor Fengdu snorted: "That move ruined the luck of the Ancient Underworld for many years."

The ancient ghost mother said with a sullen face: "Aren't you a man? How many years have passed and you still remember it, junior!"

"Hmph, some people will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history in many years!" Emperor Fengdu sneered.

"You bastard, do you want to fight, kid?" The Ancient Ghost Mother was furious.

"Quiet!" Xiang Chen shouted expressionlessly.

The two stopped bickering. Fortunately, the saints other than the Supreme Beings of Heaven and Earth could not hear their words.

Xiang Chen continued: "The Hongmeng Underworld was formed. Among the twelve tribes of innate shamans and gods, the ancestor of earth witches, Houtu Empress, carried the virtues of heaven and earth. She opened the six paths of reincarnation for the prehistoric underworld, allowing evil ghosts to reincarnate, and created the great world of heaven and earth. Merit, so far reincarnation has begun to become popular in the prehistoric universe."

“The original way is the only way between heaven and earth, the way, the way of heaven, the way of nature. However, through continuous development, monks like us discovered that as long as we understand the origin of the law and create our own way, we can achieve the status of a saint who will live forever in the world. "

"To become a saint in heaven and earth, you only need one source to enter the Tao. Now let's talk about the method of origin to enter the Tao for the juniors who are quasi-sages."

At this point, the largest number of people present, the ears of the billions of quasi-sages stood up.

Xiang Tianzun waved his hand, and the power of the original sources gathered, all of which were various sources without enlightenment.

Among them are the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and the taiyin and sun of yin and yang and taiji.

There is also the origin of time that is ethereal, but allows them to perceive it. The origin of time is a river of time, in which there are pictures of flowers, trees, and trees being reborn, dying, aging, and babies being born and aging.

There are also the spatial origins of the void, the origins of thunder and lightning in the world, the origins of wind, various sword intentions, sword intentions, fist intentions, and the monks' will origin methods. The number is so large that it can be called three thousand origins. They are so densely packed that almost everyone has them. You can see the original method of your own practice in it.

"To talk about the origin of Taoism, we must first understand what the origin of Taoism is. If we want to originate into Taoism, if we don't even fully understand the origin, then let alone the steps for Taoism."

Everyone listened attentively and did not dare to miss a single cent. Even the pinnacle quasi-sages who were still some distance away from the realm of saints did not dare to miss Xiang Tianzun's sermon on this realm.

Having said this, Xiang Chen's eyes fell on a quasi-sage: "Wang Xiaoxiao, please answer, what is the origin?"

"Ah, me, oh, good ancestor."

Among the crowd of quasi-saints, a girl who looked innocent and cute, and whose eyebrows resembled those of Wang Ying and Zhang Dan, stood up quickly.

Wang Xiaoxiao is Wang Ying's granddaughter, so the name Xiang Tianzun is also the ancestor.

Wang Xiaoxiao thought for a while, pondered for a moment, and said: "The origin is the source of the birth of the laws of heaven and earth?"

Xiang Tianzun asked again: "If the origin is the source of the birth of the laws of heaven and earth, what is the Tao?"

"Ah this -" Wang Xiaoxiao lowered his head and thought about it carefully. Under the gaze of countless quasi-sages, he explained with a blushing face: "Tao is the law of the movement of heaven and earth."

"Listen carefully and don't think about random things in your little mind." Xiang Tianzun gave some advice.

He can sense the thoughts in the hearts of all the powerful people present under the supreme power of heaven and earth.

"Oh - yes, Xiaoxiao knew she was wrong." Wang Xiaoxiao stuck out her tongue and quickly sat down with a red face. She was indeed thinking about other things just now.

Xiang Tianzun continued: "The origin, the origin is not the source of the birth of the laws of heaven and earth. The origin is the source of the birth of its own laws. In other words, the origin is the root of its own laws.

Many monks believe that the way of law means always understanding the way of heaven and earth, and understanding the law of heaven and earth from the way of heaven and earth. This understanding is applicable before the realm of the main god in the realm of the God Emperor.

But after reaching the realm of the God Emperor, if this thinking bottleneck is not broken, it will be impossible to break through to the realm of the Lord God in this lifetime. "

"In short, before you reach the realm of Lord God, you must begin to understand the process of replacing heaven and earth with yourself, and the beginning of replacing heaven's heart with your own heart."

“Replace Heaven’s heart with your own heart!”

"Replace heaven and earth with yourself!"

"And if you want to achieve enlightenment, originate enlightenment, and climb up the great avenue, you need your own mind and the heart of heaven, which means the unity of humanity and Tao, the unity of man and Tao, and the unity of man and Tao. If you can understand this, the realm of a Taoist saint is just around the corner!"

After Xiang Tianzun finished speaking, he began to use a more macroscopic and intuitive method to demonstrate in front of everyone, using those original laws to start the process of evolving into Tao.

His understanding of Taoism is so deep that it is almost as if he has fundamentally solved a difficult mathematical problem for them. As long as they are not too stupid and stupid and solve it according to his "equation", they will definitely be able to achieve success. Break through the avenue!

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