Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 5905 Unavoidable

Yuchi Yaode's face was extremely ugly, and he looked at Qi Shiji with angry eyes.

Xiang Chen continued to shout: "Brothers of the Yuchi family who are hiding in the Netherworld, stop pretending to be Netherworld people."

"We in Eternal Heaven and your taboo land, the Yuchi family, have always kept a close eye on each other. What do you mean?

The people who help Netherworld are coming to intercept and kill our princess, the future queen of Eternal Heaven. Are you going to fall out with our two great worlds, Eternal Heaven and Eternal Heaven? "

"If this is the case, I hope you will think carefully about the consequences of doing this. Originally, we are not in conflict with each other. If you help the people of Netherworld and make trouble, then the two heavens will definitely not play happily with you in the future."

"It's still too late for you to leave Netherworld's camp, so I'll just pretend I don't know anything and pretend you haven't been here before."

Xiang Chen's words to sow discord made Qi Shiji's face extremely ugly.

There was indeed a look of struggle and hesitation on Yuchi Yaode's face.

Qi Shiji hurriedly said: "Elder Yuchi, don't listen to his deception. When Yonghengtian and Eternal Heaven successfully marry and form an alliance, your taboo Yuchi family will be the meat in the middle. Whether you eat it in the future depends on their mood."

"Now the initiative to control your destiny is still in your hands. If you give up, then the future will be in someone else's hands."

Qi Shiji's words were also very effective, making Yuchi Yaode's originally wavering heart settle again.

Qi Shiji said: "As long as you don't take the initiative to admit it, there will be no evidence in the future that you were involved in this matter."

Yuchi Yaode snorted coldly: "General Qi, don't worry too much. Since our Yuchi family has already made a choice, we will not waver."

Qi Shiji nodded, looked at the battleship coming alone, and said coldly: "Fire and kill him!"

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, countless pillars of fire reached the sky and bombarded the battleship.

"Wochao, it belongs to your uncle!"

Xiang Chen's clone piloted the battleship and quickly turned around and fled, fleeing among the numerous attacking pillars of fire.

Qi Shiji said directly: "The whole army attacks!"

The hundreds of thousands of troops who were lying in ambush no longer hid, and drove the warships toward the defense line laid out by Xiang Chen and others.

In the desolate star realm, in the Seven Star City.

Xiang Chen said with a gloomy face: "It seems that the Yuchi family is determined to get involved."

The Nine Heavens Saint frowned slightly: "It's understandable from their standpoint. After all, Eternal Heaven and Eternal Heaven have formed a stronger military alliance. This forbidden land will definitely suffer from being sandwiched between the two worlds in the future."

Xia Houwu punched the table: "Get ready to fight with all your strength!"

In the dark starry sky, ghostly battleships emerged.

There are as many as 600,000 troops on the many battleships.

Six hundred thousand people, all at the level of the Ace Group Army

The entire group army has formed formations at the level of the Emperor of Heaven!

"The enemy is also the Ace Group Army, forming a formation and preparing to attack!"

Qi Shiji roared angrily and mobilized his ace army to form a formation

"The 123rd Division of the 18th Army encircled and attacked the enemy's left flank on the left!"

"The 456th Division of the 23rd Army encircles the right and attacks the enemy's right wing!"

"The 123rd Division of the 19th Army, attack from behind!"

"Cooperate with the Ace Eighteenth Army to destroy and annihilate the enemy!"

He issued combat orders one by one, gathered sixty armies, and distributed almost all of them. He even took the people from the command center to personally join the attacking army camp, sit in it, and personally command the battle.

Similarly, Xiang Chen immediately adjusted his status according to the opponent's general deployment.

"Hold the opponent's first frontal charge!"

"After the enemy's encirclement force was formed, the 45th Division immediately switched from offense to defense and deployed defensive formations to protect the entire army. If they want to encircle, let them encircle!"

"The general will obey your orders!"

"The general will obey your orders!"

Ace versus ace, Xiang Chen’s men were the first to face off against the Netherworld Army, which was also the ace of the entire army.

The Netherworld army has hundreds of battle formations, and the battle formations gathered by the Yuchi family add up to more than a hundred Heavenly Emperor-level battle formations to charge.

In the Eternal Battle Formation, the military formation turned into a giant sky-severing blade that shook the heaven and earth. The formation was controlled by the overall spirit of the soldiers and was ready to be prepared.

The Netherworld Army, the Netherworld Black Snake Formation seemed like peerless ferocious beasts from ancient Hongmeng, turning into sky-swallowing serpents to devour all the ancient warriors.

The two sides are about to collide, and even the top emperors dare not display their divine power in the center of the collision.

Xiang Chen watched the approaching enemy fleet enter the shooting range and directly let the defenses begin to open fire and attack.

Immediately, the space battle fort, Xingyuan anti-aircraft guns and other attacks continued to blast out pillars of fire rushing into the starry sky, blasting towards the mighty fleet.

These firepower can only block the speed of the opponent's attack and consume the energy of the opponent's warriors.

The army's battle formation field directly resisted such an attack.

The Netherworld army pulled out the outer defense line and attacked, and Xiang Chen directly ordered the entire army to charge.

Just listening to the thunder-like rumbling sound, the sharp edge of the sky-cutting knife transformed into the Eternal Battle Heavenly Army array collided with the Netherworld Black Snake transformed into the Netherworld Army array.

The Nether Black Snake spits out the Nine Nether Gods to attack, and the Eternal Heaven-Slaying Formation kills with peerless edge.

Such attack intensity and attack speed are not inferior to those of a strong man in the mid-level Heavenly Emperor realm.

The ace military formation battle became a group, and some brigades were combined into the Eternal Sky-Slashing Formation. They used the sword light with great proficiency and miraculous skills, as if they were being used by the real emperor of swordsmanship.

Just like the original Blood Wolf Sharp Sword Division under Xia Houwu, and the brigade composed of prehistoric armies.

The peerless sharp sword light formed by the blood wolf sharp sword master group had a cunning trajectory. They practiced the unique sword skills of the battle formation. The Jiuyou Shensha blasted over, and the sword light transformed into the battle formation rotated in a panic, surrounding Jiuyou. The evil spirit attacks.

Instead, the light of the sword transformed into an extremely flexible snake. With one strike, it struck the neck of the Netherworld Black Snake that spit out the Nine Nether Spirits.

Looking at it zoomed out, it was equivalent to killing the snake seven inches away.

This position is also the shortcoming of the Netherworld Black Snake Formation. The sharp edge of the knife tore open the Netherworld Black Snake's neck, and blood flowed wildly. There were hundreds of Netherworld warriors inside who were killed by the blade's edge.

The light of the sword wrapped around the body of the Netherworld Black Snake as if spinning and killed it, constantly tearing the wound. The Netherworld Black Snake roared, twisted the snake's head and kept biting, but the bite failed.

In the end, the Netherworld Black Snake Formation was consumed alive and half of the men and horses were killed. The formation could not be maintained and it suddenly disintegrated. The remaining Netherworld warriors were easily killed by the sword energy in despair.

This is a unique skill trained by the Blood Wolf Sharp Sword Master Group. This skill is called Spiritual Snake Wrapping the Neck.

It is extremely rare for a military formation combination to be able to perform sword skills, requiring everyone to cooperate almost to the point of spiritual communication.

In the Seven Star City, seven huge sword lights also rose into the sky, each carrying the momentum of the Emperor of Heaven and rushing towards the Netherworld army camp, and a great battle began.

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