Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 646: Dark Snare

Xiang Chen took the three of them into his residence in the inner palace.

With his influence now, no one dared to question him. Qing Meng, Shu Yi and Qian Lan entered the secret room of Xiang Chen's mansion.

In the secret room, several people sat down, and Qian Lan also put down his hat, revealing a faceless black face, which was extremely strange and scary.

"This time we mainly need to use Shu Yi and Qian Lan. Shu Yi, I want to build an intelligence network in these two places, Huangdu and Ancient Wasteland. This matter shouldn't be difficult for you, right?" Xiang Chen said.

Shu Yi raised his slender eyebrows and said with a smile: "You have found the right person for this matter. It is not difficult. Our rat clan is spread all over the world, and we are everywhere. However, if it is difficult, there are also difficulties. .”

"Oh, where?" Xiang Chen asked.

"In the darkness of every city, there is our rat clan, but the rat clan in every city has its own rat king. I am the rat king in the capital of the King of Chu. Among the rat clan in this deserted capital, there must be my own rat clan. The rat king here, if I want to build my rat colony intelligence network here, I must conquer the rat king here." Shu Yi said.

The Rat Tribe is a tribe that can thrive in the corner of the human world after the defeat of the Monster Tribe. They are small in size and have amazing reproductive power.

For an ordinary mouse, the time from pregnancy to birth is only three weeks.

Female mice become fertile when they are six months old and can give birth to six to ten mice in a litter. If there is sufficient food, a mouse can become pregnant several times a year. Cumulatively, a female mouse can breed nearly two hundred mice a year.

What a terrifying reproductive capacity. This is a common rat. There are at least hundreds of millions of rats in a city, and in a metropolis like Huangdu, there are probably no less than tens of billions of rats.

With such fecundity, they cannot be killed even if they want to. Even monks are helpless against them. They are small in size and can make holes everywhere.

The status of the rat clan is very low among the demon clan. For the demon clan who worship the power and bloodline, the rat clan has never been taken seriously.

However, their presence all over the world and their amazing reproductive capacity are a huge invisible intelligence network.

Not to mention demon rats, even ordinary rats have high intelligence and memory capabilities.

"The Rat King of Huangdu..." Xiang Chen pondered after hearing the words, and then said: "Then do you have a way to find the Rat King of Huangdu?"

"Of course there is no problem with this. As long as we deal with the Rat Clan in this deserted city, we can find out where the Rat King is. However, Wang, the deserted capital has outstanding people, rich aura of heaven and earth, and the resources here are richer than those of Da Chu. I am afraid that we can rule The Rat King who controls the large swarm of rats here must have good strength and cultivation. Maybe I am not a match."

Shu Yi said in a deep voice.

"Strength support is not a problem. As long as you can find the Rat King, I can help you suppress him and conquer him." Xiang Chen said.

"I feel reassured by the king's words. I will go check on the Rat King after today." Shu Yi nodded.

"Well, I'll bother you with this matter." Xiang Chen nodded.

Shu Yi was still very happy in his heart. The king was the holy beast of the demon clan and the future leader of the demon clan. He could value him so much. He was also very considerate in doing things for Xiang Chen.

After all, this is a demon clan that has never been taken seriously. Although they thrive in the darkness of the human world where the demon clan has been eliminated, their low bloodline makes the people of the rat clan feel inferior in front of other demon clans. Feeling of shame.

The human race is different from the demon race. No matter how low your bloodline is, as long as your cultivation is strong enough, you will be respected in human society.

As for the demon clan, among the strong men in the same realm, those with low bloodline are easily suppressed and discriminated against.

There has never been any famous saint or great power in the rat tribe.

"Qian Lan." Xiang Chen looked at Qian Lan, who was looking at a group of black mist, which was in a very strange human form without a face.

"King." Qian Lan made a hoarse voice.

"Can you change your appearance? You know how annoying you look like this?"

Xiang Chen said speechlessly.

When Qian Lan heard this, the black mist solidified, and the energy rolled, turning into the appearance of Qing Meng. His facial features were exactly the same, and they were no longer just black. He had practiced the secret method of seven-color illusion and could transform into other colors.

"Why did you become like me? You can't become like me!" Qing Meng angrily looked at Qian Lan's other self.

"Shu Yi is too ugly. The king cannot offend. I can only change into your appearance." Qian Lan said, her voice changed.

"I'm so numb..." Shu Yi heard this and wanted to curse, but found that he couldn't beat this guy.

Xiang Chen smiled when he heard this and said, "You should become like this."

As he spoke, the true energy in his hand transformed into a very ordinary-looking figure.

He is also a young man with a delicate appearance, not to mention handsome, with yellow skin and a pair of black and white eyes.

This is exactly what he looked like in his previous life.

Qian Lan changed again and turned into the form of this young man.

"I asked you to come because I have a task to give you. From now on, you will help Shu Yi and run our underground intelligence network world. I will set up a department under the command of the two of you."

Xiang Chen looked at Shu Yi and Qian Lan said seriously.

The two of them listened seriously.

Xiang Chen said: "You two will be the eyes of our demon clan in the human world from now on, our fangs and daggers in the darkness. Your status and responsibilities are extremely important. Your mission is to let the power of our demon clan , our eyeliners penetrate into every city and every corner of this continent."

"From now on, when my great cause of all monsters is accomplished, you will all be the most important contributors. You will be able to conquer the world, build temples, and enjoy the worship and reverence of the world."

Shu Yi knelt down excitedly and said: "Thank you so much for my king's attention. Shu Yi will definitely work hard and die to lay a solid foundation for my king to establish a prosperous era of ten thousand monsters."

Qian Lan also gave a slight respectful salute. He was not very excited and was not very interested in fame and status. He just followed for the sake of following.

"Get up." Xiang Chen smiled and raised his hand.

Shu Yi stood up, his heart surging. Perhaps he could change the historical status of the entire Rat Clan in the Monster Clan in the future and become the greatest contributor to the Rat Clan.

"Then Wang, what is the name of our department?" Shu Yi asked.

Xiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "From now on, we will call it the tusk. The tusk is the fang in the dark, the minions of our demon clan in the darkness. The net is the net, the dragnet that spreads all over the world."

"Qian Lan, you are in charge of Fangs, and your main task is to cultivate intelligence informants in the human race. I will dispatch Man He to help you. She specializes in this area of ​​​​learning in the army. In addition to intelligence informants, she also cultivates monster assassins and even human assassins. , it is also your mission, this is the dark beast."

"Shu Yi, you are in charge of the net, hunting all kinds of useful information, mainly building an underground intelligence network."

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