Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 6197: Making an attack in the east and attacking in the west

The battle in the red maple forest lasted for seven or eight minutes, and several Black Eagle helicopter gunships quickly arrived in the sky to support them. ◆????????????Search????????????.??????◆

The cannons and machine guns of the Black Eagle armed helicopter were pointed directly below, but the soldiers were fighting at close range with the soldiers of the escort team, but the personnel of the Black Eagle armed helicopter did not dare to fire because it was extremely easy to cause accidental injury.

"Command, a group of Black Eagles rushed to the battlefield. We and the Zerg are fighting on the battlefield. It is easy to cause accidental damage when firing. Please give us instructions!"

"Command received it, fire while trying to avoid hurting our troops!"


The combat team on the Black Eagle helicopter gunship began to fire bursts below, and did not dare to use large-scale weapons such as rockets.

After the battle lasted for a total of fifteen minutes, the soldier ants' tentacles trembled and they began to evacuate as if they had received some order.

The evacuating soldier ants carried the bodies of their companions and the bodies of the killed convoy soldiers into the underground passage and evacuated.

In this contact battle, nearly a hundred people were killed and injured in the escort team, and more than thirty soldier ants were killed or injured.

Soon a large amount of support arrived. Two battalions of troops came to support. After understanding the situation, an armed helicopter was arranged to transport the wounded away, while the others continued the pursuit.

Among the reinforcements that arrived was a senior sergeant with the rank of senior sergeant, the title of regimental commander.

The superior officer Kofutaro looked at the entrance of the tunnel and asked, "Do the insects leave from these caves?"

Next to him, the captain with a bandage on his left arm came over, lowered his head and said, "Yes, these insects suddenly emerged from these holes and launched a sneak attack on us."

The assistant officer said to the person next to him, "Send the micro-drone down to explore and figure out the situation underground. If the nest of the zerg is at this location, then use ground-penetrating bombs to blast the area."


Soon several people brought the box. Inside the box was a very small drone. This drone was only about the size of a human thumb. When activated, it flew like a hummingbird.

After entering the cave, several micro drones flew into the cave and began to explore the situation inside.

As a result, after entering the cave, I found that it was full of crisscrossing caves, and the terrain environment was extremely complex.

The drone's remote control operator was stunned when he saw the complex hole on the surveillance screen.

Suddenly, a soldier ant was found at the entrance of a hole in the ground. The soldier ant looked at the flying drone and let out a roar. It opened its mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of formic acid. The formic acid sprayed on the drone, and the drone directly hit the ground. It was corroded and immediately malfunctioned.

Soon, several other drones encountered a similar situation. Several intercepted soldier ants were found at the entrance of the cave, and the drones were destroyed by the formic acid sprayed by the soldier ants.

"Damn it, report to Commander Xiaofeng, all our drones were destroyed by soldier ants. There are extremely complex terrain passages below. We suspect there is a nest of zerg below."

The drone operators came over to report the situation.

Xiaofeng Shangzuo frowned and said, "It seems that there is a nest of zerg here. Exit this area. I will call the air force to drop ground-penetrating bombs to bomb this area."


The escorts here began to evacuate here. Xiaofeng Shangzuo reported the situation here, marked the area, and requested to use the Air Force's ground-penetrating bombs to strike.

His request was quickly answered.

Soon, at the military airport near Dongdu, the Black Hawk Country Military Base, two B2 bombers set off from the airport and came over here.

After reaching the airspace above, the bomb delivery bay was opened directly, and several ground-penetrating bombs were dropped.

The ground-penetrating bomb is dropped from an altitude of several thousand meters, and then actively accelerates to hit the attack mark point below. This weapon can destroy objects 60 meters underground.

A military fortress, the damage range can reach 1,500 meters, and its power is extremely terrifying, directly chasing small mushroom eggs.

The ground-penetrating bomb blasted hard into the ground, quickly rotated and pierced into the ground, and then exploded with a bang.

boom--! boom--! boom--!

The ground exploded, and the trees were blown away. The ground rolled like waves, and then was completely destroyed. The violent shock wave rolled up dust all over the sky.

The dozen or so soldier ants staying in the burrows in this area were blown to pieces in an instant. The shock wave of the explosion spread out to a kilometer away, and countless trees were destroyed and broken.

On the weather tower, Ant Wangchen looked at this scene and sighed, "I have to say, if we really have to confront the land gods and all the military forces on the little blue star, the practitioners may not be able to take advantage."

"With the power of this earth-penetrating bullet, I will definitely die if I get hit by one now. Even if I am not in the realm of the King of Heaven, I cannot withstand such a blow. The mushroom egg does not have the strength of a land god, let alone resist it."

This astonishing explosion could be heard by people in Dongdu, dozens of kilometers away, and they thought someone was setting off fireworks.

On the road a few kilometers away, many armored vehicles and tanks were parked on the mountain road.

A tank commander sat on the turret and smoked, watching the huge noise caused by the explosion of ground-penetrating bombs in the distance. "Is this the nest of the zerg found? All the ground-penetrating bombs have been mobilized."

The co-pilot next to him also got out. The commander threw him a cigarette. The co-pilot smiled and said, "With the power of this ground-penetrating bomb, the Zerg can probably be wiped out by the group."

The commander said, "Of course. The power of the ground-penetrating bomb is one of the weapons second only to the mushroom bomb. The damage diameter can reach 1,500 meters, and it can hit underground fortresses dozens of meters deep underground."

The machine gunner said, "Using ground-penetrating bombs at the foot of Fu Volcano will not affect the volcano's eruption, right?"

The tank commander laughed and said, "No.

Yes, unless it is possible to drop an earth-penetrating bomb directly into the crater. "

When several people were talking, they didn't notice that in the woods beside the road, there were soldier ants sneaking out their tentacles and staring at the armored vehicles and tanks on the road.

Soon, a large number of soldier ants appeared in the woods near the armored vehicle road, waiting for some order.

During the information processing of Ant King Chen's tentacles, he could almost clearly see the information transmitted back. In his compound eyes, he could see the images transmitted back through the tentacles and vision of the soldier ants.

Ant Wangchen issued an order, "Attack their tracks and turrets, and use formic acid to attack from a distance!"

After receiving the order, all the tentacles of the hundred soldier ants lurking in the woods trembled.

One hundred soldier ants all rushed towards the more than ten armored fighting vehicles of this armored company.

"Something's happening!" the smoking commander yelled and saw the soldier ants rushing out.

The machine gunner was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and quickly moved the machine gun to fire.

The commander and co-pilot quickly got into the tank.

The bullets were discharged with the clicking sound of firing. More than a dozen soldier ants rushed over under the fire. Two were killed on the road. The turret also quickly moved its direction to prepare for the bombardment.

But the soldier ants were already very close to them. They charged forward seven to eight meters away. The distance was too close and the turret had no vision and could not bombard them. However, the soldier ants sprayed out formic acid.

Streams of formic acid were sprayed over and hit the tank's turret. The tank's turret was immediately corroded and emitted black smoke. Some of the formic acid was sprayed on the tracks, which were corroded and damaged.

The machine gunner above was even more corroded and screaming, his flesh and blood festering.

This situation also occurred in other armored company combat vehicle groups, and they were all attacked by soldier ants.

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