Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1132: Judge Cui

Chu Jingtian never imagined that Hong Luocha brought Cui's judge all over. After all, this person in front of him, but the old core member of the land government, belongs to the second batch of people joining the land government, powerful and terrible.

It is just that although the judge Cui is powerful, he is not good at business. Instead, he was given four or two pounds by the giant spirit **** and repeatedly suffered losses.

"Mr. Chu, Judge Cui came, did you just let us stand at the door and not invite us in?" Hong Luosha on the side squeezed his eyes at Chu Jingtian.

Until then, Chu Jingtian didn't respond. He was too surprised and even forgot to greet the two of them: "I didn't expect to be the famous Judge Cui.

Chu Jingtian hurriedly invited them in.

At the same time, he had some doubts in his mind.

This existence of Judge Cui rarely appeared in these divisions, and most of them stayed at the headquarters. Why did you come here suddenly and came to find yourself with Hong Luocha?

At this time, Hong Luocha opened his mouth to solve Chu Jingtian's doubts:

"Judge Cui heard about the betrothed of Chen Shengxian a few days ago. When passing by the branch, he came to see you specially."

And Judge Cui quietly looked at Chu Jingtian.

Although it was his first meeting with Chu Jingtian today, it was not the first time he heard it. No matter it is Bailong Mountain or Hengyun Tianlin, he has heard Hong Luocha mentioned such a person.

But what really made him notice Chu Chutian was the post-Tu Niangniang. The other party even asked once before coming here.

"If the average person saw me, I would be afraid to tremble. I didn't expect this boy to be so free and not humble, so no wonder the Empress Dowager valued him so much!"

Thinking of this, he nodded: "I have been with the Giant Spirit God for nearly 300 years since he met. Although the Giant Spirit God is not as good as me, he knows how to operate. Every time I compete, I lose more and win less. .

Now you have not only settled a branch of the giant spirit god, but also killed and killed one of his golden sages, it is considered to have escaped a little face for me! "

"Emphasis, I'm just trying my best." Chu Jingtian said politely.

Judge Cui secretly shook his head.

It is a shame for him to be suppressed by someone who is not as good as himself. To the extent that he once shot and killed Zuo Zong himself, this shows how insufficient the manpower is.

Thinking of this, Judge Cui raised his head and said, "Okay, I won't sell any more. This time I came to promote you as a gold member and let you lead a branch."

"Really?" Chu Jingtian frowned slightly.

"Counselor Cui can still lie to you?" Seeing Chu Jingtian's disbelief, Hong Luosha said quickly.

In fact, he was shocked to add.

According to Chu Jingtian's potential and credit, it will be sooner or later to be promoted to become a gold member, but it will not be possible for at least these three or five years, because he joined the prefecture for too short a time.

"I'm afraid I'm not strong enough!"

Chu Jingtian Shen Ning refused decisively.

As a gold member, the first goal is to have enough strength. Otherwise, how do you suppress subordinates and how to deal with Tiangong. Just a Chen Shengxian has almost driven him to a dead end.

What's more, Chen Shengxian is not the most powerful one among the gold members of the giant spirit god.

"Although you are not strong enough, you have enough potential, so you don't need to be arrogant."

Judge Cui glanced at the sky. He still remembers how excited the other party was when he promoted Hong Luosha to the gold member, but it was only half-pushing to the other.

"Theoretically, your cultivation is really not enough. The hard standard for becoming a gold member is to reach the Eight Masters. But you already have the means to fight against the Eight Masters, so it is not too difficult to suppress a secret palace. "

"Not to mention the establishment of a Tiangong branch also takes a while, and I don't limit your time, how?"

After Judge Cui finished speaking, he looked at Chu Jingtian and waited for the answer.

Hong Luocha on the side was envious of death. He didn't have so much preferential treatment as Chu Jingtian. And Judge Cui just asked you if you want to be promoted to the gold member, and if you don't want to, you can get it.

"it is good!"

Judge Cui has said all this, and if he refuses again, he will really not give the other side a little bit of face. Chu Jingtian thought for a while, and this was the answer.

Upon seeing this, Judge Cui nodded secretly.

"By the way, I heard that when you deal with Chen Shengxian, you used a very strange method. Has the sequelae of that method been removed?"

Now that Chu Jingtian has agreed, he naturally has to give some benefits.

Therefore, he thought of the exercises used by Chu Jingtian.

After all, the exercises that can ignite the potential instantly and stimulate several times their strength will cause great damage to the body.

"Not yet!" Chu Jingtian shook his head.

"Let me see." Judge Cui said.

Now that the other party has offered to take the initiative ~ ~ Chu Jingtian didn't hesitate, he just stretched out his hand. After all, the other party is a core member of the prefecture. If he is willing to take a shot, he will naturally save himself a lot of trouble.

Judge Cui nodded and penetrated into the body of Chu Jingtian.

But as soon as he touched, he couldn't help frowning.

Chu Jingtian's body looked like nothing unusual, very strong, full of vitality and blood, forming a leak-free body. However, the internal organs of the body are entangled by a huge death gas.

"This is it?" Judge Cui said.

"Side effects of" Undead Demon Festival "!" Chu Jingtian said directly. "I used it three times in the Xianwu world, this is the fourth time, and it has reached a critical point of an explosion!"

Even without Chu Jingtian's explanation, Judge Cui could feel that the dead gas engulfed in Chu Jingtian's body had reached the extreme, and even a slight increase would become the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, causing the dead gas to erupt completely.

At the same time, Chu Jingtian's words shocked Judge Cui slightly. He raised his head and looked at Chu Jingtian in shock:

"Are you using Undead Sacrifice?"

"Judge Cui, do you know this method?" Chu Jingtian frowned, and his heart was very surprised. There are many exercises in the holy realm, many of which he has never heard of before. I did not expect that Judge Cui had heard of the "Undead Deity Offering".

However, it is normal to want to come, after all, the other party is the second core member of the land government, located at the pinnacle of the entire holy realm, and the level of exposure is even wider than his previous life.

So it is not surprising to know the "Undead Deity Offering".

But the next move of Judge Cui made Chu Jingtian's heart tighten. I saw Judge Cui taking the godly thoughts back and shaking his head with a long sigh:

"I didn't expect that you actually used the" Undead Deity Festival ", which is a little troublesome!"

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