Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 6521: No one can stand without faith

After handing over the Order of Yajuan, Dragon Saint Yajuan once again reminded, "Remember, you must not let anything slip when you go back. Just say to the outside world that I am for the Dongsu Empire and determined to find a way to defeat the Prehistoric Alliance. That's why I endured the humiliation and stayed in the Prehistoric Alliance." !”

Xiao Yun accepted the token and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't tell you anything. I really want to save face."

Dragon Saint Yazhen snorted coldly, "I will definitely defeat Mu Feng!"

After chatting with Dragon Saint Yaizhan for a while, Xiao Yun was ready to leave.

"I wonder if second brother can adapt here." When leaving, Xiao Yun was still a little worried.

"Come here, give me two more bottles of milk tea, add more pearls, and five cents of sugar!"

But when she heard the voice coming from behind, the corners of Xiao Yun's mouth twitched. It seemed that her worries were unnecessary.

After leaving the Shura Heavenly Emperor's Palace, Bai Yi and others immediately gathered around him. Bai Yi quickly asked, "How was your conversation with him?"

Xiao Yun said calmly, "Don't worry about him. He doesn't want to leave. He will only leave after defeating Mu Feng."

"Ah, this-" Everyone looked at each other, so what was the point of their visit? He also gave free money to the Prehistoric Alliance and gave them important scientific and technological information.

Xiao Yun grabbed Xiang Chen's wrist, "Long Chen, let's go shopping with my aunt. Let me tell you that this Divine City of Creation is really a great place. There are so many delicious and fun things to do, and the clothes are better than those in our Dongsu Empire." pretty."

Xiao Yun dragged Xiang Chen away. Xiang Chen gave Bai Yi and others a helpless look and was dragged away by Xiao Yun.

The other envoys looked at the envoy Bai Yi, "Sir, what should we do? Are we going back like this?"

Bai Yi sighed, "What else can we do? Since Master Yaizhen Longsheng himself is unwilling to go back, then we can only go back and report the truth truthfully. Alas - fortunately, other generals and soldiers have been exchanged."

Not long after, envoys from the Golden Crow Palace and the Lieyang Dynasty also arrived at the Heavenly Palace of Creation.

The purpose of their coming was also to redeem Commander Di Rong.

In exchange for the opening of 200 billion immortal stones, a large amount of Sun God Iron, the technology of Chiyang Fighter, the seventh-generation fighter of the Golden Crow Palace, and the Golden Crow Battle Formation of the Golden Crow Palace.

The Lieyang Dynasty naturally disagreed. After a series of bargaining, the two parties finally determined the compensation, in exchange for two hundred billion immortal stones, one million tons of Sun God Iron, and production technical data of the Chiyang fighter.

As for the Golden Crow Battle Formation, Lieyang Dynasty is not willing to offer it as an exchange condition in any case. Even a strong man in the eternal realm of heaven and earth is not qualified to exchange it.

After the Prehistoric Alliance obtained the items, they released Di Rong as agreed.

However, what was released was Di Rong's soul. Di Rong's cultivation was completely ruined, his body was stewed by Xiang Chen, and his Taoist foundation was refined by Xiang Chen. The recovery of his cultivation over the years was in vain.

The Lieyang Dynasty was extremely angry when they got such Emperor Rong, and the diplomatic ambassadors from the two sides began to curse face to face.

"Prehistoric Alliance, you are despicable and have no spirit of contract. You are returning the foundation of our Commander Di Rong!"

Tuoba Qinghai took out his ears and said nonchalantly, "I only said that you would return your commander, but I didn't say that you would also return the things on your commander's body. Before you arrived, your commander's Daoji had been refined by our alliance leader and could not be returned. Strange

It's my fault that you came late, it's not that we have no integrity. "

"You bastards, you bastards, do you dare to do this without fear of fighting to the death with our Lieyang Dynasty?" The other ambassador's eyes were red with anger.

Luo Ling sneered, "Do you think our Prehistoric Alliance is intimidated? It doesn't matter if you come and break us up."

The other party’s ambassador: “You shameless people, I will spread your shamelessness to the whole nine heavens and ten places!”

Murong Tianhua "How many people believe what a group of invaders say? Shut your stinky mouth quickly. If you don't know, I thought there was a excrement bucket spraying excrement at me!"

The two sides bickered for a full two and a half hours, and finally broke up unhappily.

When the soul of Marshal Di Rong left, he looked at the Tianmen of the Divine City of Creation and gritted his teeth and said, "The Great Desolate Alliance, the Heaven of Creation, sooner or later I will lead my troops to kill you and burn all of you here!!"

After leaving such a curse, Commander Di Rong was taken away by people from Lieyang Dynasty.

The third wave of envoys came from the Tianju Palace of the Netherworld Dynasty.

The people from Tianju Palace came here to exchange for Tianjue Xingdou.

However, the people from the Prehistoric Alliance did not capture Tianjuan Xingdou at all, but they did not trick the Nether Dynasty. They directly informed Tianjuan Xingdou that Tianjuan Xingdou was not captured by the Ancient Alliance, and that someone else had captured Tianjuan Xingdou.

Initially, the people in Tianyuan Palace did not believe it, but after Luo Ling swore to prove it, they became doubtful. In the end, the deputy commander and some generals who were captured during the Nether Dynasty's expedition were exchanged and taken away.

Originally, someone internally proposed to cheat the Nether Dynasty, that is to say, first cheat the opponent's resources, and finally tell the truth that Tianjuo Xingdou is not in the Heaven of Creation.

But in the end, Luo Ling, Murong Tianhua, and Tuoba Qinghai did not agree to do this.

In this way, the Prehistoric Alliance will lose its diplomatic trust in the world.

Losing diplomatic trust is also a very serious matter. In the future, if you want to exchange your prisoners for your own people, they can also trap you in this way, kill your soldiers and prisoners, and trap your resources.

Even if countries are hostile and have a war, there will always be a certain degree of diplomatic understanding, such as in the exchange of prisoners, or in the fact that neither side will easily use methods such as ecological annihilation.

This is why the top bosses usually do not reduce the dimensionality of the city and massacre the enemy's city, because if you do it, others can do it, and everyone does it. The underlying systems of both parties collapse, and then the inheritance is cut off and the population extinct.

Just like Zhang Yi deceived Chu, they easily deceived the King of Chu. This is not to say that the King of Chu is a fool, but that the King of Chu did not expect that the promise made by the dignified Prime Minister of a country is like farting. After all, people at that time were more focused on the spirit of contract, and even two people Chinese soldiers pay great attention to rules and etiquette.

But it was also at the beginning of that era that rituals and music collapsed.

The consequences of losing diplomatic trust among major powers are quite serious, so the Prehistoric Alliance did not do this because it gained immediate benefits and lost more plans for the future.

When Lei Yuluan attacked Bashe City, he promised to spare the people in the city. When the city opened, he led his men to fight in and issued an order to massacre the city. Why did he want to massacre the city?

It's not that he is a perverted person who likes to kill people, but he wants to conceal the truth to prevent the credibility of the Phoenix Holy Land from being destroyed, and at the same time, to avoid inspiring the Chaos races to unite more with the Prehistoric Alliance.

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