Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 10: Self-cultivation

Chu Chu was shocked, no matter how those people behind him thought about him.

He has arrived at Yaowang Pavilion at this moment.

When he came last time, he was stopped outside the door. This time he hadn't entered the door, someone had already entered to inform him, Luo Shengyu personally greeted him.

"Master Chu, you are here! Miss is waiting for you!"

Old Lin quickly greeted him.

He glanced at Chu Jingtian who came empty-handed, with a little doubt in his eyes, he couldn't help asking: "I don't know what method Master Chu uses to heal my lady?"

He saw that Chu Jingtian didn't bring spiritual herbs. If someone else had been polite, he would have scolded him, but in front of Chu Jingtian, he still had to be respectful.

"I don't need those for healing!"

来到 He came to Qin Ruoxi, just like last time, and patted it gently.

A few strands of inner strength went into Qin Ruoxi's meridian along his palm.

不要 "Don't resist! Use your strength and strike in my direction!"

Feeling the inner strength into the body, Qin Ruoxi was shocked, and the subconscious operation method. After hearing Chu Jingtian's applause, he quickly closed his eyes and mobilized his inner strength according to the words.

Gao Lin looked at the two strangely, with doubt in his face.

I want to know, in the past, the doctors who healed the wounds for the young lady all looked at what they heard and did n’t know how to start. Can he just heal the wounds for Qin Ruoxi?

Luo Luosheng Yu is undoubted that he has him, he almost treats Chu Jingtian as a **** of trust.

"Now you can try the exercises again!" After a while, Chu Jingtian retracted his right hand and asked.

Qin Ruoxi nodded, and worked a bit, and found that the pain on the body was no longer there, relieved with relief.

Her pair of beautiful eyes stared at Chu Jingtian:

"Master Chu, how did you do that?"

"There is something wrong with the exercises you practice. To a certain extent, you will damage the meridians. I just pushed the boat down the river to clear your meridians." Chu Jingtian said lightly.

Lin Lao, who was aside, almost didn't bite his tongue.

How difficult is it to get through the meridians?

At least you can do it with strong spirits, but there are certain risks. Although the Qin family is very powerful, you can find a strong person with a real spirit to help, but no one is as easy as Chu Jingtian!

But he didn't know. Is Chu Jingtian's control of power comparable to those who are really strong?

对 "By the way, the last thing I asked for, did you find it for me?"

Su Chu shocked suddenly remembered something, and quickly looked at Qin Ruoxi.

"Master Chu, please look at it, there are six‘ Thousand Fruits ’!”

Lao Lin quickly took out a wooden box with a special texture and opened it. On the red cloth were six pine cone-sized fruits of different colors.

As soon as Chu Chu saw the sky, a hint of joy appeared in her eyes, and she nodded with satisfaction.

"With this Qian Shenguo, I can refine the enlightenment while refining the gasification environment."

"I am too late in my previous life, my mental strength has already been solidified, and I cannot reach a higher level. This world is coming, and I will definitely go farther than my previous life!"

Qian Shen Guo is the most important scented herb for refining ‘Shaping Soul Dan’. All materials are necessary, but Qian Shen Guo is indispensable. However, the Dayan Dynasty was short of supplies, and only the royal family could get a thousand gods.

In the meantime, Soul-Shaping Dan is an elixir that is indispensable for his spiritual cultivation. Although it can be replaced with a lower-level ‘Gu Soul Dan’, even if he can successfully enter the Tao, it will have a certain impact on future cultivation.

This is like building a house and laying the foundation. The high-rise buildings rise flat, and the foundation is not laid. Although it will not be affected in a short time, the impact in the future will indeed be huge.

"Master Chu, my ancestor of the Qin family was plagued by ills. I wonder if you can heal it?" Qin Ruoxi calmly said, only slowly.

"Heal the dead, flesh and bones, as long as there is still a breath, I can save it!" Chu Jingtian accepted Qian Shenguo and glanced at Qin Ruoxi, "Do you want to ask me to heal?"


Qin Ruoxi quickly said:

"My ancestor of the Qin family fought against people decades ago and was wounded. When he was young, he was able to suppress an injury. For example, this year, old diseases broke out. He can be cured with non-ordinary medicine and stones! My Qin family owes you a favor! "

The old Lin Lin also looked at Chu Jingtian eagerly.

If you are an ordinary doctor, the Qin family has orders. But in the face of Chu Jingtian, they can't get upset. I can only respectfully invite you!

Wu Chu shocked and condensed for a moment, and nodded.

"OK, I promised!"

Although the Qin family is the family of the Dayan Dynasty. But its business spanned three dynasties, and it was not an exaggeration to use the rich and the enemy.

The financial resources of the Great Dayan Dynasty were not even half that of the Qin family.

Although the Qin family did not participate in politics, many countries were troubled by it. People like Qin Ruoxi, who are members of the Qin family of the Qin family, have a higher status than the royal nobles of the royal family!

If Qi is a past life, Chu Jingtian will naturally not care about the Qin family. But now he is reborn and reborn, and everything starts again. There are many places that need to borrow the power of the Qin family!

As far as that thousand **** fruit is concerned, if it is not Qin Ruoxi, he may have to retreat to refining 'Guhundan'!

Thinking of this, Chu Jingtian calmly thought:

不过 "However, I have to be prepared, and I can start tomorrow!"

"Thank you Master Chu!"

Qin Ruoxi quickly thanks.

As soon as Chu Chu was shocked and enthralled by her, she took out a mentality from her arms and gave it to Luo Shengyu.

