Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1155: Immortal Buddhism

The sermon lasted for three days.

Many people listened to it.

What shocked everyone was that Chu Jingtian was as proficient in practice as he said. It is even more aware of the caster, alchemy ... as if to him, there is nothing in this world that he does not know.

Until the end of the sermon.

Shen Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw him get up and worship before Chu Jingtian:

"The Lord is above, and I, Shen Zhou, made an oath today, and will no longer be hostile to Dao Xianzong. If this oath is violated, people and gods will be angry!"

"Whoever is hostile to Dao Xianzong is hostile to me, Shenzhou!"

When he spoke, he was dancing in a huge wicked atmosphere.

It is like writing a dragon and a snake, writing countless characters in the void. These characters flow quickly, and he actually wrote the words he had said before in the void and directly entered his own soul.

Seeing this scene, countless people were shocked.

This is swearing by the spirit. Once he has the idea to be the enemy of Dadao Xianzong in the future, without Chu Jingtian's shot, he will lose his soul and no one can save him.

As soon as he said this, all the people present returned to God and made vows:

"I swear today that eternal life will not be the enemy of Daoxianzong!"

"I swear here ..."

"I swear, too!"

A strong Demon fighter scrambled to stand up and made vows with the spirits.

Chu Jingtian didn't have any reservations, so giving them professional preaching is justified to bow down as a teacher. Moreover, the other party is vast and erudite, so the selflessness revealed behind it is even more terrifying.

Why do ordinary people teach their disciples to keep one hand? Even before I was dying, would I surrender my most proud peerless school? It was worried that after the disciples learned, they surpassed themselves.

But Chu Jingtian teaches like this, where is there a little bit worried? Not even a little care. The more so, the more they felt that the shock was unpredictable. Enemies against this horrible existence may be a nightmare of their life!

So it is better to make an oath here.

"My husband is like that!"

Bai Jing looked at the field, and the two strong men who were lame and would shake the whole fairy martial arts would make vows face to face, only to feel an unreal feeling.

She just felt that after seeing such a man, she would be indifferent to the future existence.

Many people sigh in their hearts.

Maybe before, the avenue Xianzong was just the first gate of the Xianwu world. But after today, there is no more dare to doubt the status of Dao Xianzong in the whole Xianwu world.

With the end of the three days of preaching.

The warriors who came to observe retreated, and then dispersed.

What these three days Chu Jingtian said to them is just like heavenly books. Many people can only understand one or two sentences intermittently. The rest may take years or even decades to digest.

Once digested, you can break through immediately.

For a time, in the entire immortal realm, whenever there is a head and face, the first thing to return to Zongmen is to retreat. Of course, before the retreat, these people even announced the family. Whenever they encounter Avenue Sect, they must choose to retreat!

And the other side.

Chu Jingtian was also preparing to leave the avenue Xianzong.

This time when he left the immortal realm, he couldn't come back in a short time, and he had to build a secret place in the prefecture. Looking at the Jiulong Tianshan in his hand, Chu Jingtian nodded secretly, then the next step was to find a suitable place in the holy realm and let this Jiulong Tianshan down.

As for the matter of Avenue Sect of the Avenue, he need not worry.

This time, Avenue Xianzong of Dadao has settled on the title of the first gate of the Xianwu world, and at least thousands of years will not be dared to move any further. After the millennium, the avenue Xianzong will be stronger, and no one will make an idea.

As for the matter of the barren land, Chu Jingtian also pretended to be casual and Fu Hongtian said a little bit, so that they could take precautions early to prevent the invasion of the ancient relics.

However, after today, a large number of Eight Realm Powers will emerge in the entire immortal world. Those ordinary ancient relics can no longer pose a great threat. As for the real horrible existence of the ancient relics, their goal is still the holy realm.

These things are worrying about the Holy Family.


But two days of effort, Chu Jingtian stepped into the holy realm again.

Suddenly, the thick aura in the holy realm wrapped the body again.

"Still comfortable in the holy realm!"

Chu Jingtian couldn't help it.

The higher the revision, the greater the dependence on the environment. It has been a long time in the environment of Xianwujie. Although it will not have any impact on Xiuwei, it is like the amphibians came to the desert from the water. After all, it is still uncomfortable.

"It's better to find an uninhabited area and let go of the Tianshan Mountains in Jiulong. If you can find one or two space cracks, it would be better!"

Chu Jingtian was sitting on the back of Nether Fire Phoenix, thinking secretly.

His vision of this secret place is similar to that of the Heavenly Palace secret place in the Beacon Mountains.

After all, this is a mountain peak ~ ~ If you just find a place to release it, how can you hide the all-pervasive Tiangong secret agent? Even if a psychedelic array is applied outside, it can only deceive some ordinary people, and there is no defense in front of the Heavenly Palace.

There is no such problem in space cracks.

These divisions of space cracks are in any area of ​​the Holy Realm, even in the streets from which cars come and go ... but these space cracks are only trivial.

Others have gradually expanded to form an independent space, which is the origin of most of the mysteries.

There are even some special space cracks. These cracks were left by the power of other worlds when they came to the holy realm. Some of these cracks have been closed, but others still exist, forming channels.

Of course, for Chu Jingtian, the nature he wants to find is some kind of space cracks in the secret type.

"But this kind of space crack is hard to find!"

Chu Jingtian's heart was dark and quiet.

After all, although there are many space cracks, it may be less than one in ten thousand that can become a secret place. But in the second tenths of a million, some space is too small, or the space is unstable, and it cannot be used as a mystery at all.

The only ones are occupied by others. As for the rest, one or two suitable secrets can be found, of course, very few. And in line with Chu Jingtian's expectations, there is no other way.

"A headache!"

Chu Jingtian squeezed his head.

"How come to think of agreeing with Judge Cui and accepting the suggestion of the construction of the local government branch, isn't it to find something for yourself!"

Although there is a headache, this is no way out.

Let's find a suitable place for Dongfu for yourself!

He thought in his mind, a sudden stroke of a place in his mind, suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

"Yes, maybe there!"

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