Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 6740: The Alliance’s Trouble


Zhao Dinghai's words made Meng Ying feel a little embarrassed.

Indeed, when I spend money in Tianlongshi, I do feel a sense of superiority, especially in front of the little sisters who joined the Qianlong Guard together. Seeing their envy and jealousy, my inner vanity will be satisfied.

However, she still said stubbornly: "I think the race equality system of the Prehistoric Alliance is pretty good. They have so many races and are so complicated. Why can they achieve equality?"

Zhao Dinghai sneered: "My silly sister, you don't really think that the system of the Prehistoric Alliance is completely equal, do you? Impossible!"

"The reason why the Prehistoric Alliance has a racial equality system is also related to their internal ecological and political environment. Let me ask you, what race is Luo Yu?"

"Human race!"

"Where's Mu Feng?"

"Asura clan!"

"Where's Xiang Chen?"

"This - the hybrid between other people and Shura people??"

Zhao Dinghai said: "Emperor Yu is from the human race, Mu Feng is also a mixture of Shura and human races, and Xiang Chen is also a mixed race. The human race has the lowest status in ancient times. It is the ration of the demon race and the witch race." "Why are they doing this?" Racial equality? Because they all have human ancestry, they had to use this as the reason and goal when they revolted, to lead the weak human race to rise and progress and become the overlord. This is their basic base.

It is also the basis for the cohesion of the human race to gather on them! "

"Even the once weak and humble human race has become a powerful race. Will other races be satisfied? Of course not, so there are billions of years of history of racial wars and wars for racial supremacy!" "Later, The Prehistoric Alliance is established. Human race, Shura, Monster race, Dragon race, and Witch race are all in the same system. So what is the difference between high and low? If you are a human race and you are superior to others, we, the Witch race, will agree, and the Monster race will agree.

? "

"Of course I won't agree. You were once my slave and only had rations. How can I still let you stand on top of me?"

"But if the Witch Clan and Monster Clan are allowed to be superior to others, will the human race agree? Let alone agree. I, the human race has worked hard generation after generation to reach the status of hegemony. How can I tolerate my descendants and myself being inferior to others anymore?"

"Since no one will admit that one is nobler than the other, the best solution is to abolish the racial system. You must know that there were serious racial and social hierarchies in the ancient witch and demon clans."

"Now that everyone upholds racial equality, this multi-racial alliance system can eliminate most of the conflicts. This is also the need of their ecological environment."

"But do you think they are truly equal?"

"This -" Meng Ying didn't know how to answer when she heard this, and said: "For ordinary people, there is complete racial equality."

Zhao Dinghai still shook his head. "The Shura people are naturally good at fighting. They fight without their lives and are fierce. They are born to fight harder than the human race. The emperor witches are born with amazing talents and are stronger than most ancient races. Although the human race cannot compare with their innate physique in all aspects, but

The human race is good at learning, has strong understanding, and is good at technology and manufacturing. "In such a big environment, everyone is equal. How do you improve your social status?" Then you can only try your best to get involved, and get involved in high-level affairs. In order to prevent your own race from becoming a weak race again, there will be secret fights between races.

Jin, fight like crazy, don’t let your race fall behind! "

"Equality, this is a privilege that can only be obtained when the power of a large family is about the same!"

"When you change from a lion to a kitten and talk about equality with a tiger, the tiger will just slap you to death without hesitation!"

"When you remain a lion, you and the tiger will be wary of each other. Only when the king does not see the king can there be equality and peace." "Looking at today's world, the world is even more like this. There is no peaceful world, only strong countries. Our empire is weak, and others Forces will come to bully us. Only when we are strong will other forces respect us and treat us as equals.

status. "

“The dragon tribe has a large number, a large base, and reproduces quickly, but they don’t produce as many top talents as other dragon tribes, so their social status is low.

And the empire needs people like them who can reproduce quickly and have a large base to maintain the operation of countless jobs at the grassroots level. It cannot provide them with too high a status. Everyone is noble. Who can do the low-level work of a tuberose man? Work? "

"Furthermore, their status is also needed to maintain the superiority of the elite races."

Meng Ying sighed: "In this way, if being born into the dragon race is really a suffocating and despairing thing, then isn't the system of the Prehistoric Alliance better?"

Zhao Dinghai shook his head: "Otherwise, when you are a dragon tribe and have a low social status, what is the only way?

Naturally, only by cultivating desperately, becoming stronger, and moving upstream can we have a chance to escape from this environment. For people with such high status as Dragon Lord, this can actually stimulate more strong people in the Dragon Tribe! "If a group of dragons with low racial talent are allowed to have the same social status as the dragons with high talent, the empire will collapse. The elite will no longer enjoy such a sense of superiority. They will overthrow the current dynasty and establish a new one that can oppress others."

An empire where people come to please their own spiritual needs. "Similarly, it won't work if the upstream channel of the dragon people is completely cut off. The hopeless dragon people will easily rebel. Look at Miao Shiwen. Although he criticizes the racial system, he is actually lower than him in cultivation and in a lower position." for his

High-level races are superior. "

"It's just that there will be a gap between him and others at the same level. The only way he can change this gap is to become a Grand Master of Formation!" "As long as he becomes a Grand Master of Formation, the several ministers he is currently complaining about will immediately Kneel down and lick him, no matter what race he is, and he will also get great spiritual satisfaction. This is the biggest motivation for his progress, and it can make people improve quickly.

The only thing that improves ability is ambition and desire! "

"His existence will become the goal and benchmark for countless dragon people to work hard, driving the dragon people to roll up!"

"When the dragon people roll up, they start to get stronger. The dragons upstream, such as Tianlong and Suanni, will feel the pressure and roll up. This roll up will bring about benign results, that is, the Dongsu Empire will become stronger and stronger.

In the final analysis, the results are similar to those of the Prehistoric Alliance's racial equality system, and may even be faster than them! "

Meng Ying's eyes were full of admiration and she said: "Brother, I always thought you were a fool before. How could you suddenly see this so clearly?"

Zhao Dinghai's face turned a little dark, and he said angrily: "After all, I am also a person standing at the top of the imperial pyramid, right? My thinking is naturally improving, and of course I must learn to understand these national policies."

Meng Ying looked suspicious: "Is it really you who made the progress yourself?"

Zhao Dinghai coughed dryly: "Of course, His Royal Highness often teaches me how to understand these national policies."

"However, the racial equality system of the Prehistoric Alliance actually has a huge trouble!" "What trouble?"

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