Since he accepted the other disciple as a disciple, Chu Jingtian naturally had to teach him some methods, otherwise Luo Shengyu would not learn well in the future. Wouldn't it have fallen into the face of his overlord?

Luo Shengyu quickly took the booklet, opened it quickly, couldn't help but say dumbly:

"Master Chu, this" One Hundred and Eighteen Forging Gods "is a practice method for cultivating the Taoism. Did you get the wrong cheats?"

In his opinion, Chu Jingtian should have given him books such as "Dan Dao" and "Yao Jing", so he asked such questions.

"Stupid, infidelity, how do you make higher elixir?"

Chu Chu frowned, looking at Luo Shengyu's confused look, and knew that the other party didn't understand the relationship between the cultivation of Taoism and alchemy at all!

Not only was Luo Shengyu unclear, but even Qin Ruoxi and Lin Lao on the side were also confused.

Sighing, he explained:

"Elixir is divided into nine levels!"

"First-order, second-order, and third-order elixir can be smelted by ground fire. If you want to refinish fourth-order or even more than fourth-order elixir, you need to practise your path and subdue the 'red fire'! It can only be terminated in the third-order Dan division. "

What is 地 火? The ground fire is also called 'the fire of the earth's veins', which is induced from the ground.

Luo Danhuo is a kind of fire between heaven and earth. How to conquer Danhuo ca n’t be cultivated. And alchemy is a long-term matter. Without enough powerful thoughts, it is impossible to maintain the flames of the flames. Therefore, every high-ranking Dan master is a strong person who cultivates spirituality!

"Master Chu, you must be the reincarnation of the ancient elixir master!"

Luo Shengyu Mao set off.

His ancestors stayed on top of the third-order Danshi throughout his life, and never broke through. It wasn't until he heard Chu Jingtian's remarks that he understood the reason, and he didn't know why it was so difficult for others to become Danshi.

In the end, they chose the wrong way!

"I'm not a master of ancient elixir. You just have to remember that after you become my named disciple, your life is in my hands. If you dare to move the slightest betrayal thoughts, it will be Shangqiongbi falling to Huangquan, and I will Let you die without burial! "

Chu Chu was shocked and lightly said that although he was not the master of ancient elixir, he was even more honorable than the master of ancient elixir!

"The disciples dare not!"

Luo Luo Shengyu's heart twitched. He couldn't wait for Chu Jingtian's brains to go to soup and fire. How could he betray a little bit?

Chu Chu was so shocked that he didn't dare.

的 The one he gave to Luo Shengyu today can be taken back ten times and one hundred times from him tomorrow, and the words are just a slap.

Uh ...

It is not unreasonable that Shaowangwangge could stand in the Dayan Dynasty. Chu Jingtian found a lot of medicines, which was enough for him to reshape the soul.

This time, he deliberately slowed down his movements so that Luo Shengyu could see his technique clearly.

Soul molding is the most difficult one of the first-order elixir. The second-order elixir often makes mistakes, but this is not a problem for him. After a while, nine elixir were released, and each one was They are all superb.

I left Luo Shengyu with any income, Chu Jingtian went directly into the closet.

The next step is to heal the ancestors of the Qin family. It may not be as simple as Qin Ruoxi, so he must do everything, otherwise he will throw a stone and hit his own feet!

of course.

He cultivated by himself. Naturally, he would no longer use the superficial method of "One Hundred and Eight Forging Gods", but chose "building gods". If we say "One Hundred and Eighteen Forging Gods" is to use spiritual power as pig iron, forging it over and over again, and turning it into a **** of smelting into steel.

Then "building God" is to completely tear up the spiritual power and rebuild it. Such methods of creating divine thoughts are tantamount to recasting, but one can imagine how powerful they are.

"God's thoughts are the foundation of the cultivation of Taoism. In my previous life, because the thoughts were not strong enough for casting, I could not be promoted to a higher level ~ ~ This time, I must make it more perfect!"

"I am a human being, and my mental strength is stronger than that of ordinary people. A maximum of five" Soul-Shaping Pants "is enough!"

"Start practicing!"

I swallowed five plastic soul puffs in one gulp, and Chu Jingtian started his tactics.


The sound of suddenly sounded. This sound came from the torn spirit. It was inaudible with ears. It can only be heard in the spiritual level.

I saw that the torn spiritual power was built up layer by layer like bricks and bricks under the method of “building God”.

有人 If someone looks at Chu Jingtian at this time, he must find that within three square meters of his center, the space is distorted, and even the sight of the past is blurred.

Although he closed his eyes tightly, he was still able to ‘see’ everything around him:

He can see the direction of the airflow exhaled by Luo Shengyu, he can see the pedestrians from outside the Yaowang Pavilion, he can see the breeze blowing over the grass's swinging body, he can ...

However, the sudden increase in thoughts came to a sudden stop.

"What's wrong, none of the five soul-sculpting dandelions can shape the mind? This ..."

Chu Chu is inexplicably surprised.

An ordinary person is often a soul-sculpting pill enough to shape the divine thought. When he resurrects his life, his mental strength must be several times stronger than that of ordinary people. Therefore, he chose five deliberately.

"Fortunately, I still have nine soul-sculpting dans, I don't believe this will not succeed!"

Chu Chu was so stunned that he couldn't be distracted and took the sixth Soul-Shaping Pill.

Seventh! Eighth! Ninth!

Under the powerful method of building divine magic, the invisible spiritual power was torn up and rebuilt. Over time, Chu Jingtian's thoughts have become more and more perfect.

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