Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 6315 Rampage NPC

In just two and a half years, although Xiang Chen said he had not gone out to expand, his own strength had become several times stronger.

Because of good management and benevolent government, the original NC people in Wanyan City are now sincerely convinced by Xiang Chen. Without comparison, there is no harm. Many people feel that after Wanyan City has a new ruler, it is like the arrival of the Qingtian Lord. .

The first is to divide the land. The land in the original Wanyan City and Tianming City belongs to the city owner. The people are just people who help with the work. They can only get a small part of the food grown, about 70% of which must be handed over. The people rely on The 30 percent barely make ends meet.

Xiang Chen directly distributed the land according to the population of each NC family, and adopted a tax collection model for the grain grown. He only collected 30% of the grain tax and encouraged the people to cultivate the land themselves.

Under such a policy, food production has not decreased, but has been greatly increased.

Because in the past, I worked for the city lord, no matter how much food I planted, I could only get a small part, only the amount of daily rations. But now after the change to tax collection, I can plant more and harvest more, and the people themselves can We will take the initiative to reclaim more land. In this way, people's enthusiasm for planting will increase, tax revenue will increase, there will be more food, and people's support will be restored.

At the beginning, the amount of military grain and grass was 100,000 tons, but now it has reached one million tons!

In terms of food and grass, it is completely sufficient for Xiang Chen's strategic reserves of three million soldiers and horses for one or two years.

The troop strength has also been increased from the previous one million to three million, and many NC soldiers have been recruited. After systematic modern military training methods, the combat effectiveness is no worse than that of regular troops.

In addition, a new city was built. The new city was located between Tianming City and Wanyan City. One million soldiers were stationed. These million soldiers implemented the field system, stationed in the new city, fought in wartime, and farmed for self-sufficiency in their free time.

Xiang Chen's current strength is 3 million troops, and the population is about 13 million.

The people have enough food and can live without worries. This has stimulated the fertility rate. The fertility rate has increased significantly compared with before. In the future, the population will inevitably explode.

Xiang Chen originally wanted to research firearms, but he was restricted by the rules. He couldn't research firearms at all, nor could he practice cultivation. He couldn't crush him in technology. What mattered was the use of strategy.

However, firearms cannot be researched. You can also do research on cold weapons. The weapons used by the army are all ordinary iron weapons. Xiang Chen asked people to search for tungsten ore. The tungsten steel knife made of tungsten ore and iron ore is stronger than the weapons obtained at the beginning. , the sharpness has been greatly improved.

In the fourth year of the Tianyan World War Promotion, Fan Chongxuan led an expedition with nearly four million soldiers and horses to attack Xiang Chen.

As the scout intelligence discovered in advance, Xiang Chen took the initiative to lead his troops out of the city to fight. He had to take the initiative to go out to fight, because it was autumn, and a large amount of food was about to be harvested. If he stayed behind closed doors, the other party's soldiers and horses would either rob the outside. Either the food will be burned and the food will be destroyed.

In this battle, Xiang Chen used the Tianlu tactics, deploying a large number of ambush troops and guerrillas along Fan Chongxuan's marching route.

One million soldiers and horses were dispersed, forming a network of strongholds. Fan Chongxuan's troops were constantly harassed and attacked during their march, making the opponent's troops restless day and night and consuming the opponent's morale.

Place many in familiar terrain areas

At the ambush point, they either lure the enemy deep into the enemy's rear, or stalk the enemy's troops and logistics units, consuming Fan Chongxuan's troops in stages, and most importantly, damaging the morale of Fan Chongxuan's troops.

To put it simply, the Heavenly Furnace strategy is a "retreat and decisive battle" tactic, luring the enemy deep into the enemy's territory, and then encircling and annihilating them. The "Heavenly Furnace" is to spread the troops into a network of strongholds in the combat zone, and use ambushes, decoys, side attacks, tail attacks, etc. to consume the enemy's troops and morale in stages, and finally "drag the enemy" "Go to the decisive battle area and then encircle and annihilate them fiercely.

Fan Chongxuan's troops were attacked by Xiang Chen's troops using the Heavenly Furnace Warfare Technique for ten days. The soldiers suffered terribly. The original troops were fine. They knew they were soldiers, but to Fan Chongxuan's more than one million NC soldiers, they were... They live in fear, because they don't know that the world is false, and they don't know that they are also virtual.

Fan Chongxuan cannot say to his NC troops that you are all virtual and are set up for us to play a military training exercise. This will cause the NC troops' world view to collapse and their hearts to collapse.

Less than twenty kilometers away from Destiny City, Fan Chongxuan ordered the troops to camp and rest, preparing to be in the best condition for a decisive battle with Xiang Chen.

However, after being harassed during this period, the NC troops in Fan Chongxuan's army were in a tense state of mind, and many of them were on the verge of mental collapse.

In the dark night, an assassination team dressed in Fan Chongxuan's army armor blended into Fan Chongxuan's army, preparing to behead Fan Chongxuan's men.

In a big tent.

More than a dozen soldiers lived in a large tent.

Li Yan, one of the NC soldiers, lay in bed unable to sleep for a long time, and his spirit was in a state of nervousness. He had not closed his eyes for two days and two nights. When he closed his eyes, he could only see the images of his brothers from the same hometown before they died.

He was upset. Just then, their commander and a fellow soldier entered the tent. Both of them were regular troops, but unlike them, they were NCs. There was not much tension at all. The two of them were drinking in the tent, and their voices It was surprisingly loud, chatting in a dialect they couldn't understand, and it was annoying.

Li Yan, who couldn't sleep, was even more heartbroken. Normally, he wouldn't dare to talk back to Shi Chang, who was always beating and scolding them, but at this moment, he couldn't help but feel an unknown fire in his heart. He stood up and said, "Shi Chang, your voice can... Smaller?"

His words echoed the thoughts of several other NPC soldiers in the same camp.

When the chief heard this, he said angrily, "I like to be so loud, can you, you idiot, control it?"

They all called the NPCs in Tianyan World idiots.

Li Yan clenched his fists, and the nameless fire in his heart burned even more intensely. He gritted his teeth and said, "Tomorrow is the decisive battle. How can other brothers like you fight?"

"Decisive battle? Hahaha——"

Upon hearing this, Shi Chang looked at this idiot with a serious face but didn't know that he was a virtual character and said sarcastically, "You idiot, what can you do with your coward in the decisive battle tomorrow? Just shut up." Don’t interrupt us two drinking, or I’ll kill you!”

Li Yan's eyes suddenly turned red, and the anger from being beaten, scolded and humiliated countless times by the other party exploded like a volcano at this moment. He turned around and pulled out the knife next to the sleeping berth. Holding the knife and roaring, he slashed at the tall man.

With a swish of a knife, the knife struck Shi Chang's face, who was caught off guard.

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